
Actor (Oshi no Ko Fanfic)

Lies are the only way to keep the love he so desperately craves. The real him is not enough, but as long as he keeps up the act, maybe they'll continue to love him. It's worth it, even if it means sacrificing his true self. Love is worth any lie, any act, any cost. ________________________________________________________________ Oshi no ko Fanfic. I don't own any of the characters except my OC.

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46 Chs


(Third POV)

After finishing their conversation, the three of them just sat there in silence, occupied in their own thoughts. Suddenly, Ruby felt a sensation on her diaper, and she immediately knew what it was. She tried to ignore it, hoping it would go away, but the smell was unmistakable. Blushing in embarrassment, she shifted on the floor, trying to find a comfortable position, but it was no use. She wanted to shoo her siblings away before they could notice. However, Aikara quickly picked up on the smell and made a disgusted face.

"Whoa, Ruby! Did you shit again? You gotta give us a heads up next time," Aikara exclaimed while wrinkling his nose and making a funny face.

Ruby felt her face grow hot with embarrassment as Aikara made fun of her. "What do you mean give you guys a heads up? You know that we can't control our bodies," she protested, trying to defend herself. And just before Aikara could respond, Ruby decided to end the conversation. "Anyways, I want to change my diapers! So go away," she said firmly.

"Alright, alright," Aqua said, crawling away with Aikara following behind him. But not before Aikara shot Ruby one last teasing look, pinching his nose and making a disgusted face.

Ruby felt a wave of frustration wash over her, but she knew she couldn't dwell on it. Instead, she let out a loud cry to get Miyako's attention.

"Waaa Waaaa!" Ruby cried with full force, causing Miyako to lift her head from the table where she had been resting.

Miyako let out a heavy sigh as she stood up, the diapers in her hands. Her once bright and radiant skin was now dull and tired-looking, and her hair was unkempt. Dark circles under her eyes were a testament to the challenges of taking care of triplets.

As Miyako approached, Ruby couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. She knew that her constant crying and diaper changes were a burden on Miyako, who was already exhausted. But at the same time, she couldn't help it. She was just a baby, after all.

Miyako finally arrived in front of Ruby, her eyes scanning the room before settling on her. With a deep breath, she began to speak.

"Why do I have to do this?" Miyako muttered to herself, her voice tinged with exhaustion and defeat.

She paused, biting her lip as her face contorted into a frustrated glare. "I'm supposed to be the president's wife here, aren't I?" she said, her tone sharp with anger.

Miyako's hand shook as she reached for the diaper package, her fingers closing around it tightly. "I only married that guy because he told me I'd be able to work with hot guys!!" She screamed, frustrated at Saitou for not keeping his promise. "Yet, he puts me to work taking care of a sixteen-year-old idol's kids!?"

Miyako's face twisted in anger as she threw the diaper to the ground. "And she's a single mother who won't even disclose us who the father is! It's way too Shady! I didn't marry him to become a babysitter."

Ruby's eyes widened in surprise at the outburst, and her previous guilt dissipated. "Ha!?" she exclaimed. "If you can help Mom, that's the best job out there. Is there something wrong with her head?" Ruby asked with a deadpan tone. Aqua and Aikara turned to look at her, their foreheads glistening with sweat as they realized how obsessed Ruby was with Ai.

"Hold on a minute," Aikara exclaimed, interrupting Ruby's outburst. "I don't think there's anything wrong with her head. In fact, what she said makes perfect sense."

Aqua nodded in agreement. "Aikara's right, Ruby. It's a reasonable request."

Just as Ruby was about to respond, Miyako spoke up, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Wait a minute! Isn't this the perfect scandal to share online? I could sell this information and become rich!" Her voice was shaky with anticipation.

Ruby shouted "Holy Crap!! What should we do, kill her?"

Aqua shook his head, trying to calm her down, "We won't be able to. The difference in our physical abilities is too big."

As Aqua spoke, he was hit with a sudden wave of déjà vu, and it took him a moment to remember that Ruby had talked about killing Aikara in the past. Ruby seemed to realize it too and looked at Aikara with an uncomfortable expression.

Aikara, oblivious to the situation, tilted his head in curiosity and asked, "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

Ruby quickly brushed it off and replied, "Nothing."

Before Aikara could say anything else, Miyako interrupted with a shout, "I don't care anymore! I'm just gonna do it!"

Aqua was left deep in thought, trying to come up with a way to turn this dangerous situation into an opportunity.

"AH!" Ruby let out a panicked scream as she watched Miyako snapping pictures of her mother's diary. "What do we do? She's going to expose Mom's secrets!"

Aqua's eyes flickered with determination, and he turned to Ruby and Aikara. "I have a plan," he announced.

Hearing the details of the plan, Aikara looked skeptical. "Are you sure this will work?" he asked "Miyako is an atheist."

Aqua nodded. "I'm not sure if this will work either," he admitted. "But it's the best shot we've got. Our acting skills will determine whether or not she believes us."


(Aikara POV)

Aqua nodded. "I'm not sure if this will work either," he admitted. "But it's the best shot we've got. Our acting skills will determine whether or not she believes us."

Hearing Aqua's words, I started to think.


A world very familiar to me.

I can confidently say I'm a good actor, I've been doing it for years after all.

And I'm sure I can convince Miyako with my skills

But, do I really want to do this?

My hesitation doesn't come from the fact that I will lie and fool someone, I've been doing it for so many years that hesitation doesn't even cross my mind.

My hesitation comes from the act of acting as another persona.

When I was a kid, I still remember how much I loved acting. I remember staying up all night just to create the energetic persona I still use to this date. But as I grew older, my love for acting disappeared as I was forced to act all the time.

Do you know the quote of the composer and artist John Cage?

'If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four. If still boring, then eight. Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all.'

I never agreed with this quote. I've been doing this for ten years but I never found that spark again.

I guess when the novelty fades away, we are only left with a slightly enjoyable hobby.

Anyways, going back to the topic, my hesitation about acting as another persona comes from the fact that doing it will not make me receive love.

Even if the novelty fades away, the only thing that drives me to act is the desire for love, and it's the only thing that kept me going so far. It's what made me endure the existential crisis I have every day.

So, do I even want to act if it doesn't make anyone love me?

It's not like I'm fine with Mom's secret being spread, but I know Ruby and Aqua could do it themselves.

Ruby always forced tears into her eyes when she tried to gain Mom's attention, so I'm sure she has an excellent talent for acting.

Aqua, on the other hand, may not be as talented as Ruby, but he has excellent situational awareness and he's such a great adlibber.

So even without me, I'm sure they could convince Miyako.

Just when I made the resolve, Ai's face came into my mind.

Her bright smile, her captivating eyes, and most importantly, her motherly love.

She never told me she loves me yet, and I always wonder each time if she actually does. But, each time I see her, she always shows her love through actions.

I let out a small smile at those memories.

I love Ai, she's an excellent mother.

And what type of son would just watch someone try to ruin their mother?

Not me.

So, even though I don't want to, I'll act, and even if Aqua and Ruby can do it themselves, I'll still act.

Because, I love Ai, and I want to show her my support.

So once again, I closed my eyes and started to imagine. What subtle movements could I make to convince them? What tone should I use to convey my intentions?

As I brainstormed, the habits and mannerisms I would need to pull off the act started to take shape in my mind. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, ready to demolish everyone with my acting.

Because I'm an actor.


(third-person POV)

Miyako laughed. "Fufu, I'll use this money for a host club and get some more. I'll make my man number one in a month."

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice interrupted her. "What a miserable girl. No champagne could ever quench the thirst in your heart."

Miyako looked back, surprised. "Who's there?" she shouted.

When she turned to the source of the voice, she saw three twins sitting at a table, their expressions far from baby-like.

Aqua, realizing he had caught Miyako's attention, started to speak. But his voice lacked power, and he stuttered. "I...I am a messenger from heaven," he pointed at Miyako. "Those misdeeds of yours are something I can no longer overlook!" he screamed.

Miyako was shocked and her voice shook as she replied, "A messenger from God? Did this baby just talk? No way."

Aqua asked, "Tell me, is it common sense for an infant to speak?"

Miyako waved her hands in protest and said, "No, no way. Even if you say you are God, I don't believe in that kind of stuff."

As Miyako scanned the room, a sudden realization hit her. "Oh, I see now! This must be some kind of TV event, right?" she exclaimed. "A surprise celebration for Ai's manager or something. Happens all the time."

She burst out laughing. "They almost had me fooled. So, where's the camera?"

Aqua clicked his tongue, realizing that it wouldn't be easy to fool her after all.

Miyako reached out to Ruby. "Hey, Ruby-chan, it's not safe for you to be standing on that desk." Before she could finish her sentence, she felt a sharp sting on her hand as Ruby slapped it away.

Ruby looked down at Miyako, her face radiating superiority. "Quiet. I am the embodiment of Amaterasu. I am what you would call a God."

Her voice was so commanding that Miyako couldn't help but believe her.

"You've been blinded by the money in front of you, and now you are on the verge of going against God's will."

Miyako's expression shifted to fear. "God's will?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Just before Ruby could say anything, a third voice interrupted them.

"Hey you, what do you think is the cause of humanity's greed?" She looked at the source of the voice and saw Aikara. Her eyes met his, and Miyako started to feel a sense of dread. Unlike the lively and energetic Aikara she knew, this Aikara seemed bored and disinterested in everything around him.

Aqua started to sweat bullets, 'What is Aikara thinking? The flow was good, why did he suddenly interrupt it?'

Aqua was about to interject and lead the conversation back to the topic, but he got beaten by Aikara.

"It's because humans are creatures with low life spans. As a God, I have seen generations come and go, but humans are always the same. They are so consumed with their short existence that they forget the bigger picture. At the realization they will meet their end one day, their desires become never-ending, and they are never truly satisfied. In the process to achieve those desires, humanity will do anything, no matter if it is good or bad. Their greed is insatiable." Aikara spoke apathetically, as if he had seen it all before and was bored with humanity's predictable behavior.

Miyako couldn't help but be drawn in by Aikara's words, despite the fact that they seemed to be spoken with such a lack of interest. She couldn't shake off the feeling that this was a god who had seen too much and had grown tired of it all.

Aqua watched Aikara's performance with a sigh, noting how selfish he is as an actor, which is a far cry from his usual self. But he also couldn't deny that it was precisely this quality that made Aikara so captivating right now. As Aikara's acting intensified, screaming "Pay attention to me," Aqua couldn't help but smile.

Aqua let out a smile 'I'll give you the attention you want Aikara. In fact, I'll make you grab everyone's attention with my help. So you better do it well.' He thought.

"Verily, his speech is nothing but the truth, O mortal. The insatiability of human greed is known to all, and though it cannot be eradicated, we have descended upon this realm today with the intent of exacting retribution for your insatiable acquisitiveness," proclaimed Aqua in a voice resonating with profoundness and solemnity.

After watching both of them so far, Aqua knew his acting skills were no match for his siblings', so he has no choice but to resort to cheap tricks. 'Using complicated words unbefitting of a baby will surely convince her' he thought to himself.

"Why is it only me? I'm not the only greedy person in the world, right?" Miyako asked, clearly frustrated.

Before Aikara could respond, Ruby chimed in. "It's because Hoshino Ai was chosen to be the next goddess of celebrities. Her children carry great destinies as well. It is God's will for you to nurture them. Your greed almost made you go against God's will."

Miyako rubbed her head in confusion, trying to make sense of the dire warnings she had been receiving. "All of you have been talking about divine punishment," she said, "but what exactly is this punishment you speak of?"

Aikara fixed his with a chilling gaze that sent shivers down Miyako's spine. "You will die right here, right now," he declared, her voice dripping with menace.

Ruby nodded in agreement. "Yes! You will die!" she chimed in, her voice full of malice.

Miyako's eyes widened in terror, and tears sprang to her eyes. "Oh my God, no! That's so specific," she cried out, her voice shaking with fear.

Desperate for guidance, Miyako turned to the children. "What should I do?" she asked, her voice quavering with terror.

Ruby looked down for a moment before responding. "It's easy," she said finally. "You must protect the secret of Ai and her children, dote on them, and obey their every command. If you do that, then maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to marry a hot actor."

Miyako's fear gave way to hope, and her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Really!? I'll do it! I'll listen to everything they say, and I'll even lick their insoles if I have to!" she exclaimed.

Ruby and the others made a face of disgust at the thought. "There's no need to go that far," Ruby said, shaking her head.


"Hotties rock!" The three of them watched as Miyako happily sang while dusting the house.

Ruby turned to Aikara and Aqua, asking, "Was that convincing enough?"

Aqua nodded in agreement, "We were going to have trouble taking care of this on our own anyway. We needed an adult ally somehow. We can go outside now."

Ruby and Aikara raised their hands in the air and clapped, celebrating their success. "Yay!"

"By the way," Aqua turned to the group, "that was some impressive acting. Ruby, were you an actress in your previous life?"

Ruby shook her head solemnly and replied, "Nope, that was my first time."

Aikara interjected, "First time? I'm pretty sure all schools have plays. Did you not participate in them either?"

Ruby's voice took on a sad tone, "I grew up in a not-so-normal environment."

Aqua and Aikara nodded their heads, understanding that they shouldn't pry any further.

Aqua shifted his focus to Aikara, and with an intrigued tone, asked, "And what about you, Aikara? Were you an actor in your past life? I must say, your acting skills were mesmerizing, and I found myself captivated by your performance. It was as if you were screaming for the whole world to pay attention to you."

"For you to notice it, I guess I can't hind my overflowing aura. How troublesome." Aikara responded with a playful tone, his chin resting on his hand as he pulled a troubled expression. His words carried a hint of smugness, as if he isn't troubled by it at all.

Ruby punched Aikara on the shoulder, causing him to stumble. "Hey, what was that for?" he asked with a hint of annoyance.

Ruby pouted and crossed her arms. "No need to be so smug about it," she retorted.

Aikara grinned mischievously. "Could my dear little sister be jealous of my experience?" he teased.

However, instead of getting mad like he expected, Ruby looked down, her eyes covered by her bangs. "I am. I never had the opportunity to move my body that much, so I'm honestly jealous that you have the experience," she admitted awkwardly.

The room fell silent as everyone processed Ruby's confession. Suddenly, Aikara started crawling toward Ruby.

Just as Ruby was about to ask what he was doing, she was cut off as she felt a pair of chubby arms wrap around her. The hug was soft and gentle, and Ruby found herself feeling comfortable in her brother's embrace.

"I'm sorry, Ruby. I never expected to hit a sensitive spot. I promise to never mention it again in front of you. I'm such a bad brother, aren't I?" Aikara apologized sincerely.

Ruby appeared perplexed as she listened to Aikara's apology. She shook her head vigorously, insisting that she was the one who owed him an apology. "No, Aka nii, I should be the one saying sorry. I know you didn't mean anything bad, but I still got mad at you because you hit my sore spot. I'm the bad sister, so please don't say you're a bad brother."

Aikara smiled warmly and placed his hand on Ruby's head, giving it a gentle rub. "You don't have to call yourself a bad sister, Ruby. You're amazing and I'm lucky to have you."

Before he knew it, Ruby's tears were soaking into his shoulder. "Thank you so much, Aka nii," she sobbed. "You have no idea how much that means to me. I'm so lucky to have you as my brother."

Aikara couldn't help but grin at his sister's words. "Well, you don't have to tell me that. I already know I'm the best brother anyone could ask for."

Ruby's pouty expression melted away into a playful grin. As Aqua watched the two siblings make up, he couldn't help but smile. It was a heartwarming sight.

Suddenly, Aikara turned his attention to Aqua. "You know, you're not so bad yourself at acting, Aqua."

Aqua shrugged, dismissing the compliment. "Oh, come on. You're just trying to butter me up. You and Ruby are the real stars here."

But Aikara shook his head adamantly. "No, I'm serious. Your situational awareness is impressive, and your ad-libbing skills are top-notch. Remember that line you came up with? 'Verily, his speech is nothing but the truth, O mortal.' That was genius."

Aqua blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed at the unexpected compliment, he didn't expect Aikara to think of him so highly.

He rubbed the back of his head nervously and replied, "Thanks, Aka. I really appreciate it."

Aikara beamed, his smile radiating with warmth. "No problem, onii-chan," he said affectionately.


Author's note

AHHHH, finally done. I felt like posting these individually is bad so I made it one chapter and it turns out it's 3100 words!

I don't read anything before I post so I would appreciate it if you comment anything wrong.

That's all, I want to sleep.

In case you want to know something, Aikara purposely said one line just to increase his sibling's affection toward him, can you guess what it it?

Anyway, I have made some outlines, and his childhood arc will be at least 15 chapters, so I'm almost halfway there I guess?

And, I also plan to introduce the antagonist of the novel in this arc. I don't want to give any more spoilers.