

After countless one-sided fights Shuji finally passed the first round. He was currently waling towards his residence thinking of his future fights.

" *sigh* … This is really boring… Atleast i'm getting CP for this. Well atleast it will get better soon…" Shuji thought with a grin. At this moment however five figures dressed in beautiful blue dresses slowly walked over. With a glance at them he immediately these ethereal beauties. Shuji felt Xia Qingyue's and Chu Yuechan's gaze locked on him.

At this moment he nodded at Xia Qingyue and she nodded back and under her veil. Meanwhile Chu Yuechan was still staring at him with a cold expression. If looks could kill he would have died horribly.

"I think she still is upset over me leaving…" he thought while starting to take another path. "At least my little project is at the end of this round… That should help a bit…" he thought.


The second half was starting and Shuji set up a little something to make it more fun. In one match he was now up against 40 people. He could hear them and they had decided to all team up against him.

"So…. You guy's want to dance?" he asked with a grin.

He then lowered his cultivation to become lower than theirs and decided that only his taijutsu was needed for this. He didn't speak but they all saw him lower his cultivation and they got slightly angry. He ignored them however, as who didn't want a scene of them destroying armies like Madara? He would need some practice for him soon after all…

The 30 men ran at him screaming while throwing Profound Arts without worry. With his cultivation lowered many thought they had a chance. The problem however was he was dodging with the absolute minimal amount of movement as if he knew where the attack was coming. It was like he had future vision! And that was exactly what he was using with his observation Haki.

He approached them with a slow walk that eventually sped into a full run. He jumped and landed between two of them before breaking one of their arms. He grabbed the man and threw him at the other. His eyes had picked up an eerie crimson with three tomoes spinning rapidly. They were currently looking in several directions before he instantly ran to his next opponent. This one had a sword which he disarmed and used to stab him in the stomach. He than threw the sword toward another enemy heading towards him.

Someone thought it would be smart to throw a weapon at him, which he then grabbed and threw towards another enemy with extreme speed. Within seconds he had taken out more than 10 with a lower cultivation and pure martial skill. The cultivators could not even use Profound Arts due to the friendly fire they would be dealing. He continued running through the enemies with them falling down with each one he passed. Finally there was little more than 10 left and they decided to us a Profound Art.

Shuji gave a haughty smirk at this and took out his sword. The massive burst of pure Qi was rushing towards him and he took a sword stance.


Just like this he cut through the burts of Qi and continued to run towards his opponents. He quickly got the next and punched him in the liver before grabbing him and using him as a shield for someone coming to his right. He had the body absorb the attack before grabbing it and throwing it another direction. He than approached the one who attacked him and slipped past his guard. He repeatedly threw punches at his stomach leaving him in air for a couple of seconds before falling to the ground unconscious. The last few looked at him with determination and fighting spirit.

"It seems that you still want to dance, but…. You wont be able to make the steps anymore." Shuji said.

He turned towards the last few before using Shunpo to appear behind one and chopping his neck. He than grabbed him by the neck and used him as a shield once again. His opponents had no idea what to do. They had never seen such a ruthless fighting style. Every attack was calculated to where they couldn't respond effectively. This whole fight they where dancing in the palm of his hand.

Shuji approached with a grin and threw the body at one of the last three. The other two came towards him when he jumped and preformed a splits kick knocking both of them out. The last one had just gotten the body off of him when he realized he was the last one. Surrounded in a field of bodies and one man with lower cultivation who had taken them all out with martial arts alone. At this moment he was completely broken and dropped to his knees. He had completely lost hope in winning.

"It seem's you lost that 'hope' that was holding you together. The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up… It truly is a word with no meaning…" Shuji said lightly. He than appeared behind him and chopped him on the back of the neck before turning away and walking off. Behind him was over thirty bodies and blood on the ground from the injuries they sustained. He looked like a god of war at this moment.

The spectators didn't speak and watched wide eyes. Other sects were currently looking in shock as well. They had never seen such pure martial prowess. Even the sect leaders dare not say that they could do the same with a lower cultivation than them. This amount of battle awareness was simply shocking.

From his attitude to the way he fought it all spelled the words 'I am Supreme' people thought. This man just fought thirty opponents with martial arts and a sword to cut an attack launched by more than 10 people. Ling Yun and Ling Jie were currently in shock as well. They had never seen such a graceful cut. It screamed a profound truth to them to which helped them reach a stage of enlightenment. That single cut seemed to scream "A cut to kill, A cut to destroy. A single cut to all problems." is what they heard.

Eventually the crowd erupted in cheers remembering they were actually alive. This was not something you could ever see. It was like experiencing a man go against an entire army. The applause was deafing.

Shuji however was already sitting down. He was hoping that someone would be able to make him actually try in this tournament. While it was fun acting as Madara he couldn't do it again. He sighed and continued to watch the tournament.


"Wow…" Xia Qingyue thought while looking at Itachi. All her life she had never seen such a unique and charming person! His hair was like the darkest night and his eyes an abyss until he activated that skill! Seeing him charge his way through those enemies with purly martial arts was a wake up call. Could she do something of that caliber? No! The answer was a resounding no, and it put the amount of time he trained make sense to her!

Chu Yuechan was looking at him while experiencing difficulties in her mind. "Why?! Why when I try to forget you it makes me sad and hurt's so bad… What are you doing to me?" she thought while he sat down. She had never felt something like this for someone.


The last fight had ended for Shuji and he was about to walk off stage until—

Right before Itachi was able to leave the arena a young man appeared. His clothes were unique and made him charming. He was wearing a gray vest type shirt with his chest opened. He also black pants and black sandals. Around his waist was a purple rope belt with a sword tied to it. The first thing that came to peoples mind was that he looked similar to Itachi.

Itachi looked at him before closing his eyes and opening them suddenly. Everyone went quite and tension was heavy. They all saw them and were trying to guess their connection. They looked to similar.

"Looks like you came Sasuke…" Itachi said.

"Yes… I came to kill you… Nii-san!" he said surprising everyone that heard this. Suddenly everyone was shocked and wanted to know more about Itachi. Even Jasmine inside of the Sky Poison Pearl was stunned and had a bad feeling. It seemed like the fight between these two brother were unavoidable.

"It's time for the show to begin…" thought Shuji.

1454 words. These past two were pretty short but i'm just cutting out some useless stuff to get to the good parts... Anyways go ahead and leave a comment and review

WildPolarBearcreators' thoughts