

Shi Lang held Yu Xeidi's hand as they walked around the Asura Hall. The Terran was inspecting every thing that has been going on inside the sect. He found that the entire place has been transformed. All the members were using advanced communicator like they did back in the Federation. 

The sect was being monitored without any blind spots in the common area. What surprised him was the fact that his sensory abilities have amplified qualitatively after the seclusion. He could even detected a speck of dust flying through the void if he focused on it hard enough. Shi Lang noticed that Shi Tao, Amelia, were chatting with Fairy Moon Jade, and Tian Long in the garden. 

He took Yu Xeidi and the two walked over leisurely. Amelia sensed him the fastest and turned to look at him. She was surprised but then she let out a sigh of relief. Shi Lang smiled and her and said, "I apologize for losing my temper earlier."