
Abyssal Idiot

Do bear with me I’m no expert at this so if you have any advice please feel free to share. *** Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes. *** Don’t feel offended by my use of mythical, fictional and religious beings in this novel Btw not my cover art

TheAbyssalOne · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Beginning of madness

When the great titans of creation saw the letter from The Author, who is well, me showing his agreement on the matter. The letter vanished like it was never there in the first place as it vanished the other pre-existential entities seemed to unfreeze they looked like they hadn't noticed anything strange including their previous frozen state.

After everything was decided the Great Titans Of Creation left. When the Titans of Creation left the remaining entities heaved a sigh of relief like some massive burden was lifted off their shoulders. Death spoke up,["their presence gets bigger every meeting"]. The other pre-existential entities/Concepts were shocked by this sudden revelation

, But despite this the all withheld there thoughts knowing that even the very thought of The Great Titans would be similar to going out holding a sign saying criminal while shouting it out with a megaphone.

The moment all the pre-existential entities left reality began to move as it usually would ,however no being seemed to notice what happened.


In The Outerverse,

Azathoth sent out 2 galaxy like lights, yes these 2 galaxy were part of his soul despite them being an infinitesimally small part of his soul even being negligible they still had enough power to wipe out a whole realm. Azathoth looked around in his eyes one could see two distinct planets if one looked close enough they would notice that one planet was similar to the planet xavius was born on, while the other was a blue planet.


Meanwhile somewere on earth, in a mansion,

A light entered the house but despite how bright this light no one in the mansion noticed it's presence. The light entered the womb of one of the women in the house but this woman stood out from all the others in that she was wearing clothing one could easily distinguish even in a crowd and the woman had a bulge on her belly the bulge wasn't big enough to notice without close observation.

-8 months later-

In the vip wing of a certain hospital, woman was undergoing labor around her were doctors and outside the labor room a man dressed in an expensive black suit ,coupled with the suit was a watch one would have to sell there very lives to own and still be in debt , this man was watching the woman with immense worry hidden behind his dark brown eyes.

2 hours later a nurse came and told the man that his wife had successfully given birth to a healthy baby boy. The man rushed into the labor room the moment he saw his newly born child , The man released tears of joy as he held the child in his hands his wife looked at him and asked him, "What should we name the child, bruce?"

Bruce, the man in the suit , looked at his wife and said, "Balor, this child shall be named Balor, Balor Amentis". His wife, Bella said," This child shall bring us great luck, providence and honor this child shall be our pride and hope."

However they didn't notice the hint of Mockery, Amusement And madness hidden within the infants eyes.

One day the couple will look back on this day and realize what type of horror they brought into this world.

This is the birth of madness, chaos and apocalypse , this is the day Balor Amentis was brought into this world ushering the beginning of a new era, The era of chaos and madness.

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