
Thank you, Aunt Lisa

Lisa's POV

How a journey of 30 mins look like an everlasting journey, I was so pissed off, Did they intentionally come to piss me off, so annoying. Getting to my hotel room, I removing my clothing and settled for a cold bath to cool my system, I won't let Emily get the best of me, I thought taking my bath, After which I came out and wore my robe, just then, I got a message from Lucy, and I opened it and checked

*Lucy: Are you alright?

*Lisa: yea, I'm sorry I didn't wait for you, I had something really urgent .

*Lucy: No worries

I know lying to her wasn't nice but that was the only thing I could say to her,


I woke up to the call from Lucy, hi I said grumpily picking the phone, Good morning, we'll leave in Thirty minutes so get ready, she said and hung up. I had no choice now but to get up and walk to the bathroom, Pasting my tooth brush, I brushed and got into the shower, after my cleaning, and moisturizing my skin, I settled in a dark Green dress with a little touch of make up after which I packed my hair in a ponytail and headed downstairs, let's go. Lucy said and I entered the Car, So today we are going to take few shots with the dresses so I picked up some jewelries for you yesterday, she said, Thank you Lucy. I said. So what are your plans, have you been submitting applications to industries? I asked. Well... no because at the moment I don't think there is a vacancy and I want to finish this deal with you first. She said. Thank you so much Lucy but you should submit your applications please, it's not like i cant handle myself but I'll never forget this, I said. OK, i'll do that at night.so we are here, she said pulling in. I still find it hard to believe I was the one that seal this deal among the thousands of models that came, some being top celebrities. I thought walking to where the photo shoot was taking place.**** Miss Olsen, this is the dressing room and the clothes are already there but the make up artist is a bit late so you can go in and change while I call him, the Assistant said, ok, thank you I said and went inside and behold I was shocked, this were the latest design and I get to wear them before they are out,I can not be so happy, Putting on the first cloth, I was so excited, after putting them on, I sat down and just then the make up artist arrived and did my make up or let me say transformation because I couldn't even recognize myself after the makeup. Ma'am I'm done, he said, Thank you I said and opened the door to the studio, After series of shot on the dress, I moved to the next and after changing into five different dresses, I took a break and just then a call entered so I decided to go outside for some fresh air. Hey, Landon how are you? I asked my cousin. I'm fine but we miss you over here , Are you coming back soon? He asked . well I don't know for now because I just got a huge project and if its successful I might stay, I said to him. Hmm.. Just then I looked up and i saw a Moving fast car and it was going to hit that little girl so I quickly rushed and pushed her and just then everything went black,

I opened my eyes to the celling and with the familiar surrounding, I could tell it was a hospital and then I tried to recall what happened, I went to receive a call from Landon when I saw a Car about to hit... Ohh is the little girl alright? And just then a nurse arrived, you are awake ma'am,how are you feeling? Ignoring her question I asked, Have you seen a little girl around five, was she brought to this hospital? I asked. I'm guessing you mean the little heiress who called us, well she wasn't injured, you saved her on time so there nothing happened to her. I heaved a sigh of relieve, I'll go and get some drugs for you, you should rest, The Boss wanted to meet you so I'll call to tell him you are awake. The boss? Yes, it was the boss's daughter you saved, you saved his little princess,she said, so you mean the girl I saved is your boss's daughter, yes the famous Nathan miller, CEO of the miller's corporation. Wow it sounds big I said, Are you new to this town?she asked and I just nodded. Well then you should check your Google she said and left and I switch on my phone to meet several missed calls from Landon and Lucy but I ignored it and went to my Google and typed Nathan miller and it brought it own, Nathan miller, CEO of the miller's corporation and has under it the Golden world entertainment industry and several hospitals and clubs. And I clicked on the the entertainment industry and copied it and paste it on a new tab to search and it brought it out , number one entertainment industry in new York , woah!!! I exclaimed. and just then I saw two men walking in with a small girl . You are awake was the first thing the First guy said. Yeah, I'm awake. Thank you for saving my niece, I was so careless to have left her alone, I wouldn't know what state she would have been in if it were not for you. He said. It was no trouble, I just did what was right, I said. Don't worry, the culprit has been caught,he was drivng when Drunk. He said. Not surprised I thought, Brother,Aren't you gonna say anything? The guy asked his brother who sat there staring at me like I was a weird kind of human being. And then he pulled his sit closer to my bed and as if contemplating whether to talk or not he just sat there quiet, and after what seemed like forever, he finally Spoke, What can I offer you for saving my daughter? He asked. Is this guy insane, doesn't he know how to use his magic word, I thought, well just a simple thank you would be enough I said obviously pissed. A simple thank you? Nothing more? He asked. Yes, that will do. What about we offer you money? just mention any amount. His brother spoke this time. I don't want your money I said. What about I offer you my body? He asked shocking me and I guess his brother was also shocked the way he looked at him. Your body? I said in surprise. Yes, You saved my daughter and now I guess she likes you and it's only right if I marry you and offer you my body, ugh...I almost choked on my own spit. Why would the almighty Nathan miller want to marry me because I saved his daughter? I thought, Mr miller, I just did what I thought was right. I didn't do it with the intention of receiving something in return, I didn't even know She was so important and I would have done it for any kid as far as I was there, I couldn't just ignore it, I said trying to comport myself. Miss Olsen I'm quiet aware of that but my daughter seem attached to you now, I have never seen her cared about someone till today. He said, I guess its normal because I saved her. I said I would have known if it was just because you saved her, she was so excited when I told her you are awake. He said. Mr miller why don't you understand? I asked, miss Olsen I do not like to owe people. He said genuinely, OK I'll settle for the money I said not wanting to argue further. You want the money? He asked. Its not like I have a choice,I said, Well you do have a choice, you could...I'll stick to the money I said interrupting him so he wouldn't continue further, ok then I'll have my Secretary transfer the money to you. Princess, would you like to say something to Miss Olsen, and just then she walked up to me with what looks like a writing pad and I guess she couldn't speak and just then as if the brother read my thought he said, After an incident a year ago, she refuse to talk. He said ohh...I just said . just then she brought up the Writing pad and showed me what she wrote "Miss Olsen how are you feeling" I'm fine and you can call me Aunt Lisa. I said to her. And she erased what was in the pad and wrote"Aunt Lisa,thank you" it's my pleasure darling even though your father wants to make it look like I did business with him. I said to her, and What she wrote next Surprised me,"I like you Aunt Lisa,Will you be my mother" Has this man told this little girl to say this. I can be your best friend instead, we could hang out sometime, I said to her. You are the best , Aunt Lisa,she wrote. Ohh... How can this little girl I barely know for ten minutes think I'm the best,I thought and you are the cutest and prettiest girl I have ever met, I told her and she looked very happy. what is your name little princess?I asked. And she wrote Clara, wow Clara,you have a beautiful name. I said. My niece really likes you, he said and I didn't know what to say. I'm Ried ,the younger brother of my brother here. He said which was funny and I laughed, you could have just said I'm his younger brother,I said imitating his tone. I like you too,you are interesting, Ried said. Brother,do you have anything else to say? Ried asked. His brother ignored him and said,we'll leave you to rest now but in case you consider my other option,I'll be willing to take a chance. Thank you Mr miller,I'm fine with my option. I said and I waved to Clara and she eaved back and they left and I turned my phone to call Lucy and explain everything to her. Are you alright?she asked, feeling Concerned. Yes I'm fine now, please do tell the manager I'm sorry and I'll be there for tomorrow's shoot and advertisement since he want me to be on the advertisement team also. OK, but please take of your self, I'll come around in the evening, she said and hung, she did that because she knew I was going to object. After the call, I decided to text Landon

*Lisa: I'm sorry I hung up like that,Something important came up.

*Landon:I guessed so. I miss you Cousin

*Lisa: I miss all of you too

*Landon: But you plan to stay Longer in New York

*Lisa: you know this is the only place I can promote myself and achieve my dreams

*Landon: I wish you all the best

*Lisa: Thank you. I love you so much. My regards to your girlfriend

*Landon:She is not my girlfriend

*Lisa: You should really give that girl a chance, it's obvious she really likes you

*Landon: I don't like her and soon enough when she realizes it, her feelings would vanish

*Lisa: why are still keeping her then

*Landon:something came up, I have to go now. Talk to you later

*Lisa: OK, sure

I knew he was avoiding the question and that's why he came up with that lie but I didn't want to drag it further so I just let go and placed my phone on the drawer and laid to rest.