
The launching Party 1

Lisa's POV

So you mean there is going to be a launching party next weekend. Sam asked. Yes I answered. You must be wondering why Sam is here. Well, what can I say? Lucy said two was a small number for celebration so she told me to invite Mathew and Sam so now we are four on the table except that we are actually five. Sam brought her boyfriend along, she introduce him as Chase. They just got together last week. Typical Sam, she changes boyfriend like she changes Diaper for a kid. She says getting attached to a boy for too long would only hurt you so its better to change them before they hurt you but she seem a little bit attached to Chase and he seems to be a good guy. I can't judge since I was once like her after the incident few years back but right now I had put an hold to boyfriend, I just want to focus on my career. Well so am I invited. It's being long I went to a party. She said, well I'll ask The director and if there's an invitation,I'll give you one. I said. My boyfriend and I would be coming so make it two. She said. So Lisa when all this is done, would you go back to California? Matthew asked. Well, if there's a lot of opportunities here, I'll stay. I said. Don't worry, I'm here to help. He said. Wow!!! Who would have thought Mr Reynolds would be willing to help. I said. So let's make a toast to Lucy for being recognized in a big industry. Sam said and we raised our glass. To Lucy, we all cheered and we sat there chatting and making fun of ourselves. Sam told us how she met Chase which was very funny, there was chaos in the firm, oops lest I forget, Sam is a lawyer so she was there to control the people after her boss had taken the case that involved a local community library that was about to be destroyed, her boss had won the case and the library was to be demolished, the people were very angry so they came out to protest and Chase was at the war front so when she saw him, she flirted with him so he could stop the protest which actually worked and that was how it started. Sam I think this is a true love story I blurted out but she gave me an intense look and I turned to Chase, Do you really like Sam or you are with her just for Fun? I whispered to him, I really like her. This feeling towards her is strange. He added. Well, I guess you should hold tight to her because she doesn't stick to one guy. I said. Yeah, she told me, she said it was an opened relationship but I really don't want it to be because I feel something towards her. Chase said. I know you would win her heart, she looks tough outside but she is like a melted block inside. OK, Lisa what are you and my boyfriend discussing? I hope you are planning something bad. I'm a lawyer and I won't side family for what is wrong. Sam said. OK, we were just chatting normally. We continued chatting until it was evening. I have to go now, I have work tomorrow, I announced. Let me drop you off. Matthew said and I'm coming with you . Lucy said and we left. Thank you. Lucy said. For what? I asked. For today, thank you for always being there for me and believing in me. She said. Silly, come here, you know I love you so much and you are like my sister and family don't thank each other. I love you too. I added. After a fifteen minutes drive, Matthew pulled over. Thank you Matt, I said as he dropped us. Have a good night rest. He said and drove off. Lucy, is Matt acting strange or am I the one thinking so? I asked. I guess. He's been quiet after he asked about if you were staying. I'll chat him up when I get inside. I said more to myself. Goodnight. I said to her as I was about to enter my room. Good night she said. I undressed and entered the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I wore a robe and settled down to sleep but I decided to call Matthew, he didn't pick so I tried twice but he still didn't pick so I chatted him

Lisa: Hey, Are you home already? Call me. I tried calling you but you aren't picking, call me as soon as you get this.

Few minutes later I got a notification sound, but Surprisingly it wasn't from Matthew but from an unknown number, the same unknown number that chatted me yesterday, I intentionally didn't save his name. What does he want again, I thought as I opened the message

Unknown: Hey!!!, Clara wants to see you, she said she misses you

Lisa: Awwn... I miss her too but I have a tight schedule but tell her I promise to visit her as soon as my work is completed.

Unknown: I bet she'll believe me, she thinks I don't want her to see you

Lisa: I'll call tomorrow, I'll explain it to her

Unknown:I'll be expecting your call

Lisa: Good night

Unknown: Good night

I don't know why, it's like I'm attached to the little girl which is unusual based on the fact I don't like kids again after the incident, I miss her too and I can't wait to see her.


Well, its been three days since Lucy took us out and the magazines have been officially launched to the investors and they were impressed, anyway this week is the launching party but I still have to wrap up with the advertisement and we are done. It feels so good to be finally on a cover or in a whole magazines. I feel so happy. Matthew has still not replied to any of my message though. ( notification sound)

Matthew: Hey, I'm sorry I haven't replied to any of your messages, I have been So busy

Speaking of the Devil, he finally texted

Lisa: I'll not lie, I'm super angry with you now and you just chatting me up and apologizing won't change that

Matthew: I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you. I promise

Lisa: Don't blackmail me

Matthew: How about I take you out for Lunch later or we could go see the movie you have been anticipating for.

Lisa: you are paying for the ticket and getting the popcorn

Matthew: Sure, My lady

Lisa: I won't forget to spank you when I see you for neglecting me

Matthew: oh no... We already have an agreement, I'll pick you up by six

Lisa: whatever...


You look beautiful. Matthew said. Matt, you really are weird. I look beautiful in a jeans and top without makeup? I asked. Maybe it's because you are naturally beautiful. Let's go I said ignoring him.

Well... So we watched the movie and it was interesting but it was still early so we went to a restaurant nearby to Eat. Mr and miss, what would you like to have? The waitress asked. Well I'll have Mac and cheese with a bottle of champagne. I said. I'll go with her. Matthew said. So how is the modeling? Matthew asked. Well, it's good and interesting, i love it. I said. So have industries or rather have you started looking for industries to sign up with? He asked. Well no, I'm not interested in looking for but I guess after the launching party, there will be few industries interested in me. I said. I'm sure there will. I just want to be with Lucy, I'm happy Golden world recognized her though, I always like her as my manager. I said. Why don't you sign up in her industry? He asked. Well...Golden world has pretty high standard and I bet I fit into their criteria. I said. Well, you know the little girl you saved is your liability, you could ask the boss himself. He said. What? Hell... No, I saved her because it was the right thing to do and I didn't even know her then so she is not my liability. I won't do such. I said. Do you want me to help you talk to him then? He asked. Matt, I appreciate that you care and really want to help but I want to be recognized by my ability not by people's help. I said. Typical Alissa, he said. What can I say. So how is your work, I bet Girls are drooling over you. I said. Well, it's tedious, you know doing what I don't normally do. He said. So why did you accept it? I asked. Well because it was boring in California, my manager didn't expect me to accept it as well. He said . I heard they were many options laid down for you, one was even in China, why didn't you take it, that a huge step and your fans would probably increase and more income, I said. Well Lisa, in my own world, everything is not Money, I don't know or have any friends there so I came to where I have friends. He said. It's not like you wouldn't be able to make friends, at least you understand their language. Let's eat. He said instead and after dinner we headed back to my hotel, the car was quiet so I played music and I was singing loudly love the way you lie by Rihanna and Eminem. I was singing loudly to piss Matthew off but he didn't even behave like he cared. Ok, I'm Sorry I said so, I'm happy you are here though. I said and only then did he look at me and smiled. Few minutes later, he pulled in front of the hotel . See you at the launching party he said. Be expecting you. Good night I said, Good night, he said.


The launching party is tomorrow and I don't even know what to wear. I said. Calm down and let's go for shopping. Sam said. I don't think there is a need for that because Mr Davidson just sent this for you, it's one of their brand and he brought a complete set of dressing. He said it's an appreciation gift. Lucy said handing it over to me. Thank you. I said as I opened it to see an Emerald gown , wow this is so beautiful. I said accessing it and I went unto the next to see a black heel and a set of jewellery. I really must thank Mr Davidson. I said and Dialed his number. Good evening Director I said. Miss Olsen, Good evening. Thank you for the beautiful dress and jewellery Sir. I said. Well, its a gift from one of our investors to you. He was highly impressed with your modeling. I'll introduce you to him tomorrow, who knows, he might sign you up. He said. Thank you Sir. I said and hung. Success here I come