
Across the Omniverse With No Sense of Direction

well you know where this is going, MC gets reincarnated with a system and can travel the omniverse. Novel is purely wish fulfillment and just a fun read. Updates are sporadic and currently no update schedule. This is my first novel and would love your support and input. Again this is my first novel so forgive me if their is something I get wrong or if something isn't to original. Also quick shoutout to ''multiverse: gamer system'' and ''I Will Live A Better Life'' which inspired me for this story go check them out. Quick disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this novel other than the MC. all characters belong to their respected owners, except Morgan Freeman, he's not a fictional character, even if he shows up in your dreams. Just updated the tags, I'll add new ones as the MC travels worlds or gains powers.

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30 Chs

Chapter 25: Seshat's leason (|R-18|) and Zald's training

Reaching the library Izumi met again with Seshat and waved to her, she returned the wave with a seductive look and licked her lips. Seeing it however, Izumi gulped his saliva and walked to the section about gods and related topics.

He knew Seshat held interests in him but he wasn't very much interested since he knew that relationship probably wouldn't end up going anywhere, due to her staying in the school district.

Gathering a few different books on hieroglyphs, Izumi started his studying. As he did however, he found it harder to learn without someone to bounce ideas off of, he was learning a lot but, he felt as if he learned more through bouncing and trading ideas with another person. Doing it alone he felt as if he'd go over or miss something, to the point it frustrated him. With a shut Izumi closed the book and sat with his back against the seat staring into the sky.

Sighing to himself he closes his eyes as he tries to process the information he had gotten, looking at it from different angles and trying to come up with different perspectives and lenses. But as Izumi was contemplating the information he'd learned he was immediately awakened by a voice.

''You seem to be stuck, need a little help?~'' Said a seductive and older voice from above Izumi.

Hearing the voice Izumi immediately opened his eyes and was met with the sight of two Dark blue eyes and a beautiful face. Slightly startled, Izumi jolted in his spot with a look of surprise.

Seemingly amused by his reaction the blue eyed woman moved closer to the boy as her large breasts pressed against the top of his head and blue eyes moved closer to him. Grasping the sides of his face gently she spoke in a seductive way.

''Do you need my help, child?~'' The woman reiterated with a seductive smile.

''N-no, I'm good Seshat-sama!'' Izumi said quickly, gently pushing her back and standing up with a blush atop his face.

Seshat who was just teasing him and looked at the books he was reading.

''Hieroglyphs? This is quite an advanced book.'' She said pretending she had not been stalking him earlier.

''Y-yup, I've been trying to learn it, but I'm still a beginner.'' Izumi replied slightly shyly.

''Than this is lucky encounter, I was just coming her to touch up on my understanding of hieroglyphs.'' Seshat replied as she took a seat beside Izumi's seat.

''I could never…I'm quite new to this after all…'' Izumi said, but Seshat wouldn't take no for an answer.

''Come, or do I have to make you?'' She said seductively as she tapped the chair beside her.

Izumi heard her relented and just nodded, sitting beside her. As he did so they began talking about hieroglyphs, Seshat explaining stuff and Izumi giving his ideas or Seshat and Izumi arguing over a certain meaning. However as they talked Izumi learned much more and Seshat reflected and adjusted her understanding of hieroglyphs, finding it interesting that conventional grammar and writing styles could affect hieroglyphs so vastly, being able to compare between a god and human was quite eye opening for both of them.

As they finished talking an hour had passed and Izumi was thinking of leaving in 20-30 minutes. Seeing this however Seshat got a bit annoyed and decided to not let him go yet, wrapping her

''Don't leave yet~'' She said and beckoned him to stay. Even though she was interested at first, she found herself captivated by Izumi thought process and thoroughly enjoyed their discussions.

Being one of the few scholarly gods, it was hard for her to find someone to have sophisticated discussions with. Izumi, even though he was a human, proved himself to her and she refused to let go of him without promising to meet up again.

These actions may seem weird or clingy to humans, but conventional thinking doesn't apply to gods. Especially one who had finally found another intellectual at her own level in a long time. On Top of this due to being recognized as a 'nerd' among gods, she was quite sexually frustrated and lonely, not having had sex or intimacy in years. For her Izumi was quite literally a god sent blessing she wouldn't let get away.

Bringing him in closer, she suddenly placed her lips atop his and inserted her tongue into his mouth. Although she was a bit rusty, it did not mean she was inexperienced at all, in fact in terms of physical beauty she was above average even among gods.

Izumi on the other hand was quite bewildered but that was quickly being replaced by a dizzy sensation and heat taking over his body. Due to his reincarnation, he'd been backed up for over 3 years and presented with the seduction of a woman who'd far outclass anyone from his previous world, Izumi couldn't resist.

Some blame also lay on his [Ghislaine Dedoldia] template, which he had equipped in preparation for his training with Zald, causing his beastly urges to run uncontrolled.

So in the face of the kiss Izumi reciprocated, however due to the beastmen template, Izumi's animal-like urges couldn't allow him to just be submissive. Which caused Izumi's dominant side to flare up as he growled.

''Fuck it! I'm not one of those Beta MCs.'' Izumi growled as he gave up trying to resist his urges and returned the kiss aggressively.

Instead of remaining passive he started dominating the kiss and grabbing a hold of one of Seshat's large breasts, kneading it with one hand as his other one wrapped around her waist. Izumi expertly dominated and played with Seshat's tongue and breast, Sauising Seshat, surprised by the sudden aggressive and dominant behavior, moaned into Izumi's mouth.


Taken aback by the boy who looked no less than 8 years old's sudden expert technique and dominant nature, Seshat let out a series of moans into Izumi's mouth as she bent down further and pressed her body onto Izumi. She was most definitely not expecting the cute little boy to be a beast in this regard.

*MHhhh!~~ ah- mhhh!~*

Finally breaking free and just barely catching her breath.

''Haah haah…Your… quite dangerous… haah'' Seshat remarked as she allowed herself to fall into his pase and enjoy his aggressive intimacies, finding it mind numbing.

But Izumi paid her words no mind and went back to making out with her, as quite obscene sucking sounds resounded in the room.

*mnnn~ chu~ mh!~*

Nearly 10 minutes later, Izumi and Seshat were still immersed in their makeout session, Izumi barely in control of his own body was now completely dominant as Seshat melted into his touch.

Sprawled atop the table, Izumi loomed over Seshat as she obediently rested against the table top as her moaning filled the room and she surrendered her body to Izumi's touch. But as Izumi was getting lost in the pleasure, he heard a sudden notification from his system.

[Notice, some students are beginning to enter the library.] Uriel said in his ears, slightly waking Izumi up from his intoxicated-like state.

Leaning his head away from Seshat, a sting of saliva connected their mouths. Breathing heavily as he stared back at Seshat's figure he was rendered speechless by her erotic and unkempt appearance. With hazy blue eyes and slightly messy straight black hair, her mouth hung open as her tongue peaked out. Her heavy battered breaths were visible and warm against Izumi's face every time her large breast weaved up and down, with her limbs sprawled out on the table and a noticeable wet patch between her legs.

The sight caused Izumi's body to go on autopilot as he reached his hand in between her legs and teased her bottom lips through the fabric of her leopard styled robes. Causing Seshat's back to arch and voice to creak. Enjoying the reaction, Izumi pulled the top of her dress robes up, revealing her large white breast to the world. Grabbing a hold of her right breast and kneading it, while he stroked her cunt with his other.

*Nhh~ Mnnhhh~*

As he did so, Seshat's body melded to his touch and let him do whatever he wanted with her, disregarding the students she noticed entering the library, through her divinity. With her last bit of sense she used her authority over the library to slow the elevator to their current floor substantially. As Izumi stroked his hand against the fabric over her bottom lips she quivered and allowed her body to move to his whims, falling into an esthetic state from his dominant touch..

'Fuck he's even better than Thoth!' she thought semi-conscious, right before she climaxed.


Izumi deciding he had waited long enough slipped his hand in her robes and inserted two fingers quickly into her cunt causing Seshat to moan wildly and convulse. Izumi slowly started moving his fingers in and out of her cunt slowly. As Seshat had been overly stimulated the slow movements felt like torture for her so she started rocking her hips in motion with Izumi's fingers.

But as she was doing so, Izumi slapped her bottom sending ripples through it. Causing Seshat to nearly climax in a mixture of pain and pleasure, finding ecstasy in being dominated.

''Did I say you could move.'' He said in a domineering and aggressive tone, slowly he began fingering her once again but this time much slower as he was doing so Seshat's breasts jiggled hypnotically in motion with his hand.

Seeing this, Izumi salivates slightly, staring at Seshat's pink peaks. With another slap this time to Seshat's breasts which cause her nipples to harden and body to climax as her breasts bounce around.


''This is your punishment for trying to seduce me.'' Izumi said as he brought his face down and began sucking on her nipples aggressively, Seshat inturn wrapped her arms around his head pulling him closer with slightly watery hazy eyes.


With his other hand Izumi starts more aggressively, fingering her with his index and middle finger. Increasing his pace, Seshat's moans fill the room as she herself becomes high from ecstasy, moaning wildly.

*Ahhh~ Harder!*

Her erotic and lustful screams fill the room as she slowly starts rocking her hips in motion with Izumi's fingers pushing them in deeper. But Izumi wasn't passive either as he went to town on her breast. Izumi sucked and licked her nipple, sometimes biting her breast and leaving marks.

''I'm cumming~'' Seshat screamed as she climaxed onto Izumi's hand.

But Izumi wasn't satisfied yet, so as Seshat came, he pushed his fingers deeper and bit onto her nipple. Seshat from the rush of new stimuli screamed and came even harder while her body convulsed.


With a loud shriek, Seshat convulsed as she climaxed hard, Her eyes rolling back as her tongue stood out with a slutty expression on her face, spraying a clear liquid on Izumi's hand.

Izumi, satisfied, got up and looked down at her, while licking his lips. Seshat laid, sprawled out on the table, heaving heavy breaths as her breast rose and fell with each one and staring at the ceiling with an unfocused satire.

Feeling a tight sensation in his pants, Izumi looked down and saw a sizable bulge in his pants. He wanted to go even further, but held himself back.

''Let's get dressed before someone sees.'' He whispered in her ears and Seshat absentmindedly nodded.

Quickly getting dressed, Izumi turned around to see Seshat still sprawled on the table. Slightly annoyed she didn't get ready he grabbed her clothes and told her again.

''Hurry up and put these on.'' He said, which seemed to jolt Seshat straight up as she dressed in front of him while still breathing heavily, after she submissively followed Izumi to the stairs, not taking the elevator, as there were people coming up on it. Instead, they took the stairs which no one usually used, walking down an awkward mood started to form for Izumi, as Seshat just obediently followed behind him.

''Sorry if I took it to far.'' Izumi awkwardly said as he scratched the back of his neck, apologizing for his aggressive behavior, however Seshat gave an unexpected reaction.

''No, I liked it.'' She whispered and Izumi felt as if he heard wrong.

''I'm sorry, what?'' He cracked his head back asking to clarify.

''I said I enjoyed it….being dominated like that and how forceful you where…It felt…hot.'' Seshat said as her gaze turned hazy and heated. Izumi on the other hand just stared at her bewildered.

''Let's do it again.'' She said,

''Nononono, this is going in a weird direction.'' Izumi said.

''I was the one trying to eat you, first?'' Seshat retorted back.

''...But to think the innocent little kid was such a beast…hehehe'' Seshat chuckled.

Izumi was bewildered and chose to just ignore her, but Seshat, somehow, enjoyed being ignored and just obediently followed him with a perverted chuckle.

Reaching the door, Seshat saw Izumi off as she left him with a small reminder.

''Next time, I'll reserve a room so no one will get in the way.'' Seshat said and Izumi just stared blankly, as he was confused on how to deal with her, but just decided to accept the free meal, feeling a rising boner.

Walking out of the library, Izumi felt refreshed and full of energy. As Izumi still had quite some time, he stopped by his room for a quick shower.

Izumi, now clean and refreshed, decided to go to the church to see Alfia, with a tightly fitted simple blackshirt and loose pants. He had decided on these clothes thinking they would be good to train in on his first day of training under Zald.

Opening the large old doors Izumi was met with the sight of Alfia sitting in her usual spot. Taking a seat beside her he greeted her.

''Hi, Alfia.'' He said with his gentle voice.

''Hello, ready for your training under Zald?'' She asked after returning the greeting.

''Yup. I'm prepared and brought plenty of healing and stamina potions, just in case.'' Izumi said as he took out a healing position from his inventory.

''Good, you'll need it.'' She said in a somewhat mysterious tone, which caused Izumi to start worrying.

''Haha, it's only the first day, it won't be anything to crazy…right?'' Izumi said back to Alfia, waiting for her to confirm.

''Hahaha…'' Instead Alfia lightly chuckled without answering Izumi. This however caused Izumi to start sweating as he had a foreboding feeling.

'It shouldn't be too hard…I mean it's the first day.' Izumi thought hopefully and decided to change the subject.

''So I almost succeeded on my first enhancement in class.'' Izumi said rather proudly.

''Oh that's quick, which one?'' Alfia asked, cutting him some slack, before his hell training with Zald.

''[Sharpness], but I kinda cut myself doing so…'' Izumi answered curtly.

And so the two began talking about their everyday and things they'd done lately. Izumi mostly about school life and his advancements in hieroglyphs, Alfia about places she found on her walks and her old stories, back in her adventuring days.

Soon Izumi talked about his enchantment ideas both the good and bad ones.

''I was thinking I could make a set of daggers, each specializing in hunting a different monster'' Izumi said.

''Where would you hold all of them?'' Alfia asked.

''...I haven't thought of that…'' Izumi replied.

''What about a arrow that could turn invisible?'' Alfia chipped in.

''I don't think there's an enchantment for that…'' Izumi said, searching his memory to see if there was one on Eitr's list.

''Can't you make one?'' Alfia asked.

''No, you can't…actually I don't know…how would you even make an enchantment?'' Izumi replied and started to deliberate.

…An hour or so later both Izumi and Alfia decided to walk to Zald and Alfia's home, Izumi for his training and Alfia to keep him company. On their way however Alfia started to cough violently and tripped.

*Cough*Cough*Cough* Alfia violently coughed on the ground with a hand over her mouth.

Seeing this Izumi panicked and rushed over, rubbing her back gently and supporting her with his own body. Taking out some water from his inventory, Izumi fed Alfia some water as he tended to her.

As Alfia's coughing calmed down she began to take deep breaths trying to catch her breath, but Izumi was still quite panicked.

''I think I'm better now.'' Alfia said and tried to slowly get up, but Izumi wasn't having it.

''Better now!? You nearly coughed up an organ. On top of that you fell and could have hurt your self!'' Izumi chastised as he held onto her, not letting go.

''I'm fine.'' Alfia said calmly, although she was touched at his caringness and worry she still had her pride as a high level adventurer and didn't want to cause him trouble. Getting up to her feet she felt a strong sense of vertigo and nearly fell backwards, just barely taking a step back and catching herself but still being off balanced.

Izumi acted quickly and grabbed a hold of her, waiting for Alfia to stabilize herself.

''Fine, I know you're too stubborn to accept help, so at least let me support you until we return.'' Izumi demanded not backing down, Alfia felt it would look weird, being so much taller than Izumi and tried to decline.

''No, it's fin-'' She tried to reject, but Izumi cut her off.

''It's either this or I carry you on my back.'' Izumi stated and Alfia just agreed with a sigh, as she imagined what the alternative would look like. The funny picture of a motivated but tiny boy carrying a full grown woman appeared in her head and she nearly chuckled thinking about it.

''Huh…Fine.'' Adopting a smile Alfia gives in and allows Izumi to support her as she walked, although she felt grateful inwardly she felt a bit of fear and regret.

'It's happening more often…' Alfia thought with a sad smile.

Throughout their way home an odd pair of a beautiful woman and an extremely cute child could be seen walking the streets, some may even confuse them as mother and child. The boy, Izumi, was directly attached to Alfia's side, holding her tightly and supporting her with a determined face. Alfia tried to not put as much of her weight on Izumi as she could, not wanting to hurt Izumi as to her he was very fragile in comparison to herself even if she was ill and dying.

Reaching Alfia and Zald's little house they where meet with Zald also returning. When he saw the two he just stared blankly and doubted his eyes, as the usual cold and independent Alfia allowed someone to support her.

Seeing his questioning and awestruck face, Izumi decided to explain, but Alfia behind his back was staring at Zald with a face promising to kill if he said anything.

''This idiot thought it would be a good idea to go to the church even though she has a cold.'' Izumi said, while pretending her illness was a common cold as he shouldn't know of it yet.

Zald hearing him quickly understood, Alfia had most likely entered a coughing fit due to her illness and Izumi probably demanded he support her due to worry.

Zald gave an absentminded nod as he inwardly marveld at the boy who could tame Alfia the 'Silence'.

Setting Alfia down on the sofa inside and taking out a blanket, which he draped on her shoulders, Izumi instructed her to rest.

''Now, no moving around until you've had enough rest, ok?'' Izumi said.

''I don't think this is necessary…'' Alfia tried to argue, but Izumi didn't budge.

''Ok?'' Izumi repeated but this time more forceful, causing Alfia to sigh in defeat and nod.

''Great, I'll make you some tea and then me and Zald can start training. I'll check on you when I get a break.'' Izumi said as he went off to the kitchen to make some hot tea.

Left in the room together, Zald stared at Alfia with a questioning look which seemed to annoy Alfia.

''Not another word.'' She said to Zald and making the smart choice Zald curtly shut up and moved to the backyard to get ready for training Izumi.

After Izumi made Alfia tea, he went off to meet Zald for his training.

Meeting Zald in the backyard, he found the larger man waiting with his normal armor and a dulled sword.

''Ok, since you need to learn how to rely on your instincts we'll be sticking to matches until your able to build up your instincts and learn to fight without you head.'' Zald stated as he tossed Izumi a wooden sword.

Izumi looking blankly at the wooden sword compared it with Zald's dulled iron sword and felt cheated.

''This is a wooden sword.'' Izumi said.

''Yes it is.'' Zald bluntly stated.

''But the sword your using is an iron one…'' Izumi retorted.

''Yes it is.'' Zald repeated with no change in his voice.

''You won't learn anything if I baby you. You'll learn from your injuries.'' Zald explained as he hid an amused smile underneath his words.



''Do I at least get any handicap…?'' Izumi asked.

''What, you want to be blindfolded? That part of training comes later.'' Zald said as he took a stance.

''That's not what I meant…'' Izumi said feeling cheated and adopted a wronged expression as he desperately tried getting in a stance, seeing Zald charging at him.

Regardless, Izumi was beaten mercilessly for the next hour.

Laying sprawled on the ground, an unresponsive Izumi stared blankly into the sky with hollow eyes and wounds and bruises all around his body. Zald seeing him being unresponsive decided to cut him some slack for being able to persist for so long.

''Alright, I'll give you a 30 minute break, heal your wounds in the meantime.'' Zald said and walked away as he heard a groan of acknowledgement from Izumi's corps- body..

Slowly taking out a potion, Izumi lifted his shaky hand to his face and drank some. Finding a slight amount of solace from the pain. Sitting up, Izumi spent the next 5 minutes slowly drinking potions and waiting for them to take effect.

After somewhat recovering, he dragged his body over to the house to check up on Alfia as he had promised before.

Meanwhile from a distance Zald watched him getting up with a small smile and nod of approval, turning around and grabbing something from his person, a bottle filled with a blue liquid, it was a potion.

Izumi going back inside was met with the sight of Alfia still sitting on the sofa reading a book. When she turned to face him he tried hiding his pain and adopting a smile.

''How was your training?'' she asked.

''Oh it was fine.'' Izumi answered as he tried to straighten his back, but Alfia wasn't buying it.

''Sure…'' Alfia said with a knowing look and amused expression, finding his act funny and completely seeing through his act and injuries.

''Hahaha…'' Izumi, choosing not to acknowledge her look, laughed awkwardly and changed topics.

''So how are you feeling, any better?'' He asked with some concern.

''...Yes, I feel much better.'' Alfia answered after a pause appreciating the sensation of someone worrying about her, something she hadn't felt since her sister's death.

''That's good but still rest for a bit.'' Izumi replied and decided to make her something to eat.

''Hey, do you want anything to eat? I'm a pretty good cook.'' He asked as he prepared himself to cook.

''Well, if you don't mind. How about something with some meat?'' Alfia answered.

''Ok, coming right up.'' Izumi said as he walked to the kitchen and thought about something to cook.

Finding some rice, vegetables, meat, eggs, and spices, Izumi decided what he would make.

'Let's try some chinese food…maybe egg fried rice and general tso's chicken' Izumi said as he recalled a recipe in [Emiya Shirou's Cookbook].

Preparing the dishes Izumi soon finished a large bowl of egg fried rice and one of general tso's chicken. As he placed the fragrant dishes on the dinner table and cleaned up the kitchen, both Zald and Alfia were led to the dining room by the mouth watering smell.

As they both sat down Izumi returned with plates and set the table.

''I made some egg fried rice and general tso's chicken.'' Izumi informed them as he filled their plates for them.

''You can really cook…'' Alfia said as she marveled at his cooking.

''...'' Zald however silently stared, as a master chef himself he wished to taste Izumi's cooking especially when he never had this delicacy.

''Where did you learn these dishes?'' Alfia asked as she watched Izumi add the general tso's chicken onto the egg fried rice.

''Oh, it's an eastern dish, I learned it from a really good chef.'' Izumi half lied as he had learned it through Emiya's cookbook.

Zald and Alfia just absentmindedly nodded, not paying much attention to his words as they stared at the delicious looking food in front of them.

Each of them took a spoonful and then took a bite at the same time. As they did the taste exploded in their mouths as they both hummed in satisfaction. It had been a long time since they both had tasted something so good.

Alfia and Zald each ate at least 3 servings before contently, collapsing in their chairs with full stomachs. Alfia just blissfully enjoyed the taste, whereas Zald had a new found respect for Izumi.

''Can you cook this again sometime?'' Alfia asked, abandoning any pride she had as the taste was just too good.

''Of course I'll make you some Western dishes I know, that tastes just as good.'' Izumi replied as he was not short on recipes he wanted to try but didn't have the ingredients for, but Zald living here meant there was an abundance of different ingredients, some he wasn't even familiar with.

As they all went back to their previous activities, Izumi and Zald went back to train and Alfia decided to take a walk and sit outside to enjoy nature.

And so Izumi's first day of training under Zald passed.

Alright, I put out my first |R-18| Chap for the people who kept commenting asking for one.

First time wrighting one of these so, sorry if it's not too good.

Should Seshat be in the harem or should his relationship with her stay ambiguouse...IDK?

Also Alfia's health is degrading faster than canon because of a few reasons, one; she meets with Izumi in the church every day now instead of resting like she usually does, two; walks alot more and talks with Izumi alot more, three; other reason.

Tell me your though and comment!

See you in the next chapter! : )


Kill_it_with_firecreators' thoughts