
Busky streets

<p> Lu shao is currently hiding from his bullies after getting chased for an extended period.<br/>Huff! Huff!...<br/>He is an orphan and to top it of he is a foreigner from the great kingdom of Africa, the bullies run after him cursing his black skin but lu shao is able to manoeuvre the streets as he was well acquainted with the city streets as he worked on those same streets.<br/>Despite lu shao's father being Korean and his mother African , he resembled his mother more despite being a son.<br/>The streets of goshen city are as noisy and bustling as people move on with their work.<br/>Lu shao's skin colour was not necessarily black as one would expect but also not as white as his father and this made his life miserable as the bullies from his school kept on bullying him just because his mother abandoned him at birth,his father who was much in love..... later on died leaving lu shao tu fend for himself. <br/>The main bully that made his life difficult was actually the directors son in Goshen Hunter High school [<em>Pei hao</em>].<br/>The bully had awakened the ability to hardened himself and anything he touched, whereas lu shao had not yet had an awakening but was still attending the hunter High school as the director was his father's friend during his time alive hence helped lu shao enroll in hope that he would awaken and change his life .<br/>[Bully 2] He's here....!<br/>Lu shao had been discovered from his hiding place.<br/>Clank ! Clank! <br/>The bullies hurried through the bustling Street running over stalls .<br/>Finally found you...! Peirce hao's voice reverbed.</p>

it's getting started

Kelvin_Nderitucreators' thoughts