

Melissa This scene made me envious, and at that moment, I wished to also have someone who would love me. Someone who would leave his comfort zone and make an exception for me. Just like any other girl, I also yearn for a relationship. One without heartbreaks. A lifetime kind of love. I know that heartbreak is inevitable, that there are no beds of roses for being in love but still hope and wish to get someone loyal. Max And we met again, unexpectedly, in the coffee shop. The funniest thing is that every time I was in a cranky mood is when our paths would cross. Was it really fate? I was only joking, knowing that she had politely denied me her number without sounding proud and elitist. The shock on her face was priceless, and just like that, my bad mood disappeared as I found myself a fun companion. I loved how she would switch personality so fast without even knowing it. At the first meeting, she was this goofy kind of girl, at the town square, a shy girl but clever not to sway off, then at the coffee, her words still ring in my ears like a seduction from a goddess. *** "You said the first meeting is considered an accident, the second meeting a coincidence?" It was more of a statement than a question, and I could not help but wonder why he suddenly asked that question. "Yeah..." I answered hesitantly, not knowing what he was driving at. "Then what about a third meeting? Fate?" He asked, my heart picking a beat. *** Melissa is a hardworking, passionate young lady who lives alone with her kindhearted and adamant grandmother who always insists on her to get a boyfriend. Melissa, bothered by her grandmother's constant nagging, ends up lying to her grandmother, giving her the description of the guy, she saw in the bus and telling her that he's, her boyfriend. Little did Melissa know that she was going to cross paths with the same guy and slowly fall for his charms and sweet talk.

Adlyne_Faith · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs



It has been a tiring week for me. Running up and down from the countryside to the city, getting things figured out, is not something so deftly done, but I had to do it anyway.

The good thing is that Mrs. Green was the one sponsoring my transport but only that. I have to cater for my food and a place to sleep.

It was also a good thing that I have an easy-going attitude, giving me benefits when it comes to my accommodation.

The farmers are always good hosts.

I am not rich. I do not even know what rich means. I just got this temporary job of supervising the productivity of different firms, but to be peculiar, agriculture is involved.

Working for someone like Mrs. Green is a difficult task. It required you to be patient, especially with her attitude and sense of arrogance. The pay wasn't good, but at least I got to pay the rent and buy some daily necessities.

I am, but an eighteen-year-old girl living with her grandma-Bibi. Yeah, that's what I call her. She has always been there for me since... well since forever, I guess.

She has been a mother, my acharya, my superhero, my friend, my everything.

I finished high school but failed to get the expected grades.

I did not fail as well, so I guess you could say the grades were average. But that it's not important at the moment, with or without papers I've got a job.

So let's focus on that, shall we?

I mean, no offense, but I know a couple of people who have passed with flying colors but are working in the streets. I agree that good fortune only favors some, not everyone.

"Mel, good to see you back, we missed you a lot!" that was Teddy, and I am his first love or crush, by the way, and by 'We missed you meant, 'I miss you.' One look and you would tell that he is a shy guy.

"Here I am now, anything good for me?" I gave him my best smile, only to see him blush. He was cute.

"How is the business doing?" I asked, looking at the sausages steaming hot.

"Inanipeleka na rieng ( well, it's taking me steadily). He answered, and I just shook my head.

Slang language has really taken over the streets. I wonder where the world would be ten tears later.

"I will take one with the hotdog and a smocha (Hot dog - Sausage in bun)." I reached my purse, ready to take out some money, when Teddy stopped me with a shy smile, rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"No need, take it as a welcoming gift from me," I gave him a weak smile, knowing that no matter how much I argue with him, he won't relent.

"Alright then, big boy!" Again, another blush. Seriously, this guy is just cute.

"But only if you let me pay for one, this one is for Bibi, so of course, I am the only one getting a welcoming gift, no?" I quirked an eyebrow at him, an amused smile playing on my lips.

"Alright then, you win." he gave out a nervous laugh, and I paid him.

"I will be taking my leave now, damn, I am so tired." I waved him goodbye and started on my way back,

Finally, I reached home, my neighbourhood is something that rich people might call a ghetto, but I don't consider it that way. For status, my house is beautiful, it might be a one-bedroom house, but it's spacious and cheap.

It does not have tiles, but it has a ceiling, something to brag about, right? One thing I hate the most about this place would be the toilets.

"My Habibi!" (Swahili word meaning love.) My eyes lit up when I heard a very familiar voice, that I have missed dearly.

"Bibi!" I exclaimed, seeing her come out of the house.

Unlike any other grandma who loves to cut their hair short, my Bibi has hers long, long enough to fall off her shoulder. Judging by her voice, you could tell she was in her mid-60s but so energetic and young for her age. Her hair was as white as that of cotton.

"Oh, how I've missed you, my Habibi," she cried, enveloping me in a bear hug.

"Miss you more, Bibi." I hugged her back.

"Come on in, I knew you were coming today, so I prepared you some porridge." She let go and dragged me inside the house, where I was hit with a very delicious smell that only she could make.

"Mmmh, It's so good to be home." I sighed, breathing in the sweet scent coming from the kitchen.

"And I miss your porridge!" I chirped, heading towards the kitchen, getting myself a big mug, then filling it with hot steamy porridge.

I was about to take a sip of it when she landed a soft slap on my back.

"Watch it! It's hot. You might burn your pretty lips, then who will want to kiss you?"

"Bibi!" I whined, feeling embarrassed.

Did I mention that my Bibi has a degree in putting me into an awkward situation?

"What? Am I not right? When are you going to even have a boyfriend anyway?" Definitely did not mention it.

"Hey! I am speaking to you." She snapped her fingers in front of my face, making me pout.

Oh boy, with this topic again.

"I am only 18 years old! Why would I need a boyfriend now?" I asked, sniffing in the sweet fragrance of the porridge.

"I had a boyfriend when I was 8 and lost my chastity at 16," I almost choked out at her words.


Seriously? How was I raised with this woman and turned outright?

"What? And please don't give me the reason for not needing one as you are an independent woman." I watched her with my mouth agape. I mean, she even quoted the term 'independent' with her fingers in the air.

Does she know how old she is?

"Bibi, you didn't even pray for me when I arrived. I have been away from home for such a long time." I pouted, holding her hands, hoping that she would forget about the boyfriend issues.

But who was my Bibi again? Instead, she hit my hand, and it was painful.

"Ouch Bibi!" I cried, rubbing it with my other hand.

"If you came with bad shadows, I am very sure they now own this house. Do not try to stray away from the topic." She warned strictly.

I failed.

"As much as I am proud of you, being able to take care of yourself, you still need someone to look after you. We all need."

"I have you." I pointed out, which is true. Ever since I could remember, she was the only family I came to know.

"I am a female Habibi. I am talking about the opposite gender, or you are..." She then gave me a strange look.

At first, I stared at her in a daze, not understanding what she was talking about until it dawned on me. My eyes went wide, and I was afraid they would pop out of their sockets.

"Bibi! Nooooo! how can you even think that of me?" Was she for real?

¨I am only stating facts, as it is, you already are eighteen, turning nineteen in a couple of months but still has no experience in a relationship. We are in the twenty-first century, and for many kids, 16 seems to be the appropriate age, but it may be entirely suitable for a mature 15-year-old to go on a date. But you are 18 already. Don't you find it abnormal?¨

¨Yes, everything you are spouting sounds abnormally, unreasonable,¨ I answered, walking past her towards the couch.

¨Oh! Do not give me that. Why is it so hard for you to get one unless...¨ Her eyes narrowed before she continued.

¨Unless you have a boyfriend that you do not want to tell me about." she gave a suspicious look.

I was still puzzled on how a mid 60s woman knew almost everything about dating and not dating. And why did she make me feel like I was committing a crime for being single?

¨Do you have a boyfriend that you are not telling me about?¨ Bibi's voice snapped me back to her, and I sighed, seeing her narrowed eyebrows.

I tried opening my mouth a couple of times but ended up with nothing. If there was one person who would always leave me mum and amazed.

She was Bibi.

She had this weird personality mixed with a bubble and cocky attitude that would make the outsiders think there was something wrong upstairs.

I am a chatterbox by nature, and so when you find me dumbfounded, there is every chance that I am in a state of awe for what you have achieved.

Now looking at her faded black eyes that were now looking like a shade of grey, I wondered why she kept on insisting about me having a love life.

What exactly was she expecting my answer to be? Yes?

¨Yes?¨ I was startled out of my thoughts by her voice.

¨What?¨ I asked, staring at her with a slight frown.

¨Yes!¨ she beamed. ¨You just said yes!¨


¨Oh my heaven! Finally, what I have been praying for!¨

¨What are you talking about?¨ I was beyond confused by whatever made Bibi so happy and excited at the same time.

¨Thank you, God!¨ she put her hand together, her eyes staring up.

"I have been hoping and praying every day for such great news from you. Who knew you would tell me news today. So you do have a boyfriend!


My brain stuttered for a moment, and my eyes froze while every part of me went on pause, and my thoughts caught up. Speech silences itself in reverence to Bibi's words.

Did I say yes loud? I could not help but wonder.

¨No!¨ I exclaimed, maybe a little louder than anticipated.

¨No?¨ Asked Bibi, a frown slowly settling on her face that was beaming a while ago. Something about seeing her happiness fade pricked my heart, tugging it, like pleading with me not to take the happiness from her. But how? She misunderstood my words or thoughts!

What am I going to do? I cried internally.

Play along?

¨Habibi,¨ her sad voice snapped me out of my disturbing thoughts.

¨No, I mean, yes, yes, yes! As in I have a boyfriend, I just never wanted to tell you, I mean yet, if you come to think about what happened to Jessica when her parents found out about her boyfriend, they almost killed her," by the time I finished my rambling I was out of breath, but could not let go of it, yet.

"Huh?" That was all she could say, and she knew I was lying. I could tell from the way she narrowed her eyes. She believed it at first when I spoke my thoughts out loud, and now that I was admitting she was having doubts?

"You don't believe me? Do you think I would make this up? Why?" But I also did not believe myself!

"To save yourself." Came her obvious reply.

"I don't have to save myself from you, Bibi." I paused, then added. " I am not lying."

"Okay," she shrugged nonchalantly, and I sighed in relief, but my relief was short-livened when she spoke again.

"What does your boyfriend looks like?"

"Huh?" I was not expecting that.

"Your boyfriend, what does he look like? What do you feel when you see him? When you touch him by accident or him touching you? I want to know."

Such a Grandma I have, right?

I did not think of this, but I had to think of something!

I could use Teddy, but knowing grandma, she wasn't going to, fall for that lie.

Then who? Someone handsome probably, one who she would never meet, one who is fiction. The strangest thing is that when I tried picturing someone, a figure flashed in my eyes, causing my heart to skip a beat.

Those stunning Hazel eyes.

I felt my cheeks sizzling, and I knew what to do. I was going to lie - a white lie.

"What does he looks like?" She asked again, looking more serious now.

"He...he has brown skin..." I started remembering his texture from the corner of my eyes.

"He has well-built muscles, he is strong...his eyes...his eyes are a mixture of brown...and dark...and green, hazel type? And when he touched me.." An image of him lifting my hands from his hand flashed, making my skin tingle.

"I felt a bolt of lightning running through my blood and ...my... heartbeat increased," I had to agree that the stranger captivated me. My attraction to him was instant, but just like that, he was like the idols I had crushed on. Someone who I would never meet.

"Wooooow! So you like him that much," Bibi's voice broke the spell bringing me back to reality.

"What?" I snapped.

"You do, like him," she repeated.

"What? No, I mean yes, No." What is happening to me? Why am I even mumbling over a memory?

"Yes, I like him, like, like him like him," I answered, this time sounding so confident that I made a mental check to have a weighty meeting with my reflection in the mirror later.

"So you were not lying?" She asked hesitantly. Maybe, she was afraid that I was lying?

"Yes," I affirmed.

"Look, Bibi, I know I should have told you before, but I did not because-"

"Oh no! No need to explain!" And the excited her was back, her eye twinkling, swirling with emotions like an entire galaxy receded in them. She jumped up like a teenager who just fell in love. I looked at her with my mouth agape.

"I have been waiting for this moment, you know." she held my face and kissed me on the cheeks. "I am so proud of you, Habibi. You are finally a grown woman!" She raised her hands, praising God again.

"Easy Bibi. I am the one who has a boyfriend, yet you are the one acting like it's you," I mumbled, starting to feel a headache.

"So when am I going to meet him?" She looked at me, excitement dancing in her eyes.

"No, no, you can't meet him." I quickly objected.

"Why is that? Am I not allowed to meet the first who made you fantasize?" She said, faking a disappointment.

"The reason why I did not tell you this before is that I knew you were going to ask to meet him."

"I don't see anything wrong with me meeting your boyfriend. I am giving the most privileged of all, having a black parent who is willing and ready to meet your boyfriend." She had a point there, but still no.

Seriously, did I have any choice? I was lying in the first place, hoping to move on from the topic, but it only got worse.

I have no idea where to find him, much less know him.

And even if I did, what would I say?

'Hey Sir, I want you to meet my grandma since I made her believe that you are my boyfriend?'

The guy would probably think that I am psychotic!

"When Habibi?" Her tugging on my sleeves like a child brought me back from my thoughts.

"Bibi, sorry but I just remembered that I need to see Jessica, don't worry. I won't be long, kisses, love you" I gave her a quick peck, placed the mug on the table, and then hurriedly ran out of the house before I got emotionally blackmailed.

"But... hey!" I heard her call out, but there was no turning back.

It was now or never.


Another chapter, a new character. What do you think of Bibi?

Tell me your thoughts in the comment section, like, and spread words to a friend.




Habibi! :Swahili word meaning love.

Smocha :Hot dog - Sausage in bun.

Inanipeleka na rieng ( well, it's taking me steadily.