
Prologue: Birth

The night is mystic. Everything windy and the sky's are dark. This strange figure is flying into Planet Verdwardo which is currently being ruled by Lord Chacer. Taworo and Furi, the pilots of the object decided to go on a break

"I think you deserve a break, Taworo" said Furi. He knew that Taworo had worked way to hard so he would soon pass out.

"Are you....su...sure" murmured Taworo

The object began closing in on the planet

A mysterious man wearing a hood slowly approached the pilots. They seemed so scared and worshiped him. "How close are we" said the man with deep bass. "100 fubbles away sir!" said Taworo. He giggled and walked out.

What could These men be planning and can Lord Chacer survive the war heading there way!

Back on the Planet, Chacer is having a conversation with his wife that is pregnant with a baby named Jack.

"Alright I'm leaving take care okay please" said Chacer. He knew all along that she can survive without him.

"I have my trusty assistant, Sajuku and he will protect you if anything happens" said Chacer

"You're really overreacting now babe" screamed Taylor as she smiles and rubs her belly. He kisses her on the lips, holding her tight thinking that it might be the last but that was at the back of his mind. He flies off into the sunset and his wife looks at him with a big smile. She then returns inside to read a book.

Meanwhile at the Verdwardo headquarters, Sajuku working on his computer, sees something in the sky. He thinks it's a meteor and just ignores it. He continues working but the fact that this "meteor" is getting closer.

Soon he realises that he was terribly wrong. He runs to report to Lord Chacer and finds out Chacer just left. He knows that this is bad.

The night gets a weird vibe and it get colder. Sajuku gets a team of the most elite fighters on the whole planet and fills them in on the situation. "That's why we need to eliminate them! Understand!" "Yes Sir!" replies the fighters.

Will the planet be able to survive the war heading their way. Find out in part 2 of


*I hope you guys enjoyed. Please subscribe to my channel Ac Chacer I post bangers every week*