
Across the Worlds

Same main character gets reincarnated . Read the first chapter and get on the ride.

Vishesh_Singh_7260 · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Finally took the interview

In the studio hall of many faces . Many lights facing the young man and the host . There are many people sitting in the hall but some are interviewers in them in desguise . The host then pointed at a young lady . She stood up prepared like she expected . The woman raised her hand and asked .

" So sir Silva . From where did you get the inspiration for writing your work which became the besteller of the year ".

A boy of about 17 years of age answered.

" It's all from experience from the different world. I experienced the difference between cold and warm . Hunger and fear . Taste of victory and greed . I have lived through that world ".

In reply the interviewer answered .

" Truly as you say . The writers that live through the world they build and gives us readers entry in their world are really remarkable as you ".

After a slight pause she resumed.

" But my real question is that where from you got the inspiration to write the novel . Which works do you read ".

" Ah yes I understand your question now ! I have read the works of La latina and Sir Katee ".

The interviewer questioned while arching her brows .

" But Madame La latina and Sir Katee work on biopic . But your work is as we all know fiction . I am confused how you got inspired by them ".

Hearing this boy smiled in understanding and replied tilting his head slightly .

" I have only been inspired by the work . It doesn't mean I can imitate their work which is wrong in any sense . I can not steal their words but can take the essence of their work . The depth or the height it is all between the Top and Bottom ".

The interviewer replied without a break .

" You truly know how to promote your work ".

Hearing this , everyone laughed and apllaused while the interviewer sat back .

Next a middle aged man stood up with his mic in his hand . While standing up he put his all weight on the walking stick and then straightened himself .

" My name is Maniksha Lal and I have done some research about your background ". He boldly stated . Some faces became confused and ugly. ( Of course they are from other interviewers and host .But the host concealed it right away .

" Of course it is your work to dig upto the root ". The boy replied still smiling .

" You have been missing in the jungle for almost 5 and a half years . May I ask you where you were ? I mean your parents searched for you for that much time and were hopeless . Also I know the story that you got attacked by a mane wolf and later he he heavily injured your arm and your left eye resulting your arm to be amputated and became blind from one eye ".

Hearing this the atmosphere became grim The real audience felt anger towards the interviewer for asking such impolite question . Despite the hostile looks the middle aged man reamain uneffected .

Looking at his arm and touching it slightly his eyes became more tranquil then before .

He replied with little regret .

" Yes sir , I don't have an arm or an eye . What is your point ?".

Then the middle aged man started with series of questions .

" What is your birthday ?".

" 2nd April ".

" In what grade you were when you left for tour with your friends ".

" Sixth ".

" Do you remember your team when you were at camping ? ".

" Yes ".

" Name them ".

" Nina , Toby , Gamora and Haresh ".

" The site when you were stranded ".

" At the foot of a small hill with a small river beside it ".

" Your right eye look healthy " .

Hearing this ,the boy said with a frown .

" Are you not happy that I can see ?". All the audience agreed but remained silence . But the middle aged man persisted . Looking at his hair he then asked .

" Your head has been damaged in shape which caused you ADD . It looks like all the symptoms have been cured .

"ADD can not be cured but luckily due my doctors assistance I am much fine. " .

Now the smile covered the face of him interviewer ( He is 42 years old ).

" Your DNA test has been arrived but before announcing to the public I am going to ask you one more question .

The boy hurriedly replied in confusion.

Why sir Maniksha lal ? Why you have done my DNA test ? My parents never doubted me . Do you think I am impersonating myself ? ".

" Nice choice of words lad but quickly tell me what is " La live France " mean ?".

" That is a easy question . It means long live France " .

" How do you know it ?".

I kno..... ... ...

The middle aged man then suddenly put his hand in his right pocket of his pants and took out a shiny knife . Then he ran towards the boy . The boy looked confused then a little bit shock .

" The 42 year old man is coming to kill him !

??". Someone shouted from the crowd . Everyone started screaming after few second in sudden shock . Some came to rescue but the security officers already put the screen and ran towards the middle aged man.

The man swung the knife towards his face the boy bent slightly but his few strands of hair got cut off. On the next swing the man swing knife making a 45 degree angle slope towards his right where the boy was which got stabbed directly in his right shoulder . He got pushed and then he got tumbled with table beside him . The man raised his knife again but the three security officers came behind him pulled him then pinned him down .

The host was sitting on the chair the whole time but he didn't do anything . Just calmly analysed the whole situation ( Actually he was scared ).

The middle aged man shouted while being pinned .

" I am the Seventh Vice Commander of army . Take your hands off me ".

No officer responded still pinning him down .

The middle aged man sighed in his heart and then said " , OFKS 206 ".

Hearing this, one security officer said in realisation , " It is the secret code for avoiding killing in secret mission . He really is the Seventh Vice Commander".

" Really " . Other two slowly lessened thier grip and stood beside . The middle aged man then stood up and looked at the boy .

" Sorry boy I think we did some mistake ".

The boy stood there a little shocked and motionless . He gave a reluctant smile to the officer . The officer also curled his lips but instead he shouted to the officers.

" Your locking technique was weak , any strong criminal could have escaped . The three man locking and pinning technique is absolute and shouldn't be used like you did . You three will train again in the base ".

" Yess sirr !! "

Hearing this , the three officers shouted in unision and left . The boy looked at his arm and gave it a slight brush . No blood was coming at the stabbed part nor his shirt was torn . Then he looked at the shiny knife off which the blade was folded like a paper . Still the shiny glister was on it . It was aluminium aluminium foil.

Note : Aluminium foil is sharp but still it is an household item . It cannot harm anyone except anyone is skill as the Vice Commander.