

From then on, the goddess of war disappeared. However, Dio, god of wine mentioned that it was normal, and that their apprenticeship would still proceed as per normal. The goddess had moments where she'll go into random hibernation in order to combat extreme fatigue. Ivor wondered what could even possibly tire her. However, he was certain it was something that he would and could never fathom to guess. Soon, or he should say, in 7000 years, they passed out of her school with flying colours. His mentor, the hologram that appeared tirelessly to explain to him things when he needed further clarifications congratulated him heartily and his classmates were excited to display their bouts of success.

He came in, without a doubt, first in all areas and segments

While Zelia, the Crown Princess from the fae realm came in second, across all areas and segments. They were considered the perfect duo in the entire realm of kingdoms.

And so, it didn't come too much of a surprise that they ended up being placed together.

Naturally so - like the tides and the rain that would dawn the realm.

What wasn't normal was perhaps, the fact that Ivor had little interest in anything except for that lingering thought. Where had 'she' disappeared to?

Yet, he had little time to mull over such thoughts as the Queen Goddess summoned for him.

"You're back, without a scratch!" her face brightened when she saw her beloved son had returned. Throughout the years, he gave her little to no issues and his character had a soothing air to it - like the eucalyptus plant that she had placed around the gardens. She had an extremely difficult time birthing him, the realms were also giving trouble at that time with the death of 'him' but it was all worth it. She was glad that everything came out altogether good.

He always had a way to soothe her and her nerves.

Ivor smiled lightly, "Mother, you look tired."

"She's worried about the white army, they're awakening soon," the King mentioned with a sigh. He nodded and bowed in acknowledgment, "Father," and the King waved away the formalities, "Ivor, you've grown - I can sense that. Looks like the apprenticeship did you well," his father noted and Ivor's lips lifted duitfully and slightly. His father paused and finally said, "There's been unrest in the realms for the longest time since you-know-who has passed on," his father appeared tired and suddenly much older than he had let on.

"You mean Dayvious, the previous god of war?" Ivor's brow quirked. His parents eyes widened and frowned slightly at the name but they nodded solemnly, "We know he has done a lot for us, the people and everything within these realms. He managed to stop that dark catastrophe by putting his white army to deep sleep but we're afraid she'll awaken it."

"So, you're asking me to?" he had a sense where this was going.

"You'll have to be bethrothed to her in order to gain the white army control, however, all that will not hinder your real plans of course," they reassured him. Ivor didn't even think of that. He was pretty intrigued by that opportunity, excited even. Yet, his expression barely betrayed his truest emotions.

He was as serene as the still waters.

Sensing the silence, his Queen mother quickly added, "We've heard whispers from Fates that she's going through a trial now, her powers are stripped and she might as well be considered a mortal, it's the best time to stop her before she does anything silly - given how unpredictable she is,"

"By becoming her bethrothed?" he murmured and the King nodded, "In name of course,"

Ivor's mind wasn't thinking about that. All he thought about was, "Will she even fall for me?"

The Queen mother nodded, "Why do you think you've been veiled since young?" she sighed, "You bear a 70 percent resemblance to Dayvious - the former god of war," she said and lifted the mask that he usually had on.

A striking face appeared and he frowned. Was that why she sensed him, even for the slightest moment? His lips pursed stoically.