

Vachi knew that they could stay in the safehouse for only two hours. Then they had to go out for food and necessities. That was the reason the other team attacked them first.

Mainly because they were Normals dominating the numbers, the power concentration ratio was lesser than other teams. And they had to leave to get necessities. That way, when they step out, they will be captured. Gotta say this, a smart plan.

But Vachi was also smart.

"Okay, everyone, listen to me. Each of us will get a job. And it will change according to the situation. Are you ready?"

All of them nodded.

"Mridul, Abhay, and Sugandh, you are Team Chaos. Make as many troubles as you want. You are also going to leave the safehouse with me later."

Mridul and Abhay had identical smirks on their faces while Sugandh, a good boy was also stuck with them.

"Surasa, Hima, Chitra, Mrinal, and Kal, you will be the Home Team. Your job is to keep our safe house safe. Use any power you can."

"And finally Ansh, Avni, Chandra, Anuj, Adi, Arohi, and I will keep everything working. We can join any team when needed so tell us when you have any problem. So our first issue is to thwart the outsiders."

All of them kept listening without interrupting.

"Kal will stay here, in the view of the other team, and he will stay stationary. Surasa, Hima, and Chitra, you will lay traps around the house and keep Mrinal updated. Only Mrinal will know the routes. And he will make passwords so that everyone will know five routes to enter and leave."

The Home team left to work. Vachi then turned towards the Chaos team.

"You guys prepare ammunition so that when we leave to search for IDs, we can really create chaos. And by taking advantage of that, we can come out unscathed."

Mrinal, Abhay, and Sugandh started to discuss their plans.

"I will give you perfume combos so you will know when to blow things up."

It was surprising that the first one to react was the quiet Sugandh. It looked like the trio became canon.

Now the A team.

"So all here have the first letter of the names as A except we two," Vachi pointed at Chandra and herself.

They all looked at each other.

"Okay, we will have to coordinate our magical abilities. So start talking."

After one hour, everyone regrouped and made many magic power combination spells. Because Vachi didn't show her power, she was a Normal in the team with Arohi and Anuj.

The superheroes and minions communicated very well. She kept looking at their movements and felt that maybe she would have been with them if she hadn't changed her test results.

That was a plot hole she didn't want to venture in, at least not right now. She used her power to see the result if they used this plan.

Well, she felt the answer was positive. Good.

"Okay, times up. Home team, positions. We will take out the people who are keeping an eye on us."

Kal immediately came near the window and lay down as if falling asleep.

Chitra and Surasa also stayed near him arguing.

Adi, Ansh, and Chandra slinked forward and Vachi didn't go ahead.

The people observing them were only watching Kal. So it was easy to sneak up on them. Then Adi slowly captured one of them and signaled Anuj to come forward. Anuj quickly took the ID card while the other two were fighting.

They were using water and ice powers to fight. Ansh was a water user and Chandra was an ice power user. The other members who fought them were also superheroes with plant powers. They were trying to trip and capture but when Adi joined, the fight became a slaughter.

The three superhero opponents were caught and they were brought back to the safehouse. Arohi and Avni tied them with a fire rope. So the opponents kept calm without any struggle.

"Okay, now we have to venture out and capture other teams. We will divide it into two teams. Come back within one hour. We will replan and regroup then."

Vachi, Anuj, Mridul, Chandra, and Ansh were team one.

Adi, Avni, Arohi, Abhay, and Sugandh were team two.

Vachi took her team and found two Normal teams and she quickly obtained their IDs. They hadn't found any of the superpowers yet. She was actually somewhat interested in sidekicks. When they encountered superheroes, Chandra was a great help.

Till now they had 75 IDs. They went back and were quite surprised that Adi had managed to lead his team to capture 100 IDs. So totally they had 178 IDs.

But the total number of participants was 1683. And they had nearly one-tenth of IDs. They should get at least 400 to get third place. But now the difficulty will increase because all the easy teams would be gone and they had to battle the powerful ones.

"I have something to ask. What rank do you guys want? Before that, I will tell you something. If we get first, we will be on everyone's radar and it will. e hard to do some other jobs as you know, sneaking. And if we get low ranks, we will be taken as trash and that would increase troubles like bullying. So let's vote on which rank we want and then likewise we will start our plan."

The people all looked at each other and then the results came out.

7 voted on second and 7 voted on third. Well, let destiny choose between them.

Vachi used her power again.

Second or third?

Third, her power answered.

So the result was determined.

"Now we have to go into the other team's Lair. We have to be fast, resourceful, and really good. Otherwise, we will be cannon fodder, get it?"

The two teams merged into one and each duo set off individually. Vachi teamed up with Adi. She knew they were going to gather intel too.

Adi gestured to her to keep quiet. Vachi stayed still for nearly three minutes before she heard footsteps. The canopy was really helpful for hiding. The previous victory was all due to the fact that attacked safehouses. But fighting in the wild was really hard.

It was good that no one was scared.

"The Normals, we have one team left. Let's go and capture them."

Five villains went past them. Vachi didn't attack them because the Home team was enough to capture them.

"Let's go. We have to catch bigger fish."

So Vachi and Adi found two major fights between superheroes and supervillains. It was movie worthy. Sparks were flying everywhere. People shot their powers like unlimited vending machines. She watched people tripping everywhere because of the sudden appearance of stones, ice freezing people so they couldn't move while the opponents took off their IDs, and even fire burning some girl's hair which was downright rude and person in Vachi's view.

She would really like to see how the revenge would pan out. Because oh, those guys are getting revenge. Nothing like revenge when you least expect it.

Adi took her away from there and now they were at the scene of superheroes fighting sidekicks. Talk about friends turning on to each other.

Their fight was like children fighting. No moves just plain anger.

Even they tore each other's clothes off. That was really not good to see. Vachi had to avert her eyes. The girls were even savage. They started a scolding war. It was not a good sight to behold. She couldn't understand how these idiots could win the Entry Cup.

"These guys have the possibility of winning?"

Hearing her question, Adi shook his head.

"The main people are hiding. You know what would have been my approach if I was the leader?"


Vachi was interested.

"I wouldn't act till that last moment. When everyone was so sure of their winning, I would swoop in and take their IDs. Easy and time effective."

That was something a villain might do. Yeah. Why was she doing this then? That was the real question.

Yes, she had to make Normals strong. Given her instincts, she would have snuck around trying to steal based on her instincts and superpower.

True, she had to think out of the box sometimes. And it is good that her team could get involved in such fights. They could also get firsthand information about the superpowers of everyone else for their database. They could formulate a plan to deal with everyone else in battles.

"So what do we do now?"

"We find the hiding places of the important ones and turn them on each other."

Very cool, she had to admit. Adi had the most effective plan. This is something she could never think of or do. Because it was like sacrificing yourself too. That was a really stupid option in her opinion.

"See there, the flowers there are the hiding places. That's an illusion. Illusion superpowers are hard to break."

"Anyway, let's go back because we will soon find some of them in our safehouse."
