
Accidentally falling for you.

She came like a thief during the night, with no warning and not much of an expectation, but she didn't come to steal, although she took more than he was willing to give. - He was the Criminal, the one to fear, never before has anyone gotten away with stealing from him. Will she? Will she even want to? -

Joanette_Gates · perkotaan
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28 Chs

Chapter 10 - When she ask

"I want to go home." Mia spoke through gritted teeth as Achille, Madre, and Madelaine walks in front of us following the waitress who is showing us the way to our table in the VIP area of the restaurant.

"We are done talking about it. Now act like you want to be here." I squeeze her hand in mine, but she doesn't flinch. She is getting used to my touch. "Bring us a bottle of Masseto." I order the waitress as soon as we sit down and I let go of Mia's hand but keeps her close to me with my other three guests sitting opposite me.

"Make that a bottle of Biondi Santi Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Tenuta Greppo." Mia pipes in with her smart mouth giving me a glare before continuing. "And one of those cannoli milkshakes you advertise at the front desk." The waitress pauses for a second giving Mia the stink eye before giving me a smile. God woman was all the fucking same. I already had a woman with a bitchy attitude I didn't need another one.

"Like il mio amore said. Biondi Brunello and a cannoli milkshake for my daughter." I confirmed Mia's order.

"Il Mio Amore?" Achille chuckles as he holds the menu in front of his face. If we weren't in public I would have smacked that fucking grin he is hiding from his face.

"What does that mean?" Madelaine questions, but I quickly shoot my mother a look when she opens her mouth to speak and she shuts it again. "You don't have to call me your daughter." She continues when she realizes that she wasn't getting an answer.

"You don't want anybody to know that you are my daughter?" I question her.

"I mean it is kind of weird..." She shrugs. "But I don't mind if everyone knows. I have never really had a father before." Her smile fades. "Actually I have never had a last name before." Tears fog her eyes up, but Madre quickly steps in to sweep up the tears.

"A real Mafioso I am." I breathe loud enough for Mia to hear me. I was playing her game.

"Mister Damian." A young woman in uniform greets me the restaurant manager I guess. "I have someone waiting for you in our office." She smiles too friendly for Mia's taste I suppose as Mia scoffs next to me. The woman raising her eyebrow at Mia.

"Come with me." I take Mia's hand into mine when the woman steps in front of me telling me to that it would be best if I rather came alone.

"Who are you to tell my sposino what he can do or not do?" Mia pipes in taking a stand in front of me with that fucking Italian word again, the only Italian word she probably knows, but I don't say anything letting her finish her move. It was her turn after all.

"I am so sorry miss, I didn't know you..."

"I'd better get out of her way if I were you. This one is all fire." I grin not letting the woman finish her sentence. She apologized again as she stepped out of Mia's way and showed her to the office with me following on Mia's heels. God knows what was waiting behind the door that Mia was so eager to enter, but she quickly came to a halt as she saw Tomasso and two of his men keeping the man she knew as a loan shark strapped to a chair. "What is this?" She whispers as she whips her head around to face me behind her. I quickly close the door so her voice doesn't echo through the hall and send some fool rushing from the restaurant.

"I forgot..." I place my hand on her shoulder. "You know this man." I grin. Another point scored for the Mafioso.

"What is he doing here?" She questions me before turning around to face him. Her eyes move across his body and then to the two of Tomasso's men on his sides.

"This 'wanna-be' gangster came asking questions about your payment." Tomasso informs her.

"Why?" Mia frowns as I step in next to her and the man bound to the chair so I can watch her face when she realizes that I have won her game.

"You tell her." I order him ripping the tape from his mouth.

"You don't know who you are messing with." He threatens and the man on his left side punches him in the face telling him not to threaten a woman. "Your father is a dead man." He spits blood onto Mia's dress and this time my fist comes down on him like a piece of steel drawing more blood.

"You wanted a piece of the luck she fell into?" I question him as more fists run down on him. He saw a chance to get more money from Mia's father without doing his homework first. He didn't know where the money came from so he probably thought that the man had more and that was why he taunted him, but what he wasn't aware of was that two of my men were watching over Mia's parents. If she didn't hate me already she surely would if something happened to them.

"Benvenuto!"Mia screamed causing Tomasso to grab her and put his hand in front of her mouth, but my fist stopped mid-air as I turn around.

"Don't scream." I warn her as I grab Tomasso by his throat and walk his back into the door. "If you fucking touch her again..." I warned as Tomasso holds his hands up in the air in a way of surrendering.

"I am sorry, boss." He apologizes quickly. "The room isn't soundproof." I knew this and I would probably have done the same, but seeing another man laying his hands on her made me lost my temper. No one touches her, but me.

"Get him out of here." I order straightening my jacket.

"No." I turn to Mia who bends down her back so she could look him in the eyes. "I am not done." She whispers.

"I am not scared of a little girl." He mocks her as blood spills from his face. "You think you are better than me now because you are fucking this piece if Italian shit?" He laughs at her and faster than I could get to him Mia stab a pen through his eye causing more blood to follow.

"You are done." I grab her from behind by her arms pulling her back against me. "Get him out now." I ordered as I kept Mia against me waiting for the three of them to leave before I let her go. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I question her as I pull my phone out from my pocket hitting the dial button as I get to Achille's name.

"Mia and I won't be joining you. Take Madre and Madelaine to Madre's house when you are done. I don't want anyone at my house when I come home. I will explain later." I end the call my eyes locked with Mia's. "You are coming with me." I order her but this one is stubborn she didn't move until I withdrew my gun and held it to her back. We exited through the back door and got into my car which Tomasso parked at the back.

"Where are you taking me?" Mia finally questions when we turn onto the highway.


"No. I don't want to go home so that you can ignore me." She pulls on the steering wheel and the car shifts to the side of the road, but luckily my grip was stronger. "I don't want to..."

"If you touch anything I will stop the car and put you in the back, understood?" I interject pointing the gun at her again. Does she want me to fucking kill her? She sits back in her seat, she knew that my threats weren't empty. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I don't want to go home."

"I don't mean why did you pull on the steering wheel. Why would you push a fucking pen into the guy's eye when he said that you were fucking me?" Would it be such a bad thing if she was fucking me? That must be the least she can do after I had to keep up with her fucking moods.

"It wasn't that." She breathed.

"Then what?"

"It is nothing."

"Tell me!" I shout at her.

"I told you that I didn't want my father involved with you."

"Because I am the real Mafioso." I state not really asking her. She told me this already.

"Yes. My father was perfectly safe until you stick your nose in where it didn't belong. That guy wasn't going to hurt my dad, he understood when we got a little behind on payments. He is a nobody, but you. You..."

"I am the one who is going to kill your family if they don't pay, right?"

"Yes." She nodded her eyes welling up. I abruptly pull the car to the side of the road causing her to bump her head on the window. I quickly jumped out strolling up and down to get some fresh air. I couldn't believe that she would think this of me. I know I can sometimes be mean to her, but god she drives me crazy. I would never hurt her or do anything to hurt her why didn't she know this? If she thought that all of this was true then why didn't she just kill me the times she had the chance. I trusted my life to her so many times, but each time she doesn't end it. Why didn't she? I open the door and climb back onto my seat. I will prove this to her even if she hates me for it I twist the key in the ignition and the engine starts to roar before I make a U-turn.

The rest of the car ride was in silence until we reached the club where Tomasso brought that fucking idiot. The club was busy a line stood outside the door onto the curb, but we entered through the back. Our clothes were covered in blood spatter we couldn't move through so many people. "What are we doing here?" She questions as I drag her through the door, down the hallway until we reach that famous latch on the floor and disappeared underground were one of Tomasso's men guarded the entrance. He pointed to the room the man was thrown into and I nodded pulling Mia onto the room with me.

"This room is soundproof feel free to scream." I lock the door behind us locking Mia in the room to make sure she doesn't miss a thing; I place the key in my dress shirt's pocket. I grab the man from where he was laying on the floor by his head and drag him to the stool before making him sit on it. "Now let's talk." I throw his head backward, Tomasso must have removed the pen and patched up his eye to stop the bleeding as his eye was now covered in white gauss.

"I am not telling you anything." He scoffs so I withdraw the knife from my pocket which the guard handed me when I passed him, getting right to work I slice of his pinky finger. I wasn't in the mood to play any more games. I wanted her to hear the truth. The knife sliced through the bone like butter. I am keeping this knife. Mia fringe as she turns her head away from what I was doing.

"I am going to keep doing this until you tell me what you were planning." I warn him as I let his hand fall to his lap.

"I wasn't going to kill him." He whined causing Mia to face what was happening again. "I only wanted to scare him, killing him meant that we weren't getting paid." He sneered at her so I slapped him through his face. I didn't want him looking at her.

"What did you do?" I question him.

"We slapped him around a little. That is all I swear." He keeps his line of sight at me this time as Mia stands closer.

"Who is we?" I ordered.

"We man. You know. My men and I." I pick up his hand into mine pushing the knife against his ring finger. "The Colombo family." He spits out quickly afraid that he would lose another finger.

"And who is the Colombo family?"

"You know this." He sighs but quickly answers when the knife bites into his skin. "One of the crime families. The Costa Nostra." He squirts and I let go of his hand and turn to face Mia who stood frozen to the ground.

"Who is the Mafioso now?" I question her and my words seem to hold humor as the fucker in the seat starts to chuckle.

"You thought this guy was part of the costa nostra?" He continued to chuckle. "He will never be costa nostra. Me I am costa nostra." He smirks.

"You..." Mia stared at him that crazy shit anger returning. Oh fuck.

"Don't you act all innocent you little whore." He spits as she nears him slowly. There were no pens nearby so I guess we were safe and I wanted to see how this played out. I was going to kill him anyway for calling her a whore. "He doesn't know?" Mia's face turned red and she ripped the patch from his eye. I didn't know what. "Why don't we start being honest here..." He taunted but quickly yelled for her to stop when she was about to push her thumb into the hole that she created earlier. "Before you do that... did your new lover tell you that your mother is going to die if she doesn't get a new heart."

"You piece of fucking..." I launched at him, but Mia jumped in between me and him.

"Is that true?" Her eyes stared into mine as she grabbed at my suit jacket's collar, her hands turning into fists around the material. "You tell me!" She shouted and something flickered in her eyes. It was like the gears just clicked and everything was starting to work smoothly. "That is why you don't want me to go home?" She accused.

"We can talk about this later." I whispered as my eyes meet the man sitting behind her being entertained.

"No. Let's talk about it now." She wasn't going to let this go so I took a step closer to her and pushed past her plunging the knife into the man's heart. We were done with him anyway. I turn the knife inside him until he started to choke on his own blood. His eyes fade as his breathing stopped. Now I was ready to talk.

"You just plunged that knife through a probably perfect heart." This was the first words Mia said since we left the club and returned home. During the car ride, I tried to talk to her, but she was a mess. She stared into the darkness like she was waiting for something, but it never came.

"It probably wouldn't have been a match either." I mutter so by-the-way. "We need to get cleaned up." Mia's dress was now drenched in blood. If someone saw us they would probably have arrested me and taken her to a hospital although it wasn't her own blood. I didn't like seeing her like that. I am used to men looking like that, but the woman was not supposed to be involved in this. I followed her into the en-suite bathroom in her room holding my hand palm up, waiting for her to hand me her dress.

"I am capable of cleaning up myself." She stated as she watched me.

"Just hand me the fucking dress." I ordered her making her jump. I have women throwing themselves at me all the time. "I am sure I have seen everything before, besides I only need the dress." She stared at me for what felt like hours and that was when I realized. "You aren't wearing underwear are you?" I question her. This was interesting. Why wasn't she wearing underwear?

The glimpse of light in her eyes told me that I was correct. "How is my dad?" She questions changing the subject which I really wanted to discuss, but I would let it go for now.

"He is fine. A little bruised, but nothing serious. I have two men watching out for him. If they try anything they will be taken out." I assure her. "There are also two guys guarding your mother's hospital room."

"Thank you." She mouthed stepping towards me. "Why are you doing this?"

"If I didn't take you that night..."

"My life would be a mess." She interjects placing her hand on my cheek. "You saved me." She whispered brushing her palm over my five o'clock shadow. I wasn't sure why she had this effect on me but I would do anything for her. It was like she had a little spell over me. When she was near me she made me vulnerable. When she was away my mind was kept busy by the thought of her. "I need you to help my mother?"

"I am working on that." I promise her. I have already talked to Sofia who is searching for a heart as we speak. She found one, but it isn't exactly available yet. The young woman was in a car accident and was declared braindead, but the parents aren't ready to switch off the machines. The moment they pull the plug the heart will be transported to the hospital in New York where Mia's mother will receive it.

"If there is someone who can do anything it is you." She combs her fingers through my hair before slightly tugging on it, pulling my head down towards her face. "You can get any heart you desire." She breathes against my lips. If I didn't get flirted with a lot by other young women who wanted something from me I probably would have missed what she was trying to do.

"You don't need to fuck me for me to help you. I thought that you would know this by now." I push her away from me. "If you want me to kill someone to get your mother a new heart you should have the decency to say it." She was desperate. I could understand it, but she should know that I would do anything she asks of me. What do I need to do to prove that to her?

"Will you?" Her voice was stern and her eyes dark.

"Will I what?" I knew what she was asking, but I wasn't sure if she was. I needed her to say the words. Explain to me what she wants me to do.

"Will you kill someone so their heart can save my mother?" I couldn't believe what I heard. She actually said it. She didn't flinch, she didn't stutter. She uttered it full of confidence. God, she was unreadable. I would never have thought that she could be so... me?

"I will if I knew who to kill." I cock my head to the side trying to figure out if she really wanted me to kill an innocent person.

"Me." All the blood drained from my face at the word that just came from those beautiful red lips. I couldn't move. Just when I thought she couldn't surprise me she did it again. I could never read her just when I thought I made a break-through here she come like a wrecking ball and smashes everything I thought I knew into bits and pieces. 'What?' It was the only words that left my mouth.

"I had myself tested a few months ago. I wanted to know that if it ever came to this I would have a plan. I would give my mother my heart. I just wasn't sure how I was going to do it. I couldn't kill myself and call the ambulance with a letter to donate my heart directly and I wasn't sure who to ask to help me, but..."

"The fuck you will!" I scold. "You are in-fucking-sane." I will start killing people left and right to find a heart. She was not killing herself.

"I need you to do it."

"I said that I am working on it and I always get what I want." I ignore her request. "If you do anything to put your own life at risk I will be the one standing between your mother and your heart. Do you understand me?" I threaten her. "Now get yourself cleaned up and go to sleep." I order as I leave her to clean herself up.