
Accidentally falling for you.

She came like a thief during the night, with no warning and not much of an expectation, but she didn't come to steal, although she took more than he was willing to give. - He was the Criminal, the one to fear, never before has anyone gotten away with stealing from him. Will she? Will she even want to? -

Joanette_Gates · perkotaan
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28 Chs

Chapter 26 When the betting starts

"Who the fuck are you?" The small figured man with his dirty blonde hair cut into a boyband type of style tries to act tough even though he is bound to a chair in the middle of a storage unit on the outer part of the resort where no guests are allowed and no one would hear him scream when I start to strip away his life tissue by tissue. "You don't know who you are messing with." He continues to threaten me and Achille as we stood to the side waiting for Achilles's new companion to bring the piece of scum that actually pulled the trigger that launched the bullet into Angela.

"100 Dollars he screeches first." Achilles chuckles trying to make a bet that would ensure he wins. Of course, he will start talking first. He isn't a part of this long enough to comprehend what he got himself into. He will take the easiest way out, but that doesn't mean that we are not going to have fun first.

"Too easy..." I shake my head. "100 Dollars says I can make him yell like a little bitch even before first blood is drawn." I challenge.

"Deal." Achilles nods his head accepting the wager just as two men enter the steel box we find ourselves in.

"Sit." The man barks and his prisoner follows the order. "Good dog." He grins letting go of him and taking a step closer to us. "Hello, Sir." He extends his hand to me introducing himself as Terrence.

"Well brother this is the man that made it possible to infiltrate the security at the Art show, but more importantly he is the one who found Mia." Achilles places his hand on Terence's shoulder.

"I am glad I could be of help." He grins letting go of my hand.

"I am truly grateful for that." I nod. "We are lucky to have found you." It felt like I owe this man my life. He was the reason for Mia still being alive after all.

"Hey man! I know you..." Realization settles in James's eyes. He might have just realized that he is fucked. "What... Uh... But... Your... Boss... He..."

"Shut up." He breathes rounding the blabbing and shaken James. "What are we doing with these two?" He questions pulling James's head backward by his hair. "This one is going to scream like a girl." He points out and Achille shakes his head at the words that came out of Terrence's mouth. He saw it too. "So where do I tickle first?" He query James before putting some pressure on his shoulders and just like the wimp he is he squeal under Terence's touch, but he maintain his mouth shut.

"First of I would like to introduce myself." I take a step closer and drag a chair after me over the floor until I am in reaching distance from James and I take a seat on the hard chair, resting my elbows on my knees. "They like to call me Ben, but my name is Benvenuto Damian." I watch as he slowly start to put the puzzle pieces together. "You see me and you, we got a friend in common." I brush my fingers through my hair. "and the thing is I was always going to make it hurt when I got to you, but since you tried to kill her recently I am not only going to make sure it hurts, but that you experience the world agony one can imagine and this is going to go on for as long as you we can keep you alive." I promise him.

"I didn't kill anyone." Suddenly mister tough guy loses his testosterone.