
Abused, Rejected, and Loved

Natalie Moore has always been shy, too afraid to speak up. However, that is not her fault. Ever since she remember she has been abused. Whether that abuse came in the form of verbal, mental, or physical. All Natalie wants is to be able to find her fated mate, and finally be happy. Little does she know, her fated mate is in her pack, and he wants nothing to do with her. Will he reject her, and if so is there a chance she will get a second chance mate? Come to the land of werewolves, vampires and witches, follow Natalie on her journey to finding out who she really is, and whether or not she will find love and happiness

Erica_Lee_5321 · Fantasi
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33 Chs

Surprise Part 2


 After leaving the doctors I have been lost in thought. I know that I am excited about having pups, but I am also nervous. What if something goes wrong? No, I cannot let myself stress out about this. I am just going to get to the store, meet up with Becca, tell her the news, and then get what we need to surprise Lucas.


 After a few minutes, I am outside the store. I do not even have to wait for Becca, due to the fact that she is already standing outside the door.

 "Hey, so what is going on? Why did you want to meet here? Oh, what did the Dr. say?" Becca asked rapidly.

 "Okay, so, everything is good. However, I have another appointment in two weeks to see the OBGYN." I told her a little vaguely.

 "Wait…why the OBGYN?" She asked, however, before I could respond she squealed. "OMG! You're pregnant?"

 "Yeah, I am pregnant. Although, not with just one pup, hence the reason for the appointment in two weeks. And every other appointment will be every two weeks. They said that I have a high-risk pregnancy due to the fact that I am carrying triplets." I told her.

 "Holy cow! Okay, that is so exciting! I am going to be an Auntie to three little pups!! Oh, I am so HAPPY!!!" She yells jumping up and down.

 "Okay little Miss Happy Pants, I need to get shirts for you, Kayden, Nathan, Oliver, and myself. I want them to say, "Newbie Uncle" for the guys "Newbie Auntie" for you, and "Babies On Board" for my shirt with an arrow pointing down to my stomach. Honestly, I wonder how long it will take for Lucas to get the "babies" part. And I want his shirt to say "Proud Dad of Alphas-to-Be." I said as I started walking into the store.

 "I do not think that it will take very long. Unless his mind fizzes out, but his shirt should help clarify it." She said chuckling while following me into the store.

 "Can you mind-link the guys, except for Lucas, and ask them what size shirts they wear? I am going to go over and let the sales rep know what I want on the shirts, and what colors." I asked her. After getting a nod, I made my way over to the counter.


 After about an hour, we were finally done getting the right size shirts and getting the words added to them. I am getting nervous about what Lucas would think when he sees the shirts. Would he be happy, or would he think that it is too soon to have pups? Ugh, I need to stop over-thinking…of course he will be happy.



 Something is going on, and I do not know what yet. For some reason Natalie has blocked me out of being able to sense her emotions and mind-link her. This has been going on since this morning and I am starting to get worried that something might have happened that she does not want me to know about. All I want to do right now is get back to the pack house to find out what is going on.

 Dom: You are worrying too much Lucas, everything is fine.

 Me: How do you know Dom? I have not gotten a mind-link from Natalie nor can I sense her emotions.

 Dom: I just asked Midnight if they were okay, and she told me that they're fine and cannot wait for us to get home.

 Me: You can talk with Midnight even though I have been blocked by Natalie? How in the world does that work? Never mind, I do not even want to know.

 Dom: Go ahead and head back to the pack house. We only have a couple more minutes before the end of the day, and you're not really able to focus anyway.

 Me: True. Let's get home and find out what is going on before I go crazy with worry.


 Finally, after 20 minutes I am at the pack house. Rushing to get out of the car and into the pack house to find Natalie, I almost fall running up the front steps. Opening the door, I am getting ready to yell for her when I hear…

 "In the kitchen Lucas." Calls Natalie. Not thinking about anything but getting to her, I sprint in her direction.

 "Okay Natalie, what is going on? I have not been able to sense your emotions all day, and then you had be blocked from mind-linking you. Is everything okay, what happened?" I started to question as soon as she was within eye sight.

 "Man, Lucas, you need to breathe and look around. Does it look like anything as happened?" Questioned Nathan.

 Looking around at everyone, I can see that there is nothing wrong with them. However, as I start to turn and look at Natalie, I noticed that everyone was smiling at me. So, I looked closer at everyone to see what they were up to. While looking at Nathan, I see that his shirt says "Uncle to be".

 "What is that on your shirt?" I asked him, all the while noticing that Oliver, and Kayden had the same thing on their shirts while Becca had "Aunt to be" on her shirt.

 "What do you think it means?" Kayden asked.

 Ever so slowly I turned fully towards Natalie. Once I was facing her fully, she unzipped her hoodie and I about fall on the floor when I read, Alpha's to be" on her own shirt. I have never in my life felt like I going to pass out, but at this moment I just might.

 "Surprise Lucas. Looks like we are going to have three pups soon. I know that it might still be early…" She started to say, however, I could not let her finish what she was saying. I quickly scooped her up and spun both of us around.

 "It is not too early! You do not know how happy I am right now. I knew something was going on but this definitely did not cross my mind. Not only am I going to have a one pup but three. How are you feeling? Is there anything you need right now?" I rambled. I could not believe I was going to be a father to three pups.

 "I am good, do not need anything right now. However, you are not allowed to get all overprotective. It is bad enough that I now have Nathan, Oliver, and Kayden telling me what I can and cannot do. You on the other hand will not be like them will you?" She asked with a sweet smile.

 "Nice try there Natalie, all I am feeling right now is happiness and protectiveness. There is going to be more than a few things that I am not going to allow you to do." I informed her.

 "See, Natalie, I told you he would be on our side with this. You're just going to have to get used to it." Oliver stated.

 "We will see about that. Becca, want to make a bet on who will be the first to get a punishment from Midnight? She is already saying that it is a tie between Kayden and Oliver on who she will punish first." Natalie said with a beaming mischievous smirk.

 "Oh girl, I believe she will make them all pay at once." Replied Becca with the same smile on her face.

 "Now, that is not cool!" Nathan yelled.

 "No way!" Oliver all but screamed.

 "So not cool" Kayden replied solemnly.

 "Now, Natalie. I just want you to be safe and protected." I tried to console her.

 "Oh, I know. However, there is a fine line on being protective and overprotective. And at the rate that you guys are going I will not be allowed to leave the pack house and that is not going to make Midnight or me very happy." Natalie explained.

 "Okay, we will try to keep it under control." I promised even though I know this is going to be the hardest promise to keep.