
Upon hearing, Men cry while Women salivate

Although he felt his balls turn cold, Eventide Great Wolf's heart burned with fury.

The arrow was a sneak attack that Eventide Sixth Wolf had been cultivating in for more than a decade. It lived up to his ancestors' name. The arrow was thin like a needle and black like the night sky. To bore out from under his teammate's hips and shoot straight at his enemy's groin at an odd angle made it unpredictable. It was truly a cold, cheap move!

There was no way for Shi Xiaobai to dodge that arrow!

Indeed, just as Eventide Great Wolf imagined, Shi Xiaobai failed to react in time. With a 'psh' sound, the arrow pierced straight into the boy's pants, striking at the important spot in between his legs!

"That kid is finished!"

When Eventide Great Wolf heard the sound, he turned fervently excited. He nearly could not help but roar out loudly.