

Clara was doing pretty much good in her work . she cleaned the bedroom's properly as expected. Clara was still wearing her old-fashioned glasses and her cleaning uniform . she was cleaning the bedroom windows which was quite immense and altitudinous . she used a ladder instead for her to reach she upper surface of the windows . Talking about her she was a short 21 years old young lady who is working for money to pay her college fee since she's an orphan, from the age of three . Her parent died in a car accident in the way to a nearby town while going to a funeral. since the tragic event , she lived with her poor elder sister who is now conding the age of 35 and she is really poor to afford Clara's college fee. as a strong young lady she never gave up with her study she went to look for a good paying job to help her out , that's why she is really severe when it comes to her job.


Dustin is in the room as well , reading a public press . while he was severely concetrating on his press , Clara slipped from up after being affrightened by a butterfly that came from the flowers in the garden .

And do you know what, she accidentally falled on Dustin's who was sitted on the bed busy reading a press.

Dustin mind got so unclean.

he started thinking that she falled from a ladder on purpose just to get her attractive , but you know what he was completely sooooooo..... wrong as the matter of fact Clara had never dated and the most astonishing part is that she is a virgin.

after this dissatisfying event Clara took her body from the angry Dustin who was about to chew her up and quickly kneeled for apology . Well , Dustin was kind of arrogant and bossy so he twisted his cute thin pink lips and uplift one of his eyebrows and widened his blue eyes and swayed his hair back ward and started staring at Clara's so arrogantly and Clara got so confused and thoughtless and all that she had in her mind was that ,she is going to loose her job .

Dustin seeing her helpless he asked

"Did it hurt falling on top of me ?"

This question really made Clara feel a little worried and she smoothly answered "well ,young master I am so sorry a butterfly scared me and I accidentally slipped from the ladder." between gasp and pant .

Dustin feeling so irritated and insulted by this stupid answer ." well.... I guess you are pretty much childish beyond my imagination ?" said Dustin.

"Of course no . I am just a little bit scared of pollinators." said Clara with an esteem voice.

"I Guess for that behavior of yours , you must be punished as any other maid or you quit this job" said Dustin and later called Mrs Laura for punishment .

After explaining everything clear to Mrs Laura, Clara was given this particular kind of difficult job which was cleaning each room 7 times a day for the whole up coming week.

well she really had no other choice so she worked as required, by the matter of fact she really don't want to loose her job for something simple like that, she really wanted to continue her education to fullfil her scientist career .