
Suprise!! huh

Lisa's POV

*Three years later*

Do I really have to go back to new York? I asked my manager. Well this modeling is huge and it's going to be a big shot and a good beginning to your career. Lucy, my manager said. OK, so have you booked our flight? I asked. Yea, we will be leaving tomorrow at noon, Lucy said. Ok, Lucy, I'll get prepared.

*** Lucy, you can settle down first, I want to visit a few places before I lodge in. I said. OK but remember to be back early so you can have a good night rest and be energized for tomorrow's audition. Lucy said, yeah, sure. I said and left. I still can't believe I'll come back to this country, this country that brought me nothing but so much pain. I still remember everything that happened three years ago and maybe this would be a come back for me, maybe would... Ma'am we are here, the chauffeur said and I paid him and went. Mum, I'm here again. I'm so sorry, I haven't visited you for the past three years, I guess fate has brought me back to this country, maybe this is what has been planned out since the beginning, Mum, I'm going for an audition tomorrow, I registered to model for one of the famous Designs, shinell Brand, I know there would be all sort of Top models there and my chances of being their model is very slim but I just want to give it a shot at least maybe this would be a step up to my career, Mum I have always wanted to be a model but I couldn't because of certain reasons but now I'm positive one day, I'll be the world most popular model and I'll get Signed by one of the biggest industry in the entertainment circle, mum, I hope you wish me luck from wherever you are, I'll surely visit you then with an award in my hand to show you how your daughter conquered, no matter where you are, you would be proud of me, mum. I have to go now but I'll be back soon. I love you, I said and left and just then a car arrived at my front, Hey Lisa, I can't believe you are back. Sam said ,well I guess I have some uncompleted mission to execute. I said. Hmm... So where do you want to have dinner, my treat. Sam said I don't think... Oh no. Lisa, I want to catch up on everything that has happened in your life this past few years, Sam, nothing interesting really happened in my life and I have an audition to attend tomorrow so I have to have a good rest now. I said to Sam, OK sure, so are you going home, let me drop you off. Home??? Do I still have a home here? I asked. so where are you staying now? Well I'm staying at the hotel so you can drop me off there, I said. OK sure she said without further word which made me relieved. OK thank you. I said when she stopped. Sure, anytime, she said. I got off and immediately went to my room, I took a shower and laid down to rest but I decided to switch on my phone and just then a message notification entered, I opened it and saw that it was from Mathew .

*Mat: How was your flight

*Mat: Are you okay? why is your number not going through?

*mat: Okay, I'm really worried now, where are you?

*Mat: I know you are doing this intentionally

*Mat: Wtf... Lisa , Are you okay?

Ohh.. What is wrong with him? Why is he suddenly concerned? I thought to my self.

I had some places to visit and my phone was switched off. I typed and sent

*Mat: ohh... I thought you were kidnapped

*Lisa: Are you kidding me, this is where I grew up

*Mat: You have left there for Years now and stuff changes.

*Lisa: you are Crazy, Do you need me to give you some sense?

*Mat: Jeez... You are far away but you still torment me here

*Lisa:(scoff) You are just a little Mouse

*Mat: Watch your tongue,young Woman

*Lisa: I guess you really need a good kick

*Mat: I miss you

*Lisa: Really? Who was telling me, I won't miss you if you leave and I'm happy that I can have rest of mind

*mat: I didn't want you to leave, I was just sad you were leaving and you didn't even give us a chance

*Lisa: Talk to you tomorrow, I really need to sleep. Good night

*Mat:Good night

After I read the message, I switched off my phone and slept

***The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm and i went to take my bath, and when I Came out, I saw the dress Lucy picked out for me, it was one of shin ells design. I know she picked it For the audition, I quickly wore my dress and put on a very light make up and called Lucy. Ok, the order would soon arrive So we can eat and leave, she said.

After fifteen minutes, the order arrived and we ate.

When did you return last night? Lucy asked, Few minutes before midnight, I answered. I know you think we don't stand a chance and you are probably still angry that I registered and resigned from the industry but I did that because I believe in you, I believe you will nail this and become the model of this brand, you don't deserve that small industry, it doesn't even fetch us anything, I wanted a step up for you, I have managed so many models like you there and they remain nothing after many years,I don't want you to be like them. Lucy said. I know and I'm not angry. Thank you. I said to her . you are welcome, let's go,she said and we left to the venue, when we entered,just as expected, they were many top celebrities and I know I don't stand a chance based on looks, dressing, status or Skills, I'm just going to try and if nothing comes out of it, I'll just return to California. I sat down on an empty chair and calmly waited. All the famous Model were chatting and laughing and having a great time while they wait to be auditioned. I have never seen you before, Are you new to this city? the Girl beside me asked. Well technically yes, I said. Ohh. So let me guess, you came back before of this, She said. Yes, I said. Oh, wow. My name is Claire,she said. I'm Alissa. Wow I love your name. She said. And your name is beautiful too. I said. Do you think we stand a chance against them, I mean they are classy and known widely and they are top celebrities, do you think they will neglect them and choose us. She said. I just think we should be positive, they could have just called one of them to be their model if they wanted them and not hold this audition. I said. Woah.. I must say, you are cool. You have given me courage, I'm optimistic than when I arrived. Thank you. She said. You are welcome, she said. And just then, the Assistant came out, miss Olsen, you are up next, ohh.. that's me, I said and excused myself.

Miss, Can you give us a brief introduction and why you want to be the model of our Designs? The manager said.

Yeah, my name is Alissa Olsen and from the information i gathered, a Jamaica user once said Shinell means Spiritual and it brings love and another source said it means charm so to be able to be a model for this brand, it's not about popularity or beauty though a model has to be beautiful but she must be able to portray love in her photo shoot so people would be attracted to the brand and that's the Charm and I know I will be able to show love through my photo shoot and not just a normal act or pose. And spiritual is bases on belief, I adorn the product,something in this product draws me to it and that's a belief. your design is a famous brand and I hope I'll be given a chance to promote and model the designs. Though I'm not a famous celebrity but I have the skills. I said. So my assistant would hand over a script to you, its an advertisement script, I want to see your performance now and his assistant handed over the script and I read through it and performed.

***Wow, miss Olsen, I have finally found what I want, I can't believe you aren't famous yet but with this brand, your journey to been at the top has just started,he said. Thank you Manager, My Assistant would finalize everything with your manager and you are hired for this brand, he said. Thank you Sir, I said and left, Just when I got outside the Assistant came out also and announced, Thank you all for coming, my boss has Chosen his Model and you can all leave now, we would compensate you all for coming. The assistant said and left. Lisa, you got it? Lucy asked, yeah, thank you Lucy for believing in me. I said. No worries, she said happily, let's go, wait I need to talk to a friend, I said as I saw Claire approaching me, OK I'll meet up with the Assistant first, Lucy said and left, Wow! So you got it, I think your positivity got you in, Claire said, maybe, I said, I'll be like you from now on. She said, I can't wait to meet you at the top, it was nice meeting you, i said, I'm the luckiest to have met you, she said . OK, I have to go now, see you around, I said and left and just as i left the building, I saw a familiar figure, Alissa, you are back? When did you come back and why didn't come home? Emily asked. As if I had a home, I thought, So you were the miss Olsen that was chosen? Surprise?? Huh!!

You bitch you think just because you got in you would be someone but let me remind you that its not possible, Remember, I took Aaron from you, I took your baby, I would never make you live happily, I'll destroy and crush you for taking this role from me, You would regret why you return. She said. You slut, I said and slapped her, Don't you Dare, I raised my hand to slap her when someone held my hand, I looked up to see it was Aaron, Aaron, she slapped me, I saw her and wanted to greet her since she left home without a word and then she started accusing me for stealing you away from her and killing her baby, I tried to explain to her and she slapped me, Aaron, what have I ever done wrong to her, I begged her to forgive me because I had no choice but to marry you that day but she wouldn't listen, Emily said in fake tears. Lisa, why are you still holding grudges against Emily after all this Years, she is still your sister and she saved your family that day and saved me too, you ran away so why do you put the blame on her? I was silent for few minutes and in anger, I entered the Car Lucy rented for this trip and drove off.