

WELCOME to the exciting story of Alex, a boy who suddenly finds himself in a new world after being isekai'd. Upon arriving, he discovers that he has a powerful soul and an incredible talent, which allows him to increase his abilities to new heights. With the support of his loving parents in this world, Alex sets out on a journey through the multiverse, driven by his ambition to reach the pinnacle of power and attain immortality. Follow Alex's incredible journey as he faces numerous challenges and battles against powerful foes, all while striving to fulfill his ultimate goal. Join us on this captivating adventure and discover the incredible destiny that awaits Alex. ----------------------------------------------------------------

Bored_dude · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


Based on the memories of Alex, the cultivation stages in this world are as follows. The initial stage is Body Tempering, where one focuses on strengthening various parts of the body, including organs and skin. Following that is Qi Condensation, which involves allowing qi to enter the body and manipulating small amounts of it.

The subsequent stage is Core Formation, where the practitioner strives to form a core within their body. Cores are categorized into different grades based on their colours, although specific details regarding these grades are unknown to me. Finally, there is the Nascent Soul stage, wherein the entire soul undergoes refinement, resulting in an extension of approximately 1000 years to one's lifespan

The planet I inhabit is renowned as Bluestar World, where the Nascent Soul stage represents the pinnacle of cultivation attainable. Should one strive for a higher realm beyond this stage, the world itself will reject them, expelling them into the void.

Within each stage of cultivation, there are nine sub-stages. Advancement to the next realm is only possible after completing all nine stages and reaching the peak of the current realm. Presently, my grandfather has achieved the peak of the Core Formation realm, while my father has progressed to the late stage of the Qi Condensation realm.

The initial three stages are collectively known as the Initial stages, followed by the Middle stage. Subsequently, we encounter the Late stages, which encompass stages 7 to 9. Finally, we reach the Peak stage, representing a significant step towards ascending to the next realm.

As I navigate my cultivated memories, I wander through the mansion until I lay eyes upon the most exquisite lady—my mother. Her expression is filled with deep concern, and it warms my heart instantly. Without a second thought, I rush towards her, discovering that along with the memories, I have also absorbed the feelings and emotions of this body when our souls merged. It feels as though my soul has always resided within this vessel, and only upon the previous owner's passing did our souls unite, granting me access to his memories.

"Alex, where have you been all day?" my mom asked, her tone sharp with anger.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I sneaked out of the mansion without telling anyone," I replied apologetically.

My mom's expression softened a little as she said, "Well, now that you're back safe and sound, I won't punish you. But please promise me that you won't do it again."

"I promise, Mom," I replied, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.

Although my mom was kind to me, my guilt towards this family only increased. I couldn't help but think about how I had taken over this body and intruded into their family. While I had devoured many souls in the void, it wasn't the same as killing people. But in this dog-eat-dog world where the strong prey on the weak, sooner or later, I would have to kill to survive.

Thinking about everything that had happened since my previous life, to being in the void and then merging with the memories of this body, I silently made my way to my room with Lucy, my personal maid who takes care of me. She is 21 years old, an orphan, and also a trained assassin, who is responsible for my protection throughout the day.

Once in my room, I sent Lucy off to her adjacent quarters, as it would be more convenient for her to assist me in my daily tasks. I settled onto my bed and began to reflect on my past, sorting out my thoughts and calming myself down, eventually entering a meditative state.

In my meditative state, I found myself in a mysterious place, with everything appearing grey with some sporadic spots of white and green. I presumed that this was my inner consciousness.

As to how I knew this, well, during my time of devouring souls in the void, I had stumbled upon a strange, white orb that was sparkling with immense radiance. Driven by my curiosity, I devoured the orb, which immediately triggered a rush of memories to flow into my mind, coupled with excruciating pain.

Once the pain was over there came this strange conscious of a person who started consuming me from the inside. like this we battled out devouring each other for a long period of time, finally with the added advantage of my size and also my will, I finally swallowed him, then after doing this I started going through his memories although the memories were jumbled and damaged I somehow recalled a part of it. It was of a person named Shiroyu from the soul tribe in the hell plane which I don't know anything about. Apart from this he also had this soul cultivation art and other skills related to souls. Since there was no use for this at that moment I just left it aside and started my devouring journey again.

Inner consciousness is a place where you can do literally anything you want like you can create your own house here or even create an artificial being and converse with it. But for doing anything here you have to expend soul energy which I'm not lacking at the moment also I have this soul cultivation art called demonic fusion Art which is not only for demons but can include any creatures as there is no distinction in souls, there can only be strong or weak souls and not like the physical characteristics of different races which are different.

I started learning this Art and lost myself in this Art which was by the way a masterpiece. This Art not only explains how to cultivate your soul but also the way to manipulate it and do stuff with my soul energy.

Seeing the importance of this Art I started learning it and trying to manipulate the soul energy in my inner consciousness. When I opened my eyes It was already 2 am in the morning so I quickly took a shower and slept off in the bed comfortably.