
The Wrong Foot

'If it's well known he clashed with Divine Kingdoms, just how is he still alive? Or at the very least, not shelter by another Divine Kingdom?' Lin Xiang curiously asked.

'Mn...ah, that's a bit mysterious.' Xie Ya curled her brows. 'From what I can tell, the Divine Kingdoms are actually hesitant to completely kill Storm Zhou. They can certainly teach him lessons if he gets too outrageous. But nobody ever took the final step. And it's completely unknown why he's still walking. Honestly, this mysteriousness only made Storm Zhou that more ominous.'

'I see...' Several speculations emerged in Lin Xiang's mind. 

Perhaps that Storm Zhou has a hidden master at peak middle layer Divine Lord. Or that expert is actually in the Divine Tyrant realm. It could also be a matter of complex relations between the Divine Kingdom.