
Actor (Oshi no Ko Fanfic)

Lies are the only way to keep the love he so desperately craves. The real him is not enough, but as long as he keeps up the act, maybe they'll continue to love him. It's worth it, even if it means sacrificing his true self. Love is worth any lie, any act, any cost. ________________________________________________________________ Oshi no ko Fanfic. I don't own any of the characters except my OC.

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46 Chs


(Third person POV)

"We're home, Mom!" Aikara exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement, as he swung open the door, holding Miyako securely in his hand.

With a skip in his step, Aikara hurried over to where Ai was comforting the tearful Ruby, who kept repeating how much she missed her. Aikara's eyes lit up, and a mischievous grin spread across his face. "Mom, you should have seen me and Aqua nii-chan on the screen! We were absolutely adorable!" He chuckled, unable to contain his enthusiasm.

As he spoke, Aikara couldn't help but make a playful gesture. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, wearing a smug expression. "Although, let's be honest, Mom. I was definitely cuter than Aqua nii-chan," he said, his voice brimming with playful confidence.

Aqua, who was nearby, can't help but look at him with a deadpan expression "Why are you competing?" he asked, astonished.

"I see, I see!" Ai exclaimed with enthusiasm, bobbing her head in agreement. "So, both of you were really cute?" she asked, as Aikara nodded eagerly.

"I see, then I'm genuinely excited for it!" She exclaimed, before leaning down towards Aikara with a gentle smile gracing her face. "Although I'm certain mama will be even more adorable overall."

Once again, Aqua, who was nearby, can't help but be astonished once again "Even Ai's joining?" He asked himself before muttering "What's so important about being cute?"

Suddenly, Ai looked up to Miyako who already exited from Aikara's hand "Were my kids any trouble Miyako-san?" She asked with a small smile on her face.

Miyako shook her head "Not at all Ai, you know the triplets. They're very smart for their age."

Ai beamed with delight, her face lighting up. "That's great!" she exclaimed. "Just as I expected from my amazing genes!"

After uttering those words, a brief silence hung in the air until Ai called out to Aqua. "Come over here, Aqua," she said tenderly, prompting him to nod and comply.

With Aikara and Aqua now standing close to her, Ai suddenly embraced them both in a tight hug. Resting her head on their shoulders, she closed her eyes and spoke with a gentle, warm tone.

"Congratulations on your filming, guys," she began. "I'm so proud of you guys." She paused for a moment, before continuing I can't wait to witness the remarkable individuals you'll become in the future."

Hearing her compliment, Aqua started to blush in embarrassment while Aikara scratched his cheek with a faint blush on his cheek, unnoticed by anyone.

Suddenly, Aqua and Aikara started to feel their eyelids droop down, and before they knew it, they both fell asleep on Ai's arms.

"Gosh" Ai exclaimed with a playful grin, letting out a sigh. "Looks like you guys are pretty exhausted from all that filming." She gently untangled herself from the hug, effortlessly lifting both of them in her arms and guiding them towards the futon.

As they reached the cozy futon, she carefully laid them down, taking a moment to plant a tender kiss on each of their foreheads. "Goodnight, Aqua, Aikara. Sweet dreams."

Returning her attention to the couch, Ai noticed Ruby peacefully dozing off in her regular clothes, not even having changed into comfy pajamas.

Hurrying over to Ruby, she gently placed her on the futon before standing up and grabbing her phone.

Dialing a number, she waited a few seconds until a voice came through the phone.

["Did you call, Ai?"] Ellie's voice flowed out with a hint of detachment.

"Is that how you talk to a friend?" Ai playfully pouted, swinging her legs around as she made her way to the couch.

["I don't have time for this, just tell me what you want to say."] Ellie stated bluntly, evoking a giggle from Ai.

"You're still as direct as ever in that persona!" Ai exclaimed, before realizing that her kids were still fast asleep. She hurriedly covered her mouth with her hand, whispering, "Oops, my carelessness."

["Careless? Did something happen?"] Ellie asked, her tone devoid of curiosity, as if she asked out of courtesy.

"Nothing major, just had a small stumble earlier." Ai casually lied, as if it were as natural as breathing.

["I see, then get to the point, why did you call?"] Ellie impatiently demanded.

Ai's expression turned somber. "I heard from Satou that you had another panic attack. It's the first time it happened outside of a concert. Did something trigger your memories of him?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone before Ellie spoke up. ["It's Saito."] She began. ["And yes, I saw someone who reminded me of Noah."]

Ai looked surprised. "Someone?" She echoed, her curiosity sparking. "For someone to remind you of him, they must be pretty incredible." Pausing for a moment, she added, "So, who is it? Tell me," with a curious tone and sparkling eyes.

["It's Miyako's son, Aikara."] Ellie revealed. Ai's face lit up with curiosity as she rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"Hmm," she mused. "I see, so he reminded you of Noah." Her expression turned solemn. "Are you doing alright?"

["Yes, I'm fine. I'll recover quickly and go back to my usual self, just like I always do."] Ellie assured her.

There was a brief pause as neither of them spoke, until Ai broke the silence. "Ellie," she began, capturing her attention. "You're the closest member to me in B-komachi, and I truly appreciate you for opening up about your past. Because of that, I consider you my one and only little sister."

She paused for a moment, then continued, "That's why I don't want you to shut off your emotions like you're doing now, or during any concert. Because you know, just as well as I do, that suppressing your emotions won't help you move on from Noah. It pains me to see you like this, you know? Getting sick after every concert just because it reminds you of everything you've lost is heart-wrenching. So, how about meeting Aikara again? He might be able to provide you with closure."

Ellie remained silent as the call ended. Ai let out a small sigh, looking at Aikara sleeping peacefully. "I wonder what it is about you that reminded her of Noah," she whispered to herself.


(Ellie POV)

["How about meeting Aikara again? He might be able to bring you closure."] Ai's voice flowed into my ears, and I didn't respond at all as I ended the call right there and then.

Ai's words echoed in my ears, and without a response, I abruptly ended the call. Her suggestion stirred up memories of my past, reigniting the pain I had tried so hard to bury.

I was just twelve when my brother, Noah, suddenly stopped reaching out to me. At first, I didn't think much of it, but as the weeks turned into months without a word, worry gnawed at my heart. We used to talk on the phone at least once a week without fail, no matter what.

I longed to check on him, to inquire about his well-being, but I couldn't remember his parents' contact details. It had been nine years since Noah's adoption, and their names eluded my memory, except for a vague recollection that their names might begin with an "A." The fact that Noah never mentioned them during our conversations made it even more difficult to reconnect the dots.

Driven by desperation and the yearning for closure, a daring idea took hold of my mind. What if I became an idol? If I could attain fame and popularity, perhaps my voice would reach Noah's ears once again. It sounded like a far-fetched plan, but as a young child, my passion burned brightly, blinding me to its implausibility.

With newfound purpose, I delved into researching the world of idols. I studied successful idol groups, dissecting their strategies and the steps they took to gain recognition. Their music, performances, and the profound impact they had on their fans became my subjects of analysis.

I understood that being an idol meant more than just possessing talent. It demanded unwavering dedication, tireless effort, and a profound connection with the audience. I brainstormed ways to stand out, to create a unique image that would captivate both the industry and, above all, Noah.

Days turned into weeks as I meticulously crafted my plan. I began taking vocal lessons, tirelessly honing my singing skills to perfection. Dance classes became a regular part of my routine, as I emulated the precise movements of the most exceptional performers. I even experimented with fashion and style, searching for the perfect image that would define me as an idol.

As time passed, my efforts started to bear fruit. I secured auditions with talent agencies and showcased my talents to industry professionals. The path to becoming an idol was anything but easy, fraught with countless setbacks and rejections. Yet, I remained steadfast in my determination. Each failure only fueled my resolve to succeed and reach Noah's ears with my voice.

However, my parents didn't share my vision. They vehemently opposed my dream of becoming an idol and threatened to disown me if I didn't conform to their expectations. As a young and naive child, their ultimatum failed to dissuade me. I chose to follow my passion, and in doing so, I lost their support and found myself disowned.

With no financial resources and limited options, I poured my heart and soul into my idol training. I practiced relentlessly, day after day, honing my skills and striving to stand out among countless aspiring idols. I encountered numerous setbacks and faced challenges at every turn, but I refused to be deterred.

Eventually, my talent began to shine, and my popularity soared. Success as an idol brought wealth and prosperity, and with my newfound resources, I embarked on a journey to America, hoping against all odds to reunite with Noah.

For three arduous years, I combed the streets of America, tirelessly searching for any trace of Noah's whereabouts. I left no stone unturned, enduring countless disappointments and heartaches, driven solely by the memory of our unbreakable bond.

Then, on one fateful day, the head of the orphanage where Noah and I had once resided approached me. With a warm smile, she greeted me, happy to see me after all those years. My heart brimmed with hope as I inquired about Noah, eager for any news of my beloved brother.

However, the smile on the head's face faded, replaced by a sorrowful expression. Gently, she broke the devastating news: Noah had passed away, his time in this world tragically cut short. The weight of those words crashed down on me, crushing my heart with indescribable pain.

Since then, I've never been the same. The idol industry that once symbolized freedom and a path to finding Noah became a suffocating shackle, chaining me to a past I couldn't escape. Each performance became a painful reminder of why I pursued this dream, of all the sacrifices I made, and the empty void Noah's absence left behind.

The sickness in my stomach became a constant companion, accompanying me after every concert. Flashes of Noah's face haunted my mind, intermingled with the bitterness of my sacrifices. To endure, I learned to numb my emotions, not just during performances but also in real life.

I knew it wasn't a healthy coping mechanism, but I felt trapped. Being an idol was my only refuge from a life of constant anguish. And so, I embraced the title of the "Ice Queen" among my fans—a persona that shielded my true emotions.

Yet, even with my emotions dulled, I couldn't escape the relentless waves of pain. The barfing continued, a testament to the turmoil within. I yearned for closure, to move on, but it seemed impossible.

Confiding in Ai was the first time I opened up to someone, even if I resisted at first. Witnessing my vulnerable state, she provided solace and comfort, reminiscent of the warmth of the sun. It was in her presence that I began to find a semblance of closure, as if she became the sister I never had.

But still, I can never truly let go of Noah. He was my hope, my guiding light, and I loved him deeply. His absence cast a shadow that even my success couldn't dispel.

I'm lost, caught between numbness and an unrelenting longing. Unable to break free from the chains of my past, I wander aimlessly, searching for a way to heal the wounds that refuse to fade.