

Melissa This scene made me envious, and at that moment, I wished to also have someone who would love me. Someone who would leave his comfort zone and make an exception for me. Just like any other girl, I also yearn for a relationship. One without heartbreaks. A lifetime kind of love. I know that heartbreak is inevitable, that there are no beds of roses for being in love but still hope and wish to get someone loyal. Max And we met again, unexpectedly, in the coffee shop. The funniest thing is that every time I was in a cranky mood is when our paths would cross. Was it really fate? I was only joking, knowing that she had politely denied me her number without sounding proud and elitist. The shock on her face was priceless, and just like that, my bad mood disappeared as I found myself a fun companion. I loved how she would switch personality so fast without even knowing it. At the first meeting, she was this goofy kind of girl, at the town square, a shy girl but clever not to sway off, then at the coffee, her words still ring in my ears like a seduction from a goddess. *** "You said the first meeting is considered an accident, the second meeting a coincidence?" It was more of a statement than a question, and I could not help but wonder why he suddenly asked that question. "Yeah..." I answered hesitantly, not knowing what he was driving at. "Then what about a third meeting? Fate?" He asked, my heart picking a beat. *** Melissa is a hardworking, passionate young lady who lives alone with her kindhearted and adamant grandmother who always insists on her to get a boyfriend. Melissa, bothered by her grandmother's constant nagging, ends up lying to her grandmother, giving her the description of the guy, she saw in the bus and telling her that he's, her boyfriend. Little did Melissa know that she was going to cross paths with the same guy and slowly fall for his charms and sweet talk.

Adlyne_Faith · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Seal with a kiss


Once we were out of sight, Melissa let go of my hand as if it burnt her.

"Happy? Jumpy, Bubbly, What was that?" She raised her eyebrows at me, and I just laughed.

She looked cute when agitated.

"You were having the best time with Bibi making things about me that aren't true."

"Me being your boyfriend isn't true either." I pointed out, trying to hide my smile.

"Yeah, about that," She scratched the back of her neck, looking at me awkwardly.

"Yeah, about that. You know it would have been easy if you had asked straightforwardly to be your boyfriend- "

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" I could not even finish what I wanted to say when she shook me with her words. My eyes circled with shock.

"What I am trying to say is...err...not technically my boyfriend but pretend to be my boyfriend just for a while for Bibi." I am sure she wasn't breathing when she finished with her rumblings.

"Whoa, whoa, come down crazy. I know you are beautiful and all that, but sorry, I don't do dating. I thought I made myself clear back in the house."

"I am not asking you to date me, just pretending. That isn't a big deal."

"Is it?" I eyed her, narrowing my eyes. "You still haven't explained why I was dragged from the coffee shop with your grandmother and why she was referring to me as your boyfriend."

"And I am sorry, okay," She cut in, throwing her hands up in the air.

"You see, it's just Bibi has been driving me crazy all this while about me getting a boyfriend, so I thought, what if I tell her that I have one, then maybe she will get off my back. Little did I know it made matters worse." She continued.

"And I was your test subject."

"Only because I was sure we would never meet again."

"Well, jokes on you now."

"Tell me about it. Such a grandma I have." She rolled her eyes, releasing a heavy sigh.

"She is quite something," A chuckle escaped my lips, still believing what happened earlier.

"Why lie that you have a boyfriend anyway? You don't look like someone who lacks men's attention... " I trailed off, checking her from head to toe.

She has the body a man can die for. Curvy at all the right places. Her chest wasn't big nor small, not to forget her sexy legs. It's either the men in this area were blind, or she just didn't entertain anyone.

"I don't need any distractions in my life." she started walking.

"So that means you are..."

"What?" she snapped, turning around to face me.

"Just because I have never had a boyfriend does not mean I am a-"

"Easy tiger. What I was going to say was that you are single." I cut her short. She looked puzzled, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Someone has a dirty mind.

"Whatever," she huffed, looking anywhere but me. I could literally see the wheels in her head-turning, trying to cook some crazy schemes.

¨Alright, then, I will be taking my leave while you keep thinking of how to get out of this mess.¨ I flashed her a wide grin and proceeded to leave when she grabbed my arm in panic.

¨I know you love my muscles, but you don't have to dig your claws every time you feel like doing it. I am just a name call away." I looked lazily at her, slightly enjoying the shocked, then embarrassed look on her face as she quickly let go of my hand.

¨Please be my boyfriend,¨ Came her pleading voice, staring at me with those black cat eyes. The way her voice sounded - begging - made me shake my head, chuckling at how naive she looked at the moment.

I always saw her as a mixture of innocence and some unravelled wildness in her. But now, I could clearly see her façade dropping one by one, revealing her true self.

"I think you might have read too many books and watched too many movies." I scoffed and started walking, trying to get away from her madness.

"Listen, will you at least try to think of it then? I am not asking you to like me, or fall in love with me. I solely need you to pretend, for a while, that is." she insisted, following me. I let out a frustrated sigh, abruptly stopping and turning so that I could face her.

"And how will I benefit from all this craziness? If I agree, then what will I get from it? I cocked my eyebrow at her. She kept quiet for a while as if she was thinking of something crazy again.

¨And give me one good reason why I should be helping you? We are not friends or acquaintances. And we unquestionably have nothing that relates to us at all. Why should I aid a crazy girl who would go to such heights to deceive her beloved grandma?" I think I saw a flash of hurt in her eyes, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. It was so first that I doubted if it was true or my hallucination.

"See, you have nothing to offer me, no offence, but you have no money to pay me, so what can you possibly offer me?" I continued, my eyes never once leaving hers.

¨I can offer you more than you can imagine.¨ The moment Melissa's mouth moved, I expected something stupid and crazy, but what she uttered left me in shock.

Why is the image I have of her slowly crumbling?

I thought she was different. That she had her principles, but now...

'I can offer you more than you can imagine.'

Those words were like a rude awakening. Did she want to exchange her body only to keep lying to Bibi? What on...

¨The land.¨ Her voice pierced through my dark train of thoughts, making me freeze for some seconds, restarting my mind.

What? What did she just say?

¨You told me that you have been looking for land.¨ She continued, gaining all my attention.

¨What about the land?" I asked. A frown marred my face wondering what she was cooking now.

¨I saw your interest in one particular one: located in the Curvy Hills, right?

¨ Narrowing my eyes a little bit.


¨I happened to know the owner of the land. We are on good terms, and he treats me like her grandchild. The land is on sale, but he is very choosey when it comes to the buyers. With me aiding you, I am sure he will relent.¨ She finished her explanation, her eyes looking at me with anticipation and expectation.

I was again amazed by how quick-witted she is. She was not only able to lie to her grandmother but was now also tempting me with something I wanted so much.

Just how devious can her mind be?

"I am not interested.¨ I decided not to be an additional victim to her plots and started walking away.

¨That's too bad.¨ I heard her voice behind me, but this time, unlike other times, she was not following me.

¨From the looks of it, I can tell that you need the land urgently. It will be such a waste to let go of this golden opportunity I am giving you. You don't need to do much. Just be like a wallflower for display for my Bibi, and I will hand you the land you crave so much on a silver platter.¨

My eyes narrowed at the mention of me being a wallflower. I turned around with a glare, but she did not flinch or show any signs of being intimidated. On the contrary, she held my eyes as if accepting the challenge. A sly smile played on her lips like she figured that she had hit the jackpot.

I was contemplating, having a debate with myself on the inside. I had long decided to stay as far away as possible from her. I did not want any complications in my life.

I have seen countless men being forced to marry women they didn't like just because they hit on them. Meeting Bibi, I am sure she would go to such lengths if something happened between Melissa and me.

But then again, I needed to get hold of a good piece of land as my life depends on it. I have been going up and down since I came back from the province. The available ones didn't reach my expectation. The one that I showed Melissa back in the coffee shop was the one that I liked the most. The land is rich and located in a suitable location with suitable weather conditions. If only.

"How am I even sure what you claim is the truth?" Seems like the temptress would get what she wants after all.

"You have to trust me then like I am trusting you. Come to think of it, it's a win, win situation. I am offering you a business deal. All you have to do is pretend to be my boyfriend in front of Bibi for a month, and then we break up." An unbelievable chuckle escaped my lips as I could almost see my mother in her. She's always in business mode, even when making light requests.

"Yeah, then Bibi will have my balls for hurting her precious Habibi." I sarcastically said, air quoting her nickname. I then saw her eyes narrowing at me.

¨It's Melissa to you.¨ She said firmly.

¨And no need to worry about her. I will tell her that you had to go to study abroad and I broke up with you because I am not ready for a long-distance relationship. Easy peasy." My jaw almost dropped in amazement.

I was again at a loss of words. How did her mind come up with those ruses so quickly?

Maybe I was too haste to see her as an innocent young lady.

Not innocent at all!

"I am a genius, I know." she fluttered her eyelashes as if impressed with her plan.

"I don't think genius is the correct term. A professional fibber it is." I could not help but admonish, earning a frown from her.

"So, you are in or what?" She asked, rather annoyingly as if I was wasting her time. Heck! she had been wasting my time ever since I was dragged to her home!

She has no right to act irritated at all.

¨Listen,¨ Maybe noticing my dark look, she sighed before continuing.

¨You need the land, and I need a fake boyfriend for a month. Treat this as a business transaction. We need each other.¨ She then extended her hand for a shake, her eyes looking at me with expectation.

I wanted to laugh out loud at my current situation as it seemed funny and mostly unbelievable. How did I end up here again?

Oh right!

I shot myself in the foot the moment I got attracted to her. I thought I was the one in control, but how did the situation become like this?

However, mulling on her words, I figured there was no harm in accepting it. It's not like we were going to date for real, just pretending, and come to think of it, I was the one to receive more than her.

I will have a pretty lady for an entire month, then my land. Maybe she is indeed callow. A crooked idea popped into my mind, and I laughed inwardly, suddenly looking forward to this little drama.

¨It's a deal then.¨ I smiled crookedly at her, shaking my hands with hers. Again, warmth creeps itself into my entire body. In the split second that our hands made contact, it was like every fibre in my body and brain got electrocuted. The anticipation of what was to come filled my being.

¨Okay, but we need rules.¨ I stated once our hands retreated.

¨Rule number one, I am just posing as your boyfriend, remember that, meaning no acting like a clingy girlfriend." I warned, only for her to roll her eyes.

¨Aren't you full of yourself? No need to worry about that. You are not a magnet to attract me."

"Are you sure about that?" I smirked, taking a step towards her, expecting her to step back, but the stubborn girl only crossed her arms across her chest, not wavering one bit.

"Rule number two,¨ She ignored my question totally and continued.

¨No touching me inappropriately, or else you will regret it." I chuckled at how puerile her words sounded. Didn't she know what trouble she had got herself into?

¨We will talk about other rules later. You need to leave before it gets darker.¨ She smiled widely at me.

What a wicked woman, getting rid of me once getting what you want? My mind grumbled in distaste. A sudden thought appeared, causing a sly smile to grace my lips.

"No kiss for your hot boyfriend?" I teased, activating my charming side.

"You promised Bibi," I added, enjoying the look of shock on her face before it turned to anger.

"Maybe you need a mind refreshing, rule number two..."

"NO touching you inappropriately, yeah, yeah, I get that. So boring. No wonder you have no boyfriend. You need to loosen up a little bit.¨

¨Excuse me, I am not uptight!¨ Melissa fumed, her eyes furrowing deeply, and if possible, her eyes turned even darker.

¨Whatever makes you sleep at night. Besides, I am not asking you to let me touch you. I am only asking for a kiss from you. A goodbye kisses, or seal a deal with a kiss. Believe me, tiger, if I touch you inappropriately, you will know immediately." She huffed, tilting her head to the other side.

¨Let's hope this works out.¨ She murmured with a frown. I wanted to say something. Like she needed not to worry, that we would work together as a team but thankfully, the taxi I booked arrived just at the moment.

The last thing I wanted was for the crazy lady to think that I was concerned about her.

¨I will take my leave now, crazy woman.¨ I grinned at her, walking towards the taxi.

¨Alright, be careful.¨ She forced a smile and turned her back to leave. Getting inside the taxi, I nestled my head on the headrest, taking a deep breath before releasing it harshly.

What a long day!