
The Drama of the Century (3)

"You saved a plane, that means you are a Hero, not a Villain. Why did the Agency paint you as a Villain?" Ashley questioned Chris.

"I don't the real reason but I can think of a few reasons why they did, what they did", Chris answered.

"A few reasons, can you explain what you mean by that?" Ashley asked him.

Internally Chris was chuckling but he showed them a sad face, "I first reason that they used that way to darken my history was that they were afraid that I would retaliate for what they did. So they fired the first arrow at me. When I didn't do anything, they continued to do so because of the public opinion".

"What do you mean by public opinion?" she asked.

"I watched the video of Agent Rodrick from Super Overseer Agency releasing news about the agency but at the same time talking bad about one super. I understood that he was talking about me and there were some harsh comments made by the public without knowing the truth".