
Acting Cool System

A college student finds himself dead after spilling soda on his computer while watching a youtube video of Itachi's most badass moments. Suddenly he finds himself in a blank space with a system called the Acting Cool System. Uchiha bloodline? Divine Dividing? Cool Points? If I can't act cool with these goodies, I don't deserve it! -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Your guy's support has been awesome and I really appreciate every single one of you. I try to read every single one of your comments and respond when I can. I've loved some of the conversations we've had and I look forward to more in the future. For those who haven't please leave a comment and review! It helps me a lot and I love reading them. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- An old homage to DaoMaster9's Acting Cool Anime System. I don't any of these animes or the Against the Gods Novel I don't own any of these characters except my OC.

WildPolarBear · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
44 Chs

A new being

Shuji was currently inside of the test tube undergoing his evolution. This entire plan all came down to this moment and if he could actually do it. You see in the shop he long ago found something that he believed would be his start to reach the pinnacle. It was a bloodline merger, which took all of your current bloodline and fed them to one of your choosing.


(5 Months before the tournament begane)

Shuji had just finished making this underground stronghold which he would use a lot more in the future. It looked like a paradise with plant's providing light and a small pond within the middle of a cave. In the back however was a full blown lab which he would be using for the upcoming future.

"System by the synthesizing pod and the two separation pods. Also purchase enough nutritional fluid as well as regeneration fluid to be good for 6 months." Shuji spoke.

[Ding! The grand total is 15,000 CP!]

[Ding! Purchase authorized! You now have 1,998 CP!]

Shuji then looked at the packages in front of him and began to start. He would soon have his own body. A new one that combined the essence he had gained from Itachi as well as his own. He would soon be his own unique person. He had been making a blood clone in the back which would be perfect for the upcoming tournament.

He currently didn't have enough CP to fully finish his plan right now, but his body had to synthesize in the liquid for 5 months anyway. By then he would get enough CP and be able to continue with his evolution.


This brought Shuji to where he was now. He could feel that almost all of the CP he had just gained from the tournament had now been spent. He had purchased Indra Otsutsuki's bloodline, Ashura Otsutsuki's bloodline, and the purest Otsutsuki bloodline he could find. He then used the bloodline merger into Indra Otsutsuki's bloodline. He had thought about the normal Otsutsuki bloodline but wanted to see how far his visual prowess could go. It would also be weird not having them anymore.

While this was starting Shuji now found himself thinking of his soon to be new found power. "I have always had power… My Nen Skills… Mangekyo Sharingan… Divine Dividing… Boosted Gear… All of these are destructive and I can reach higher with just these. So why did I feel so unsatisfied..? Why did I feel the need to make a new body?" he thought to himself.

He couldn't understand why lately he had been second guessing himself so much. It was as if something was blocking him on his path to greatness. He realized that whether he liked it or not, acting as Itachi for so long as well as having his memory and skills had affected him more than he wanted. He was still himself but part of him still lingered on it. Suddenly he found himself transported into the world of his mind.

He walked along the endless fields without thinking of his goals. He had thought too much lately and he realized that he didn't even know what he wanted. He walked… and walked… and walked. He walked for hours… days… even months. But one day he stopped.

In his world full of plants and trees everywhere he had never seen anything else. To this day he has never seen anything else. But today there was a beach with lots of sand… On the edge of the beach was a small wooden structure with a man sitting near the water. Only his back was seen by Shuji but he immediately recognized him. Who else would wear a black cloak with red clouds and have a black ponytail?

"So you came…" said the man's voice which was Identical to Shuji's currently.

"If someone told me that I will meet you one day… I would have called them crazy…" Shuji said emotionally. The man opened his eyes that were revealing Sharingan and looked at him.

"I've been here since the beginning, Shuji." he said. At this moment Shuji felt very complex seeing the real Itachi Uchiha. Seemingly understanding what he was thinking, Itachi began to speak again.

"It's just a name… It does not define us, but I guess you already know that," he said.

"I understand that and agree with you but what I want to ask you is what we define? You and I have the same face and I have been acting as you since the beginning. What makes us so different? What have I done to define the difference?" Shuji asked with a serious look.

"You already know the answer Shuji… but you deny yourself out of guilt…" Itachi said before he stood up. Shuji looked at Itachi in confusion before he was beckoned to follow him. They walked for a while in silence until they were under a Sakura tree. The view was truly amazing with small sakura petals slowly falling in the breeze. Shuji and Itachi now stood face to face against each other.

"Sometimes words are not enough to make someone understand you…" Itachi said while closing his eyes. Shuji gritted his teeth and understood where this was going.

"I see… so this is how you want to do it?" he said before he closed his eyes as well. Sakura petals slowly fell around them as they both suddenly opened their eyes revealing Sharingan. Seemingly at the same moment the both ran at each other.


The sounds of kunai and shuriken clashing against each other were the only things heard. If one was to look it seemed they were moving incredibly slow but they were truly moving so fast that they blurred in sight. They both began weaving hand signs before shouting together.


The two giant fireballs were spit out of their mouths before they clashed against each other. The fireballs were perfectly matched and canceled each other out. Both saw this and ran to each other to engage in a battle of taijutsu. Shuji pretended to kick low but then did a high kick reversal but was blocked by Itachi. Itachi blocked with his arm and counter attacked with a right punch which Shuji blocked with his hands thanks to Sharingan's prediction!

"TELL ME WHO I AM!" Shuji shouted as he headbutted Itachi with all of his strength. He was fighting as if he was possessed.

"Don't you already know who you are…?" Itachi responded. Kenji was clenching his fists so hard that his hands were bleeding.


"So tell me… Why aren't you mad…" Shuji spoke now sounding broken. Itachi's face was not disturbed as he calmly walked until he was right in front of Shuji. He then gently put his fist on Shuji's chest.

"Why..? I judge for myself…" Itachi said as Shuji's eyes widened. "From the very beginning we were different beings. You decided to make a difference from the start… but now you are denying a part of you." Itachi said. "By doing this you are limiting yourself… it's time to fly with your own wings Shuji… Those who cannot acknowledge themselves, will eventually fail." he said with a smile.

"I know you will be fine because we were always part of a new being of existence. One that is neither Itachi Uchiha or Okino Shuji. It's the start of a new existence that will rise with us at its center. The name of us was never important." he said lightly. At this moment Shuji's eyes widened in enlightenment.



At this moment Jasmine who was in the Sky Poison Pearl woke up to see that the test tube they had been in had exploded. A man that she could hardly recognize now walked out completely naked. He suddenly waved his hand and she now found him wearing a gray kimono with black magatama around the collar. His once black hair now was white hair with a black streak on the side of it. His face now looked to be redone and no longer had the long streaks beneath his eyes. His skin had become much paler and to the point that it looked unhealthy to anybody who would see it.

He was very lean but one could see the amount of muscle packed in between each part of him. Each part of him looked as if chiseled to perfection. He then slowly opened his eyes to reveal red crimson eyes that looked as if they could kill anything just by looking at them. His eyes then slowly transformed into a 3 Tomoe Sharingan before starting to go further.

Mangekyo Sharingan… Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan… and then suddenly his eyes started to turn purple with rings around them. Inside of some of the rings in his eyes were black tomoe. These eyes looked even more deadly than the previous Mangekyo Sharingan she thought to be the top level. The small breeze within the cave seemed to make his now unique hair flow in the wind as he slowly pulled his sword out of the Sky Poison Pearl.

"I-Itachi…?" she stuttered out still not sure of what had happened.

"Jasmine… I'm sorry for making you worry." the man said in a voice that sounded not much like Itachi. However she could tell it was him. It was the same soft voice with his soft smile. In fact she could tell he had now gotten over a blockage within his mind. Jasmine immediately blushed looking at him thinking that he was quite handsome now. However before she got to think anymore she heard his voice again.

"Jasmine… I promise I will tell you everything but let's wait until the other girls get here… I sent someone that should bring them soon… For now I need to adjust to my new body…" Shuji spoke.

"Know this however Jasmine… There are people in the planes of Primal Chaos that you and members of the God Realm have yet to understand or see. This new body of mine is now proof of the theory I held… There will be enemies now with the power to potentially destroy all of the planes within Primal Chaos." he said lightly which made her shake.

"What are these beings…" she asked slightly scared. She understood that he was not one to mess around about these kinds of things.

"They are a part of a clan called the Otsutsuki…." he said.

"...A clan that you could say I am now partly a part of…" he said with a slow smile.

1830 words! That is now the end of the original web novel! From here on out all chapters will be completely original! Also i'll be adding a stats page as well as a character images page!

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