
Abyss style in Demon Slayer

Lol just read the story and see if you like it. I do not own anything in this story exept mc.

Dragon_Lord_KuroII · Komik
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1 Chs

Born in a world of pain

I watched from the darkness of the closet as they ripped my mother apart, ate my father while he still drew breath, and tormented my sister before eating her too.

My parents knew what was after them, they stuffed me in here while they sacrificed themselves in order to save me and my brother. My sister was hidden aswell exept she made a mistake. She flinched and sobbed as she saw what was happening to our parents.

Her cries weren't ignored by the demons. They sought after her, making her cries so loud that they could be heard outside the house.

Her cries would not reach the ears of those outside, we lived in the forest somewhere her cries would never be heard.

I watched in horror the fear in their eyes as they died. I knew I could do nothing as I sat their in the dark doing all I could to keep my eyes dry.

I sat their watching with unblinking eyes as I focused on keeping from making noise. My mind breaking at the sight, as my mind could barely think exept for one thing that would repeat in my mind.

'Don't cry or they will come for you' The light in my eyes kept fading the more I this thought repeated in my mind.

I no longer felt sad. In fact I could barely feel a thing. My thoughts stayed on this the more the scene unfolds in my mind the more I resembled a broken doll.

They ate their full and ran before the sun rose leaving nothing, but corpses.

I stayed in the closet for days as I only looked at the remnants of what used to be my family.

I took a step out of the closet slowly flies eating the blood. My families faces? unrecognizable.

I wanted to do something, but only stood there and watched the flies land on what used to be me family.

I stood their not knowing what was worst my family's death or how I didn't cry as I looked at their bodies.

I moved aimlessly grabbing a shovel before going in the back yard and began digging. with each strike into the earth the memories rose each time their screams louder.

I carried what was left of their bodies into the holes that I dug and tossed them in before putting the dirt back in hiding my family in the earth.

I sat on the rocking chair of my family the blood rotting making the room reak in its stench, but I didn't care I only cared for what little I had left to remember them as I as here I remembered what my father told me before the events of what happened nights ago began.

"Did you know our family, was once demon slayers." My father said, I looked at him with curiosity and asked him to continue.

"Our family was once renowned hunters and were very well versed in killing them. Enough that we developed a style called "Dark sword style"" He said with a wise smile

" Over the years our style ended lost in time, but their are the teaching of theirs that they left behind for us." He said reaching into his kimono where his chest is.

From there he pulled out a strange looking key. I didn't know where it went, but after showing it je took it off and put it around my neck letting it hang there.

"This is the key to the records of ages past, now I entrust the family in your care." His words were clear he intended to hqve me be the next one to lead the house as the oldest and to guild my sister.

'Father I am sorry, but I have failed you. You are all no more, I'm so sorry.' I really was sorry, yet no tears were shed.

I stood up from the chair and slowly walked around the house. Before I remembered father also said to never go down the basement.

I always wondered why that was, not I see no father to tell me no.

I opened the dore and walked down some stairs before arriving at a room with metal doors that seemed to bare the mask of a demon.

I used the candle I had brought down with me to illuminate the door as I brushed my hand across its door. I looked at my hand and saw how much dust that had been collected just from one swipe.

I continued to swipe my hand as the dust fell to the floor and made the surrounding less visible. I didn't care and only brushed away.

I rubbed on a part that felt like a whole as I saw what was behind all that dust the door looked like perhaps once was a beautiful color of silver, now was nothing more then rust with silver specksever now and then.

I held up the candle and looked at what appears to be a key hole. And using logic I used the key I obtained from father to the key hole.

it was a perfect fit, I turned as the whole door moved by itself needing no external force to open.

I was suprised for a second as I looked what was inside.

Inside candles that had hung on the wall lit themselves up as if by magic. I walked inside the now lit hall as I saw what was decorated at the end.

A sword with a sheath with a beautiful black finish and a blade inside, hanging on the wall a piece of clothing that I have never seen before, this piece of clothing had a hood but didn'tresemble any thing I had seen, on top of it a pair of black horns giving it qn ominous feel, along with a matching pair of black pants, and finally a black mask with a inhuman smile.

I walked over and started picking up the pieces of clothing putting them on before relizing that they didn't fit.

I ended up with my old clothes, but decided that I would pack a bag with the clothes for when I am older.

I picked up the sword before removing it from the sheath. The sword was unusually different, its blade's edge held the color of blue something that could never be done on a sword, because the dye would end up breaking leaving the sword how it originally was.

I don't know how long its been down here, but for a sword's dye to look like this when the rust on the door seemed to be so old.

Now that I think about it how could the clothing last this long as well. My mind thinking of a solution I glanced down and looked at something that looked odd.

A object that seemed to be placed in odd proportion. I touched the button and it sank under my force. clicking and cranking could be heard in the machine before a compartment was drawn out revealing a book titled "Abyss style" this wasn't the style my fater telling me, but having been passed down so many generations its understandable

I picked up the boom and read its contents.

The book held alot of positions and writing detailed descriptions of how to weild a blade and how its methods could unlock our hidden strengths with something called a breathing technique.

I packed all this in a bag equipped the blade around my waist with a makeshift belt.

I stepped out and instead of heading towards civilization I made my way deeper inside the forest to the sound of a water fall.

. . .

It's been 9 years since that incident and since then I have learned alot. While I was hunting for some food U heard the sound of people, feeling curious I was able to sneak up to them and hide overhearing their conversations.

Upon one of those conversations they said something about a place one could become a demon slayer like the one dad said we descended from.

Who could have guessed that even though my family's Legacy died, demon slaying still exists.

With a chuckle I vanish from the tree branch that I was on. They said the location was at fujikasane mountain. I looked at every map of a village that was near by. And after gaining their fearful gaze I walked away taking the map and paying for it, buy not saying a word.

The book is filled with vast knowledge qnd concepts. All the forms of Abyss form. It also covered on how these forms bring out the power inside you, how only selective forms will work for some people, and how we have this power from our subconscious its limits vast and almost limitless but, their is a catch. Although there is no limit to the amount that can be drawn, the amount used will transfer to ones body causing strain the more you use. Their is also a limit to the amount that can be drawn at a time by varying reasons. like if a water way was blocked by a dam, the amount to be drawn is like if you put a hole in the dam. The size of the hole and the amount of strain depends on the wielders strength.

I have been training in the way of the abyss. This form when I first tried put me out of commission to heal for nearly two weeks. And that was with a hears worth of training.

Afterwards I trained 10 times harder with so many cuts on my hands and body that the cuts started to feel numb. My muscles ached begging me to stop, but my will and determination pushed me from focusing on the agonizing pain.

After 3 years of that training I was able to perform the first form of the abyss style. The rest came after that one, one by one I master all seven forms.

I am 5,7ft from my knowledge and I was finally able to ware the hood that I always carried. After looking at the back I saw the words "exterminate" the same as the ones I saw on those people I came across.

I wore the hood and pants together with the mask. Any who crossed my path would simply look at me but when I grew closer on them they back away slowly.

I wore these as I made my way to the place where hunting demons would be my job...heh how fun.

. . .

After a few days of traveling I made it to the top of the mountain by sunset, here onto of this place I saw many who seemd to be wanting the same thing as me.

Many of these guys showed clear determination while others showed their fear and one seemed almost uninterest.

"Everyone, we thank you for coming here tonight. To the demon slayer corps final selection." Two very young girls that have been standing their began to speak about our trial

"There are demons imprisoned here on Mt. Fujikasane, captured by semon slayer swordsmen for the final selection. These demons are unable to leave because of the wisteria that demons hate so much However there is no wistaria this point one on so demons will be prowling from night to day looking for food. You will have to survive for seven days. The test has begun." They spoke one after another as if their minds were one

At the end of their wordswe bagan to move I desided to stay away of where the rest were deciding against being near other humans in a place full of hungry demons. I have killed a few demons when they crossed my path, but I'm sure here they have a way of knowing were demons are.

So I began to seek a place fore shelter, somewhere I could rest for the next seven days.

I foumd a cave far from the start so I stuck around and saw that a large demon had already claimed this cave.

"Abyss breathing–1st form: Abyss walker"

My body became a black a black mist as I steped closer with no care to the demon, when I was close to the demon with one slash at his neck and he began to turn to dust with no idea of what just happened.

No other demon wqlked at the entrance and I couldn't care any less, their is no way in other then the way I came in, and no possible way for demons to enter when day light came.

I sat on a log and produced q fire with a flint using the steel of the blade to ignite it. I sat their listening to the endless void for steps coming my way.

And like that 7 days passed I killed any demon at night and slept when it turned day. I kept this cycle simce it was the best course of action to move forward. The strang thing was how no one tried to come to the cave, they would see me and simply walk away....I wonder why?

Perhaps it was the blood that covered the entire cave....nah.

I made my way back to the entrence seeing that the last night of the sixth day drew near.I could practically hear the bloodshed that occurred throughout the forest even some of the screams when they were close enough.

The sun rose through the trees of the wistaria the morning sun creating a embracing shadow.

I waited for the twins with hands crossed qnd eyes closed trying to figure out when we can get the next part of this donw and over with.

Only five of us remaimed out of the near 20 that originally stepped foot into the forest....they were simply too weak to hold out.

A guy with a yellow haori kept saying how hes a dead man. At least die with some honor.

"Welcome back/Welcome Back. Congratulations were glad to see you alive." I never liked those twins they talked like they share a mind and their eyes dont even blink.

"So what am I supposed to do now. Where my sword?" This guy I don't like either, someone who can't even hold their tongue....perhaps I should slice it off....But if I did that then I'm sure I would be kick off of this demon slaying business.

"First we shall issue you all uniforms. We will take measurements after which your ranks will be engraved. There are ten ranks in total, Kinoe, Kinoto, Hinoe, Hinoto, Tsuchinoe, Tsuchinoto, Kanoe, Kanoto, Mizunoe, Mizunoto. Currently you are the lowest rank, Mizunoto." Hmm, receiving a new sword....not bad this one was starting to bend and chip from all those uses, not to mention age.

"And our swords." The same guy with a weird haircut said

"Today you will chose the ore for your sword. However the swords will take ten to fifteen days to complete." The guy seemd agrivated and more annoyed much to my pleasure.

"But first, *clap 2x* we will assign each of you your own Kasugai Crow." I looked at the crow that landed on my arm as it looked like any normal crow that we all recived....wel would have exept the yellow hair guy recived a sparow.

They are used primarily for communication I wondered how that worked and just thought of how a messenger bird worked although I never heard of a crow being used.

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT CRAP!!!" The weird hair guy in purple clothes waltzed right up to the twins and raised his hand threatening to touch them.

Before anyone could move and before he could touch the girl with white hair I placed my blade at his throught I had already drawn blood from his throught as a small amount went down the blade.

They all felt a pressure almost enough to make them fall if they lost their footing. The guy with the the yellow haori nearly pissed himself, while the guy with a weird hair cut had the strength to look into my eyes. Qnd from pearing into my ruby eyes he thought he saw red eyes looking back at him from the abyss.

he drew his hand back and walked back down the stairs, I drew my bloodlust back all the while making sure the little girls weren't able to fell any of it.

I crouched down to their level after swiftly sheathing my blade, and placed my hands onto of their hair softly. Little kids grew on me I could never hurt a little girl....I always think of her whenever I do.

They didn't respond to my touch qs they continued their talk when I backed away.

The girl in black hair revealed a table of ores all of which varied in size and shine.

Only one of the other 4 was willing to move after my little show, so I focused on the ore infront of me. I closed my eyes and raised my hand hovering over the table I felt a strong pull to my left before I felt a strong pullto the one I was onto of.

I dropped my hand on the ore before opening my eyes and saw that the ore was dark and large. I grew happy with my choice before leaving and returned asking the twins to have the swords men seek me out since I don't really have a home, and also asked for the same kind of clothing that I have been wearing this whole time.

And like that I was the first to leave with such speed that they could barely keep up.