
Abysschronicity: Supraliminal Omnirealms Unveiled

A century ago, a mysterious disaster wreaked havoc on humanity, causing chaos and leaving behind a devastating aftermath which time struggled to erase. This disaster led to the emergence of terrifying creatures known as "monsters," possessing unknown and fearsome powers, showing no mercy towards humans. However, amidst this turmoil, a hero named Julius Lahar emerged, symbolizing humanity's resilience and heralding a new era as forces beyond comprehension tore through the origin of the tragedy, known as the "dark dimension." This dimension plunged the world into darkness, causing the sanity of the monsters to become unstable. Subsequently, humanity experienced a period of peace, although it was a deceptive respite from the impending storm brewing. Dormant nightmares stirred with newfound vigor, and the world braced itself for an approaching cataclysm that threatened to obliterate everything. This impending tragedy was shrouded in mystery, as ancient enmities were rekindled and long-suppressed desires surged forth. The world stood on the brink of a harrowing abyss once again.

CherryAieselle · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The History of the Abyss

A hundred years ago, humanity experienced a great catastrophe that nobody could explain precisely the mystery behind the sudden event. Hundreds of people died, and the unknown creatures damaged several properties. These creatures were referred to as "monsters" by the ancestors of the past because of their aspects and their insatiable thirst for blood. They showed no mercy, wielding immense and unfamiliar power, viewing the act of killing humans as casually as exterminating ants. However, there exists a stern hierarchy within their race. The upper ranks, who are stronger among the clans of monsters, can lead and issue orders to the lower ranks. They have the authority to punish failures without mercy, sometimes even resorting to amputation. Nevertheless, such occurrences are rare due to their immense capabilities and especially, driven by pride and honor as beings superior to humans, whom they perceive as despicable creatures and mere tools for their own entertainment. They are unwilling to make mistakes, and the majority of them would rather die than live with the burden of humiliation.

Moreover, although they are monsters, they vary greatly in terms of species, clans, aspects, values, beliefs, and origins. It might be due to this diversity that most of them harbor hostility towards each other, which could lead to deadly battles. However, it depends on their level of intelligence; the higher their intelligence, the higher their rank and more sophisticated nature.

On the other hand, due to the havoc on the surface, many people migrated and sought shelter in caves or underground. However, the survivors faced significant challenges acquiring food, water, and necessities. They had no choice but to venture back to the surface and hunt lower-level monsters, which resembled animals they were familiar with except for their aggressive and bloodthirsty nature, in order to sustain themselves. Additionally, if they were fortunate, they would gather other resources such as plants and water. Despite the harsh circumstances and the cycle of predator-prey has been reversed, the people persevered to survive.

People live in tremendous fear and are filled with worry day and night; therefore, it is not surprising if arguments and fights break out. Fortunately, they still prioritize their sanity and come together as a group to ensure survival.

Approximately 333 years later, the humanity lived in hiding, akin to maggots, but a miraculous event occurred to aid them. Hundreds of meteors fell to the ground, causing chaos among the monsters and granting humans mysterious powers. These powers differed depending on the user: magic users harnessed mana energy, swordsmen wielded aura energy, healers channeled prana energy, and magic-swordsmen users utilized the unique force energy. The powers of Prana, Mana, Force, and Aura became the catalysts for humanity's resurgence.

Strangely enough, the monsters weakened, allowing humans to fight back and defeat them. The newfound abilities allowed them to rise from the shadows and confront the once-dominant monsters, turning the tide in their favor. With their powers united, humanity began a bold offensive against the creatures that had long terrorized them. The hope of reclaiming their world gradually replaced the era of fear.

Although, the majority of humans joined together in a large group, not all of them could killed the upper ranks except to the special people whom bestowed a great blessing and could fight on par with the upper ranks, but they are less people that could be counted in a finger.

Julius Lahar, recorded as the most powerful and have a larger blessing than any others, with a great power comes great responsibility, he successfully led the humanity to the conquest. But the endless battle of death between humans and monsters are not victorious because a large number of casualties and deaths of Camaraderie broke the sanity of several fighters. Fortunately, they able to find out the cause of the unknown phenomenon, the dark dimension.

There's no recorded about the dark dimension except how nauseous and terrifying the bloodlust gives out through unknown massive force. Because of time limited, there's no choice but Julius Lahar sacrifices himself.

As a massive force created as Julius Lahar entered the dimension, a great dark energy covered the land and were now called as "Dark Continent". As the dimension vanished, everything calmed down including the aggressive monsters as if they came back to their rational senses.

However, the humanity was not forgiven creatures as well as a lot of them sacrifice and experienced chaos, they hunted down the remaining monsters, however, several of them are strong enough and hard to kill like a hard boulder. Yet, they migrated to the unknown places and hide.

However, the chaos still havoc not only because of monsters, but also between the humans. Particularly, it causes by the greed, discrimination, and jealousy as the nature of humans which sparks of another war. Yet, it didn't take longer than the war between humans and monsters. As an agreement approves between the leaders of the clans, they agreed to part their ways and created their own kingdom, but there are still fights happened to territories and monsters.

As the history passed by, a lot of things happened and recorded for the history, including the theories, beliefs, facts, and opinions from the honorable people whom contributed a great things to their own land and nations including the geniuses in every field.

Such as Professor Luben III, a genius wizard whom founded the Azaref Academy as school for professional students. A lot of trivial happened before he founded the academy, however, he achieved greatest accomplishments as every kings around the nations approved his agenda. Only qualifiers could enter the academy thus, it is possible to enter as long as you are qualified even you were nobles or commoners. Every year, there are exams conducted in Azin island one of the properties of the Azaref Academy.

The Azaref Academy was located in Greenland, one of the mysterious island in the nations which several islands floating in the air and as if the land was alive itself. There are several headquarters for every field and the main headquarters where the school located were on the Akuren Island, the biggest and the largest island around the nations.

There is no privilege in taking an exam because only the strong ones with good intentions could enter the island because of the barriers surrounded the island itself. Only the Asian island, the smallest and far-off to the mainland, which can entered by anyone with specific requirements such as manna affinity and age limit whereas 15 years old and above.

So then, every student must graduate to their specified schools before entering the Academy.

"Lisa Arthur Celesthiaveur"

"Calling for Lisa Arthur Celesthiaveur, please come to the admin office immediately"

I closed the book and put it to the designated book shelf.

I check the time on my wristwatch.

"1:35 p.m."

I walked away and traveled my feets to the admin office.

A lot of things changed as time passes. Every great wizards and alchemists discovered new things for invention purposes and invented new technologies. As Mana crystals were infamous around the world as it is the main core in inventing high-tech products and producing impossible feats in every field such as healing and Mana recovery.

However, Mana crystals differs by their purity, the higher the purity the higher its efficacy and quality, but they are rarest products, therefore, it is the highest price demand among products such as jewels and historical treasures.

The excavations and archeologists were responsible for exploring the caves and dungeons for Mana crystals, however, it was a difficult job as it needs luck to find dungeons and caves that have many crystals. Yet, mostly lowest purity of mana crystals is always founded and difficult challenges are always awaited on dungeons and caves which habitats of strong monsters.

Knock. Knock .knock

"Come in"

A baritone voice came out inside the office.

I opened the door and came in.

An old man with long beard welcomed me, sitting in front the table.

The room were wide and a lot of antics displayed.

As expected for an old man.

I stopped in front his table and positioned myself.

"Lisa Arthur Celesthiaveur, class 5 rank 1 alpha"

He nodded while his hand clasped to each other.

"Good day, Miss Lisa" he smiled.

"I have a good news for you"

I just listened silently to his word as he pulled out an envelope from the drawer.

"Here, have a look of this"

I accepted the envelope he handed.

I just looked at it as he stand up.

"Go on"

He pursued me to open the envelope with sincere voice.

I looked up at him as he stopped in front of me.

"Your best wishes was on your hand, Miss Lisa. Don't hesitate to opened it" he smiled genuinely just like a beloved grandpa.

It was as he said.

"I slowly opened the envelope and pulled out the files inside"

'Azaref Academy'

I read the letter silently.

I've never thought the headmaster of Azaref Academy itself will send me a letter directly.

When I finished reading the letter, I looked up to the headmaster.

"Congratulations, Lisa" he pulled out his hand to give me a shakehand.

I accepted it firmly.

"Thank you, headmaster" I said in a low voice.

Then he suddenly hugged me.

"Congratulation…truly" his hold tighten and I could feel he's body shaking.

I couldn't help but to smile for this old man in his unusual self.

It really unexpected of him to be like this. Specially, after I suffer all along under his teachings…. -_-

"It is one time opportunity and not all young people were lucky enough just like you, so do your best"

'Do your best' his tone change when he said it as if he is pricking my conscience.=_=

I slowly raised my hand and put it at his back.

"Yes, I will" let's be a good disciple for now. It is rude if I ruin this moment.

"I am grateful and proud to be with you. You're my pride, Lisa" his voice cracked at the end of his sentence then I feel my shoulder soaked with a little bit of warm liquid.

"The God is with you"

As I heard this sentence I automatically close my eyes and feel his warm embraced.

"Thank you for everything, Old man"

Then, the room filled with his crying sobbed.


Azaref Academy.

"Hey, Lucas have you heard the news?"

The man named Lucas, ignored him and just continued to read a book on his possession under the oak tree.

"A genius among geniuses beat your record in academic entrance exam" he exclaimed.

He just turned the page of the book as if he didn't care.

"Just wow, I thought no one could beat you but here it is, another crazy monster appeared out of nowhere, who thought someone could perfect that hellish test exam? ." he added.

"Hey guys" another man came in.

"Stephen, have you heard the news?!"

"Chris, you're loudly as always but never mind. You mean the academic break record?"

"Yes, that person is awesome HAHAHAHA"

"Right, but I heard her combat ability needs a lot of practice."

"A lot? I don't think so, I heard the professors praised her nonstop about how she able to hit the weakest spot of every monsters in the test perfectly. Even I, I couldn't do that. She's totally bad ass. "He exclaimed happily.

The person named Lucas closed the book and stand up.

"Well, we don't know about that as we didn't see her abilities personally" he said.

The two students looked at him as he walked passed by between them.

"I hope she don't disappoint me" he added as his eyes glowed with anticipation.

The Chris named smirked on his remark. Then followed him with the other guy named Stephen that seems troubled.


Admin Office.

An old man humming while looking on a large window.

Knock. Knock. Knock

"Come in"

A middle age man came in.

"Good day, headmaster" he bowed.

"Miss Lisa Celesthiaveur, accepted the invitation. However, she will take time before entering the Academy as she needs to go back to her hometown in Leben Kingdom for emergency purposes."

"Alright, just give her positive response as we understand her circumstances"

"Yes, headmaster" he bowed.

A silent fell in the room.

"Do you have any words to say, Mr.Wargov?"He asked as he faced him.

"Well, I don't understand, Headmaster. Why are we giving her special treatment, she didn't take an exam on designated date 2 months ago. Even she was special with her perfect scores in academic exam which recorded as a first time in our history, it is still not enough after all with his combat test score, Sir"

The old man smiled.

"Mr.Wacov, why do you think I founded this school?" he asked.

"To enhance and unlocked the potentials of every students, Sir"

"Yes, indeed." the headmaster answered.

"But, Miss Lisa is a different story, Sir"

"No, Mr. Wacov. Miss Lisa is a perfect feat and has a great potential. Her combat ability could improve more than we think as well as her intellectual ability" he added.

"But how could you be sure, headmaster." Mr. Wagov asked.

"As I observed, her foundation is stiff. We are not sure if she can entered the island safely, Sir "he added.

The headmaster faced him with his meaningful smile.

"I observed her as well Mr. Wacov but there has things that were different when you see it directly"


The middle age man seem surprise for a moment but then he returned his composure.

"You're able to get out on this land, Sir?" He asked carefully but the anticipation of the middle aged man is visible on his eyes.

The old man smiled melancholy then he shakes his head.

He turned his body to look from a far through the large window.

"I send my familiars, Mr. Wagov".

Mr. Wacov regretted his obviously answer on his question and clenched his fist.

"I'm sorry, Sir" the middle aged man bowed his head and apologize sincerely.

"It's okay, Mr. Wagov. But you know, She seem a little peculiar child" he added.

'peculiar' this word may seem simple but this is not the case when the old man is talking about it.

"What do you mean, Sir?" he asked with mix confuse and anticipation.

'what is peculiar about this child that makes the Headmaster said it?'

"According on her data from her previous school, she was never engage in any fighting combat activities"

???-Mr Wacov[⁀⊙﹏☉⁀?])

"So, it is interesting that she was able to perform at the same caliber of the average geniuses. And that's not all, she seem has a high-rank combat sight and agility therefore, she can hit the weakest point of the target with perfect accuracy and synchronized with her body movement"


"W-what?" Mr. Wacov was bewildered on his statement.

"T-that's impossible, Sir" he objected.

"Even in the recorded book, the number of people that has an ability like that is only countable in a finger, Sir" he explained his opposition.

'For such an ability to exist from a young person like that is totally impossible' Mr. Wacov thought.

"For someone who has combat sight is a rare case in young students as you need a lot of experiences. But the person we're talking about is young and if what you said is right, Headmaster, it is still impossible as you need to master the essential requirements to be magnificent as you complimented." He explained.

Combat sight is not very rare but it's not common either among young prodigies as you need a lot of experiences or special ability as inherited to your parents or ancestors itself whom mastered the combat battles. But still, it needs a lot of time of hard work and experiences to adapt and master the ability without side effects.

"But still, how can a student never hold a weapons nor fights a monsters? It was implemented to every students in schools around the nation to experienced combat battles plus, how did she know the weak points of every monsters she fought in the exam if she doesn't have any experience, Sir. "He added.

"But she is the proof, Mr. Wagov"


The confusion was very visible on the middle aged man.

"She was prohibited to fight by her parents. All her life is about reading a lot of books except history to prevent her to be influenced by our ancestor's heroism who contributed greatly in this land on the history"


"What?" he looked confused by the nonsense he heard.

"Her parents was a rich count in Ader City and one of the pillars of West Country but died not too long ago."



"Yes, to be precisely, the guardian of Dark Continent"


There are 7 family houses who's in charge on guarding the 7 forbidden areas and also the legendary heroes of the West Country called the "The 7 pillars".

However, among the 7 pillars, the pillars of Dark Continent choose to live in peace and remain neutral regarding the political affairs while the others were still active and seek out for more power. Thus, the people forgets about them as nothing really happened in Dark Continent except the havoc of the monsters in Leben Kingdom which unlike the other Forbidden areas that are still active.

The middle age man immediately opened the files on his hand.

"Ader City was on the top of Dark continent. The Celesthiveur family were responsible on guarded the 2 forbidden areas, the Dark Continent and Dark Forest, the neighborhood calamity"

According to the experts, the Dark Forest were still considered as forbidden area as it causes a havoc and stand as boundary between the Dark Continent and the outside world. Only the Dark Continent were covered by the Dark energy yet, the Forest itself darken and contaminated by the Dark mists which consists of Dark energy that spread out from the Dark Continent.

There are no recorded in the History if the dark Forest itself is a normal forest before. However, only the Dark forest has a large gap of time that appears in the history than any other Forbidden Areas that has similar or close year that appears in history.

"However, not too long ago, chaos happened in Ader City and killed her parents" he added.

The middle aged man shaken as he looked on the data of Lisa Celesthiveur.

"Unfortunately, it was the same date as the exam conducted."

Silence filled the room.

" Her parents' wishes were prohibited their own daughter on combat battles and was granted by the King of west country as one of the gift's wishes bestowed to those pillars in exchange on guarding the Forbidden Areas" the headmaster said.

The middle aged man removed his eyes on data and looked to the headmaster.

"But why?"

"Her parents cherished her like a flowers in a pot as she was only a child and they don't want her to take the same path as them"

The middle aged man narrowed his eyes and think deeply about the reasons of the married couple which more suspicious as he think about it.

"But the world is already in chaos since a long time ago"

"As you said, but they believed the world were already in peace"

The wrinkles on the old man's face wrinkled more on the reasons of married couple which he considered as nonsense excuses.

"Nonsense, what can of mindset is that? Are they truly the legendary hero and pillar of the west Country?" the middle aged man exclaimed.

"Hahhahaha" The headmaster laughed loudly.

"They seems blinded by their own dreams which they longing for. But they couldn't hide the truth from her as she is born prodigy and the blood of Celesthiveur flows within her" a big smiled visible on the headmaster's face.

"But I heard an interesting story from an old friend of mine from the Capital of Leben Kingdom" he added.

The excitement were very visible on the old man face as his mind reminiscent of the past event.

Thus, the middle aged man is anticipated on his next word.

"That child rebelled and made a deal with him as she declared that she will give him the greatest accomplishment in his life in exchange he will make her disciple"


"Is this the headmaster of her school?"

"It is. That old man able to raise a prodigy without combat battles as prohibited by her parents. Indeed, it is a great accomplishment which near on the edge"

Professor Aben, one of the greatest wizard in history and infamous for his fire element and strictness on peak however, he quit his job in magic tower and founded a school in the Capital of Leben Kingdom, in southwest part of West Country.

He questioned himself if his ears functioned well or the headmaster itself was lying on him or either the person who told to him was exaggerating the story. But that is impossible as the headmaster itself never lied to him nor someone could fooled him. However, there are something he never talked about and just giving him a riddle if he really wants to know as he trusted the middle aged man.

But, to find out that there has someone brave enough to confront Professor Aben without hesitation was indeed shocking revelation to him as someone who really knows the Professor which known for his sharp mouth that criticized nonstop and act aggressively if someone ticks his temper or disrespect him.

He sighed as there a lot of information he cannot digests fully.

But still, it was indeed a greatest accomplished of Professor Aben as there are someone who could withstand his strictness.

Then he smiled.

"Hmmm… now that I think about it, is your turn, headmaster"

If Professor Aben is well known for his strictness, the old man in front of him is someone well known for his trickiness, the very difficult opponent as you couldn't read what's on his mind or even if he is an ally or foe.

But it doesn't matter to him.

The old man groaned on his statement.

"Indeed but I heard she is troublemaker youngster."

The middle aged man widen his eyes on his statement. Then, he cleared his throat.

"Well, it's been a long time since I've been entertained. A lot of prodigy students enrolled in this year, right?" the headmaster reassured himself.

"Yes, Sir" Mr. Wacov confirmed.

"Indeed, a new generation of prodigies. I'll be looking forward for the upcoming storms" old man's said in a low tone.

He smiled broadly as if there's no tomorrow.

The excitement was very visible on his face as something interesting events will soon to be happened.

-end of chapter 1-