

Melissa This scene made me envious, and at that moment, I wished to also have someone who would love me. Someone who would leave his comfort zone and make an exception for me. Just like any other girl, I also yearn for a relationship. One without heartbreaks. A lifetime kind of love. I know that heartbreak is inevitable, that there are no beds of roses for being in love but still hope and wish to get someone loyal. Max And we met again, unexpectedly, in the coffee shop. The funniest thing is that every time I was in a cranky mood is when our paths would cross. Was it really fate? I was only joking, knowing that she had politely denied me her number without sounding proud and elitist. The shock on her face was priceless, and just like that, my bad mood disappeared as I found myself a fun companion. I loved how she would switch personality so fast without even knowing it. At the first meeting, she was this goofy kind of girl, at the town square, a shy girl but clever not to sway off, then at the coffee, her words still ring in my ears like a seduction from a goddess. *** "You said the first meeting is considered an accident, the second meeting a coincidence?" It was more of a statement than a question, and I could not help but wonder why he suddenly asked that question. "Yeah..." I answered hesitantly, not knowing what he was driving at. "Then what about a third meeting? Fate?" He asked, my heart picking a beat. *** Melissa is a hardworking, passionate young lady who lives alone with her kindhearted and adamant grandmother who always insists on her to get a boyfriend. Melissa, bothered by her grandmother's constant nagging, ends up lying to her grandmother, giving her the description of the guy, she saw in the bus and telling her that he's, her boyfriend. Little did Melissa know that she was going to cross paths with the same guy and slowly fall for his charms and sweet talk.

Adlyne_Faith · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs



Worst day ever. I don't even know how I found myself in this situation.

Actually, I do. But I didn't know that I'd be here. Listen, everyone, there is no such thing as little white lies.

Just don't lie. Because the moment you do, the little lie will grow into something out of control. Look at me now.

It all started with me lying to Bibi that I have a boyfriend, hoping she would stop bugging me.

Then promising her that he would meet him soon, still hoping that she would cool off until we bumped into the same guy from the bus.

And Bibi recognized him from my description, then made him lie for me. Now I have a boyfriend for hire, just like in the novels.

Oh no! I can't breathe.

"Mel!" my eyes snapped wide open. I had been lost in my thoughts that I almost forgot Jessica was here. I said nothing and kept quiet. We were at Jessica's kiosk, where I was helping chopping some veggies. This is my fourth job when I am not working in the café.

Jessica owns this small business. Her boyfriend was the one who helped her start this business which her parents were not aware of.

At first, she was not happy with it, as she looked down on this type of business, but after some time, it began to bloom and then discovered just how much money it made.

"Don't tell me you have been heartbroken when you just fell in love." She asked, her eyes slightly narrowed. I looked at her in confusion, wondering what she was talking about.

"I still can't believe that you two are a couple." She continued, biting her lips. That is when the realization hit, what she was on about. But how did she come to know about it? I never told anyone about Haze and me.

"How did I know that?" She asked as if reading my mind.

"No, you don't even have to tell me that. I already know." I said, trying to concentrate on the kales that I was chopping.

"So, how did you guys even meet? Sorry if I have my doubts, but your relationship seems strange to me. I mean, if you guys have been dating, then why did he ask for your number? Why didn't you say anything when he first arrived at the eatery? You guys didn't even know each other."

Oh boy.

"Jess, can you please let it rest? It is not enough already that I have to endure Bibi's nagging," I said, annoyed with her words. The way she spoke, it was as if she was not happy that I was dating him. I could sense the jealousy coming from her words.

"Why should I stop? Something is amiss here. You two can't be together."

"And why can we not be together? You speak as if you are not happy for us being together."

"I am not happy because you kept such a big thing from me. I thought we were friends, and friends should not keep secrets from each other."

A deep sigh eluded from my lips, knowing that I was indeed in the wrong. Jessica was my friend, after all. I would have told her about the real story. But for some reason, I have never been too comfortable telling Jessica about my secrets.

It was like a barrier or a gut feeling that kept stopping me from confiding in her.

"I am sorry, I didn't know we would even date. We met each other when I was returning from my trip, spoke a little, and then exchanged numbers. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, he asked me to be his girlfriend." Even I was surprised at how my story sounded flawless. I always pegged myself as someone who doesn't know how to lie. But why is that ever since I met Haze, I have done nothing but make up stories and lie to people I care about?

Is this why people say love makes people change? or makes one stupid? That it makes people do things for the one they like or love or love feelings.

He was supposed to be good for me but,

Did you do all of this because you thought, I like you?

Those words, for some reason, made my heart squeeze. Did I think Max likes me? Maybe not, maybe yes.

I did not expect him to like me, but maybe I thought he was attracted to me the least. If he was not, then why did he keep flirting with me?

...you are not my type, not even close. I toy around with every girl who allows me to. So hold your horses, Melissa.

He toys with everyone that allows him to. That sentence was another stab in my guts. Was he also playing with me? And that too because I allowed him to?

It was amazing how I managed to come back with something that I made sure to hurt his ego. But only God knows how much I struggled to keep myself calm.

You are not special

Another rude awakening. It was then I figured that I had been dreaming for too long. I let myself get carried away by this attraction and bask in the pleasure of Max entertaining my fantasies.

How could I let myself slip? I have always been careful with my feeling. Always stayed clear of such emotions and trained me not to get carried away.

But how could I forget everything? The thought of how I got blind just by attraction made me have goosebumps wondering how of a mess will I be if I fell in love.

I did not want to continue lying to Bibi, but I was already into it. I needed to keep the façade going until I could figure something out. That is when the idea of asking Haze-Max to be my fake boyfriend came by.

Since he confessed already to toying with me and my emotion, there was no need to stand on ceremony.

And anyway, I won't be using him. We would be using each other. He gets what he desires, and I make my Bibi happy.

"It still does not explain how you two treated each other as strangers when he came to the café." Jessica's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, reminding me that I still needed to convince her of my little charade.

"We got into an argument, and I did not want to talk to him. I even don't know how he knew where I was working. I never told him since I thought it was too soon." I paused to take a deep breath, congratulating myself for talking so cleanly.

Seriously, I should be a novelist.

"I was still mad at him, so I pretended not to know him." I continued.

"Then what about the number? I remember how so persistent he was in getting it." Jessica said thoughtfully, making me curse inwardly.

How am I even going to explain that to her?

"Yeah, about that," I laughed nervously, rubbing my nape.

"That was his ploy to get my attention. I was ignoring him all the time, treating him like a customer, so he decided to mess

around with all of you in the pretence of asking my number."

Wow! thumps up, Melissa! I could not help but high-five myself internally.

"So all this while, he was only playing with us?" Jessica asked, frowned and disheartened by the sudden change of events.

I made sure to stress the word 'mess' to kill any imaginations she had.

"I am still wondering how Bibi came to know that I refused to come to the café because of Max." It has indeed been bothering me. How did she know my boss did not forbid any family member.

Someone must have tipped Bibi off, and that too led to the ugly argument between us.

My eyes then found Jess' who was looking nervous. I could not help but feel something was off.

"Well, since you have fallen in love, you are forgiven," Her sudden enthusiasm stopped my thoughts from straying away.

"Aaah! I can't believe you are finally dating. Welcome to the dating world. I, Jess, will be your tour guide and will tell you the do's and don't." She continued playfully, making both of us laugh.

I released an internal sigh, glad that she had bought the story.

"So tell me, were there any sparks on your first meeting? Were you entranced in his handsomeness that you could not breathe? Tell me, how did he ask you to be his girl?"

Oh boy, I facepalmed myself inwardly at her series of questions.

Do I also need to come up with a magical attraction? But I was already drained!

"This is not some fairy movie to be magical or soap opera for it to be romantic. We just like each other. End of story."

"Come on, Mel, don't be selfish. I need details. You know, you are so lucky to have such a grandma. Instead of being mad or acting all crazy with this news, she is actually boasting about it." Jess was right. I am the luckiest girl to have such a great and loving grandma.

"Look what happened to me. I was almost killed by my dad when he found out about Steve and me." She continued, a tired sigh eluding from her lips.

A shiver ran down my spine, remembering the chaos her parents caused when they found out about their relationship. They even involved the police!

Jessica's parents were matchmakers, especially when the candidates were wealthy. It was like she was their ticket from poverty. If only Steve was a rich man, they would have approved without batting an eye.

"So," she suddenly leaned in, her hands holding each other, looking all excited. This was her preparing herself for more gossip.

"Have you guys kissed already? Look at me. Of course, you have! Tell me, how does he taste. Is he-"

"Hey, hey, hey, breath at least." I cut her short, not being able to handle her questions. I have never been kissed before, then how was I supposed to answer that!

"Then tell me, how-"

"I am not telling you anything. How can I discuss something that happens behind closed doors."

"Ho, ho, ho. So you guys jumped into the deed?" My eyes widened, not by Jess' words alone but because at this moment, my so-called boyfriend was standing behind Jess, an amused smile on his face.

His hand in his pocket with a sexy smirk on his face, looking like he just walked out of a bachelor's magazine.

How, how did he even find me? He only knows the Caffe and my house, but not the kiosk!

But that wasn't important. The thing is that Jess was still yapping things that made my face burn, especially with his presence around.

"How long does he last? does he go three hours, till day breaks or..." Before she could embarrass me more, I clamped my hand on her mouth, stopping whatever taboo she would spout next.

"Stop it!" I hissed in a low voice so that she could hear, but the naughty girl only laughed at me.

"Hello, beautiful, what an interesting topic to pass the time with."

It was time for Jess to freeze, her eyes circling in surprise.

"Haze..." I breathed but remembered that he probably knew nothing about that name.

"I mean Max," but then again, we are supposed to be dating, so calling him by his name was weird.

"I mean, you...H....hi love!" to heck with it. I saw him grin but not move an inch from where he was.

"I wasn't expecting you," I added quickly.

"Why? Do I need permission to come to visit my girlfriend?" He asked, quirking his eyebrow.

"Don't I get a hug from beautiful?"


There is no way I was going to hug such an arrogant ass.

Before, I used to see him as charming and all, but not until he said those hurtful words to me.

I did not get to think much when I got pushed forward by Jess, ending right in his arm."

"Please, forgive my friend." I heard her say with a light laugh.

"This is all new to her. She still knows nothing about how to act in a relationship." She continued earning a glare from me.

What was she now? My spokeswoman?

"She knows I like it when she is shy," Max spoke, reminding me that I was in his arms. Not only that, but somehow his hand had already encircled my waist, pulling me closer to my liking, knocking the air out of my lungs.

What is he doing? I thought we talked about the no-touching rule!

"Beautiful," He whispered, his voice closer to my ear, causing my breath to hitch.

I wanted to push him away, slap him across the face, and remind him that I was not of his many ladies to toy with,

"I missed you," I gasped when his breath tickled my ear, and a strange sensation travelled in my entire body, making me weak.

What is wrong with him? What was he trying to play at!

"If you don't want your brilliant idea to fail, then play along and stop being so stiff." I heard him say in a low voice that only I could hear.

I blinked a couple of times, letting what he said sink in my mind.

"Your friend is watching." He added. Only then did I figure out why he was acting strange.

I relaxed a bit but knew well that he enjoyed making me uncomfortable.

What a perv!

Why did I even think that he was charming? He is the most annoying person now!

"Okay, love birds, I've seen enough, so get a room. This is a workplace, and people won't like this at all" Jessica's voice made me get out of Max's embrace, which he let go of me thankfully.

"I am Jessica, by the way." she handed her hands to Max with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"I know we've met in the café, but that was at work," she added, and I had to bite my tongue not to roll my eyes.

"Pleasure to meet you, Jessica. I am Max, her lover," Max said, accepting her hand, but his eyes looked at me.

Her lover. That word echoed in my head repeatedly, making my stomach flutter and quench in a good way.

Get a grip, Melissa. He is just acting his part.

"I know," Jessica chuckled, but it sounded flirty.

Or I was overthinking?

I looked at their hands which were still holding each, or I might say, hers holding his, and frowned.

Definitely not overthinking.

Seemed like Max was trying to let go, but Jessica was holding on to him. I felt uncomfortable, and without thinking, I walked toward them and pulled max' hand from hers.

"Um, Max, I m busy right now but almost done. Why don't you go and wait for me at home?" I gave out my best fake smile

"How about I take him instead?" Jessica offered, her eyes not leaving Max.

"I am just helping you out, just in case he doesn't remember the house,"


I could see right through her. I knew she was trying to get a reaction from me. I hope Bibi didn't put her up to this.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, snuggling me closer against his hard chest.

What's with him being touchy?

The feeling was totally foreign to me, especially when his warm, masculine, and strong arms held me close. Not to forget how his breath fell on my neck.

I swear I couldn't breathe again. It was like a sweet feeling that I wanted to bask in it, but I did not want to get comfortable.

Get it together, Mel. You can do this. You are stronger than this.

I chanted in my mind, trying to assure myself that it was nothing?

But was it really nothing?

Things kept getting worse when he decided to open his mouth and murmured close to my ear.

I swear, I almost jumped when the vibration of his voice sent shock waves, through my ear, down my spine to my stomach.

"Jess," he started. "I hope you won't mind me borrowing this beauty for the rest of the day?" His sexy voice made all my nerves go haywire with emotions, difficult to decipher what or which they were.

"Oh, Okay. No problem, enjoy." She grinned at the both of us as Max led me away, his hands on my back. Only the heavens knew how hard I struggled not to wobble on my legs while walking.

All this act was starting to freak me out.

Oh! God, help me!