
Chapter 1 Childhood

In one of the cities in the far east located in one of the Seven Empires of the Profound Sky Continent—Floating Cloud City, one could notice a handsome little boy about six years old doing what people, without profound strength or even profound energy enough to be in the 1st elementary profound realm, would call demonic training early in the morning and what was weirder in this situation was that even though people were seeing him do so, they were not even showing the slightest amount of uncomfort someone on earth would had done seeing someone doing such a cruel training regime as if they were used to it.

This possessed little guy was of course our little mc who had regained his memories from about one month before today. There were three kids watching him and they were of course xia yuanba, his big sister xia qingyue and the little aunt of yun che, currently known as 'xiao' che, who even though was a year older than her for sure, actually had to call her little aunt which he got used to do as even though he was older she was the daughter of his 'grandfather' xiao lie. Having finished his training and going towards the other children for a bit he could not help but remember his childhood before he recovered his memories along with the refining half of the sky poison pearl.

Flashback start

About 5 years and 6 months ago from him remembering this, that is when xiao che was just about one year old, we could see an extremely younger version of him playing with a girl about the same age as him in his courtyard with a servant and a maid watching over them. The servant was one of his clan while the maid was one who is under the xia clan and they were both with one other servant from each clan supposed to watch over the pregnant mother of the girl and the pregnant grandmother of 'xiao' che, but said women allowed them to go out of the house to play in the courtyard. The reason why the mother of the girl, girl known as xia qingyue, was here because she wanted her daughter to keep in contact with her future husband so that their relationship doesnt seem forced for either of them.

Now, as fellow readers of ATG and the author being super lazy, you readers should already know the story but author thinks that you guys have the brain smaller than a bird's(hah hypocrisy!!!! this dude already forgot most if not all of the story except key events and surely forgot about even the name of some places in the novel) so he will kindly explain to you like ths saint he is what he remembers.)

{a/n: i changed the circumstances a bit so that it would fit my story better}

Xiao ying who had already returned from seperating from his sworn-brother and had bowed till his head reached the ground directly to his father for forgiveness had heard about how the xia clan's mistress had already given birth and decided that since her child was sonehow the same age as the little 'xiao' che that he should bring the baby with him and visit the xia house for congratulating them first and then to propose to let the two play together and let them become good friends. Arriving there and waiting after a maid went to inform the patriarch of the clan, he was then welcomed by an anxious looking Xia Hongyi and imidiately said :"Congratulations on giving birth to a daughter mister Hongyi, i came to congratulate you and your wife and also propose the idea of letting her and my son xiao che play or familiarise themselves as they are coincidentelly the same age but i couldnt help but notice your worried appearance instead of joy."

"Ah, i am honored to receive your blessings and yes i believe that it is a good idea to let them both become friends..."

"So it seems i saw right as your are indeed anxious about something...is it perhaps about your daughter maybe i might be able to help her."

Xia hongyi hearing him became hopeful and began to tell him about how a few days after her birth started to show signs of becoming paler and having lower temperature than normal. After consulting doctors, they were informed about how his child got a birth disease which is only curable with an extremely rare medicinal herb and described the herb and its characteristics to the practitioner. Hearing about the herb, Xiao Ying suddenly took one which looked the same except its colors were more vibrant than what is said and asked him to confirm it. Hongyi stated the difference was because it was older making it more potent thus increasing the chances of curing. After that they needed to inject a lot of profound strength in the baby for the effects to kick in and after having used almost all of his, xiao ying became a little weak and light headed but except this everything was okay so he asked for a servant to come so he can deliver a message saying he will stay here a little as he wanted to rest a little bit while hongyi added in the message that he and his wife were so grateful to him for doing it for free that they would make qingyue his daughter in law. But unfortunately, it seems the heaven were jealous of his luck even as a mortal as when he was trying to find a secluded place to cultivate and restore his strength outside the xia clan, leaving xiao che with the xia, assassins came and kidnapped him and swiftly killed him. Later his father came and retrieved xiao che and hurridly left and asked servants to look for him and it was not until the end of the next day that they found his dead body. As if the family was not devastated enough, the wife of xiao ying also suicided herself and xiao lie's wife too would had done so if not for the fact that she was pregnant with a baby and that she had to stay strong after she was weakened by that mysterious black ligthning hit her but also did not affect the baby which the doctor later found out the existance about which was strangely again conceived ths same day as 'xiao' che was born, as if a mystical existance found it funny to mess with his day of birth. Anyway, it was one month later know that the wife of Xia Hongyi was again pregnant which was not weird with profound energy in her body making it possible.

{a/n: bullshit no jutsu!}

And that is how we got here now and as we might suspect again it seems that this mysterious entity again finds it funny to mess with us as a simple visit turned into a huge event as again two children related to the same mc were born on the same day which is the day where they were playing in the courtyard and fortunately a hired doctor was always kept near them in case they gave birth(except when they are sleeping...NO NTR!!!).

That day, the world saw the birth of, strangely but biologically not strange at all, the aunt of 'xiao' che and the birth of xia yuanba who was xia qingyue's brother but at the same time sadly the world also saw the death of the wife of xiao lie also died crying with her daughter and adoptive son about how she couldnt see them grow and marry. She also made 'xiao' che promise to protect and marry xiao lingxi as her last wish knowing that they were not really related, while the young boy not knowing what this meant immediately nodded and promised with eyes full of tears. In the end after asking for forgiveness to the xia couples who did not mind and giving hers and xiao lie's blessings, which she forced him to, she passed away happy that she at least made sure their family will not be divided or torn apart. Xiao lie who after his son's and his wife's death rarely cultivated this time stopped completely and devoted himself to the two childs completely.

Time skip about 3 years later from the birth at xiao manor

Xia qingyue and xia huanba were coming back home after having played with 'xiao' che and xiao lingxi and were now returning full of smiles and exhausted but were stopped by a tear stained mother who looked at them worriedly.

While they ran into her for a hug and yuanba was too young to notice it, quingyue who interacted a lot with others noticed right away how her mother who she grew up with although was the same seemed different somehow.

In her sobs her mother managed to say to them:

"Mother is sorry my beloved children, but mother has to leave for a place far away for our family's security. Mother wont be back for a long time and will miss you lots. Mother hopes you will grow well and healthy and strong, my little babies ok? Mother will now go to the realm of the gods now so take care of yourselves and of your father alright?"

They could only nod their head and before they could say anything, they saw how their mother somehow flew up in the sky and vanished.

The news about how the mistress of the xia clan had to go became public and little che and lignxi also came to console their two friends but while discussing suddenly somehow 'xiao' che suddenly spoke with an unnatural determination as if it was the last thing he could do and he was determined to do it at any cost.

"Well didnt she ask you to become strong, maybe she was saying that you need to become strong to meet her? I mean she did say it was for the security of your family right?"

qingyue:"...true{while wipping her tears away} you are right 'xiao' che this is what she said and maybe she was sending a hidden message.Thank you, thanks to you now i know that i must not keep crying uselessly and must try to get strength to bring her back"

mc:"no not 'you' but 'US' as we will get her back together"

the mood was instantly better and the children were closer than ever while a certain perverted heavens who likes to torment and make life hard for certain girls with certain advantages brought in the form of a physique or other similar perks was grumbling about a kid interferring in its hard work even though it did succeed in the end.

Time skip 2 years and six months later

mc who was almost waking up today suddenly got a painful headache and past out while memories about his two lives came back to him. Thats right our mc was finally six years and half and was precisely a year away from being able to cultivate. After 3 hours, he reopenned his eyes while scanning the room and found xiao lingxi, xia qingyue and xia yuanba looking at him worryingly as lingxi went to tell her grandpa about what happened while the xia sibling came to visit early and were led by xiao lie to the room of 'xiao' che and lingxi.

mc:"Hmmm what happened?why is everyone here?"

lie:" are you alright che'er? do you feel any sort of discomfort you were assaulted by a sudden headach and pased out for hours"

mc:" no grandpa i feel fine...actually i feel great."

lie:" are you sure about that? well if you say so then go and eat, then you can go out and play with the others."

mc:"alright grandpa.Thx! lets go guys."

then they went out to continue with their daily lives of playing and sometimes doing a little exercises. Not to misunderstand, they promised to save and bring back the mother true, but they were still kids in the end and would not be able to always focus on their training and besides training physically did not make any difference for mortals and especially those who do not have profound strength. Anyway after a week of this routine, mc decided to do a special physical training and asked his grandpa to supervise it first which surprised the latter but under the determined eyes of the youth he accepted. The youth so happy decided to jump at his grandfather and hug him and seeing how happy the grandfather was seeing him happy decided to give him a gift by unlocking his 54 profound entrances giving him the saint heavenly profound veins which let him breakthrough regaining some youthfull appearance. While happy and trying to consolidate his breakthrough, he was surprised to find out that his entrances were all opened and thought of it as nothing but a short miracle and dicided that he should keep this a secret and also do little che's training later tomorrow so as he is capable of solidifying his breakthrough which would naturally cause waves to floating cloud city.

Then we arrive at how he was remembering all of this one month later.

End of flashback

Time skip 1 year

It has been almost one year since mc recovered his memories and now was the time for him to check whether he could cultivate by trying to feel his profound veins and assemble profound energy and trap it in by absorbing it from his profound entrances which he not only unlocked all this morning impatiently but also hid it to the original after that. He also had to reduce his cultivation with his profound veins powers too as he directly broke through after opening the entrances.

He and lingxi went to eat before meeting the xia sibling with his grandfather outside who were waiting for them. Xiao lie looked at yun che and qingyue and coulnd help but nod his head at them and say:

"i know that it is quite early since most start from fourteen years old or before that age as it is during this time that they notice the existence of their profound veins and those who do not simply cannot cultivate or by chance might be able to cultivate but their speed would be slower but still there is a way to bypass it and it is extremely simple even though people born from outside clans do not do so as they do not know how to or they are scarred to try it and damage their veins. This method is simply to feel the profound energy and when you succeed you simply draw it in through the veins and trap it while making it become yours."

the youngsters listening to him nodded and yun che and qingyue tried it while the other two kids with the elder focused on them and after a whole day quingyue, true to her genious self in cannon, succeeded while yun che didnt. He put on a sad face while others comforted him and then after two days and a half succeeded too but however xiao lie inspected him and found out about his 'crippled' profound veins saying how he cannot cultivate which depressed the kids, well yun che used his expert acting skills to deceive them and then brought up a determined face before asking his grandather about studying medecine. If his grandfather came to know that he was already at the fifth realm of the elementary profound realm,then he would strangle him to death while also crying rivers of blood and also cursing their ancestors for giving him such a lieing bastard of a grandson but alas no one would hear him and especially not answer him.

He already had the most knowledge about it even more than the current master gu but he still needed to do this for his cover for mu bingyun as he could not get these out of nowhere and approach her and make a deal while not having an alibi for knowing she was poisoned.