
Abyss Chronicles

In a cursed place where logic collapses and humanity disappears, a place full of hopeful and corrupt people, a magical and savage place. Follow Mikey's journey in the fight, which led him to despair and ambitions into the abyss, so he will not be able to get out, or will that be his end?

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1 Chs



What pain!

! My body hurts so much

In a dark and quiet room the silence and calm were shattered by Mikey's agonizing cries. Mikey felt so much pain he had never felt before.

In the midst of his intense pain, Mikey tried to move from one place to find that he could not move

Looking back at it wasn't i on the ship, does it make sense that I died in my sleep, did I really die?

Mikey tried, in the midst of extreme pain, to open his eyes, but his attempt failed, and with time his consciousness faded again and he lost consciousness.

After a long time, Mikey regained consciousness again and opened his eyes, but after several attempts he was finally able to move his body and raised his back to find himself in a dimly lit room with a wooden floor similar to a clinic.

He tried to get up but He was so dizzy that he fell into bed again

Where am I? What is this place? Were we attacked or the ship sank? These thoughts are on Mikey's mind. Finally, he notices his clothes, which were completely stained with a sticky red substance, as well as a long tube coming from his forearm all the to a brown bottle.

'Where the hell am I, did the ship sank and I was rescued or what?'


" Any one here!?"

Mikey screamed, trying to get anyone's attention

Suddenly the door to the room opened, and a middle-aged man in a red medical coat and a black hat and goggles entered the room.

"Uh, you finally woke up. I thought the operation failed because you took way too long to wake up. I was about to ask someone to come over and throw your body away, but I don't think there's any need to do that anymore."

Who are you and where am I?""

Asked Mikey, surprised by the appearance of the man who locked weird

" obviously I'm the one who saved you and you owe your life to him"

After hearing the man's answer, Mikey tried to sit down and succeeded. Then he asked, "Can you explain?"

Yes yes logical

The man rubbed his temple and then explained

"listen to me" and then he points to himself Said " found you dying at the beach with some wreckage and a bunch of other people who were popular for your condition or ".

After hearing the man's explanation, Michael fell into deep thought and tried to arrange his thoughts. What the man said was logical, because he was on a ship the only Explanation to what the man said that was that the ship was destroyed somehow and he was drafted to the beach . What Michael last remembers is that he fell asleep on the ship after suffering severe pain due to his illness.

My sickness?!!

It was only then that Mikey remembered why he was on the ship in the first place.

But now, to his surprise, he no longer feels pain!!

Mikey looked at the man standing in front of him with suspicion, he had not yet confirmed who he was or where this place was located

Before asking Mikey any other questions the man said

"I know you have a lot of questions but it is not the time to talk and also I am busy this place is not as small as it seems you are not the only one here "

The man then walked towards the door and before leaving the room he "said I will send someone to guide you around the place so rest a little for now no matter how worried and curious you are , this place is safest place for you at the "

after saying that the man walked out of the room

As soon as the man left the room, Mikey fell into deep thought

About half an hour later, when Mikey's patience was about to run out, an old man dressed in white, resembling a nurse's uniform, walked in and said, "Come with me"

Mikey got up from his place in compliance with the old man's orders. The old man came out of the room and Mikey followed him out of the room. There was a corridor with dim lighting from gas lamps, and along the corridor there were doors on one side.

"Are you going to be the one who will answer my questions" asked Mikey

"Don't be in a hurry, we have all the time we nenee

"And you way are you very sure about that?" Asked Mikey

The old man stopped in his footsteps and looked at Mikey and said "first you will need to take a shower The building may look old and dilapidated but we were people who care about cleanliness

"Enough of the mystery, can't you tell me anything"

The old man sighed then said "it is not my job to explain things and answer questions but I will tell you one thing"

What is it tell me?

Our current location The old man was silent for a while and then said we are in the abyss!!