
Above The Sky

The first star that passed away extinguished two thousand years ago. Four hundred years later, the mysterious Calamity of Heavenly Fall destroyed the civilization of the previous era, returning thriving cultures to ignorance. Since then, stars gradually vanished, the Firmament grew dark and dim, and a new civilization rose from the starless wilderness, flourishing once more. Yet, what accompanied this were war, death, destruction, and hatred. The flames once aimed at the Firmament were used to slaughter the people of enemy nations, and the raining clouds once engineered to alter deserts were turned into floods that engulfed the land. Humans once again began to kill each other for wealth and power... but no one looked up at the sky. They lost the Guidance of the stars Above the Sky, forgetting the awe of gazing upon the Milky Way. They were all prisoners. One thousand six hundred years after the Calamity of Heavenly Fall, a young child awakened memories of his past life. He wanted to break the Cage, to throw off the shackles. He wanted to become a star. To return to Above the Sky. "I don't care about how the people of this world live, whether they're well-fed or not, whether they can dress warmly or live comfortably, whether they have dreams or hopes. I don't care about their loves and hates." "I just want to go Above the Sky." ——Ian.

Gloomy Sky Hidden God · Fantasi
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363 Chs

Chapter 28 Believe

The power levels of Sublimators originate from ancient Terra myths, in which The Heavenly Father took seven steps to create The Boundless Heavens, hanging the sun, the moon, and the stars upon the Sky Ladder.

With each advancement in power level, a Sublimator undergoes a transformation. Each level offers a different landscape.

At the Fifth Energy Level, compared to ordinary people, one has undergone transformation and sublimation five times, and can truly be called a superhuman, a legend walking upon the earth.

On the Terra Continent, the vast majority of inheritances might enable a Sublimator to transform two or three times, which is already rare. What more for reaching the Fifth Energy Level?

That is a true secret, a priceless treasure.

And a Sublimator of that level may indeed, as the name suggests, be akin to an Unyielding Fortress—an eternal stronghold that never falls.

When Hiliard mentioned 'The Unyielding Fortress,' Ian even felt as though he genuinely saw a majestic mountain standing unmovable in the midst of a storm, untouched by any natural disaster, waves, or even earthquakes and tsunamis.

That was precisely the power of the strongest Guardian's True Form.

"Of course, that's too early for you now. Even if you were to cultivate, you should start as a 'Sand Armor Apprentice' and then gradually progress through 'Rock Cast Knight' to 'Lord of Stone,'" Hiliard explained.

"However, even the most basic 'Sand Armor Apprentice' has the ability to control sand to form an armored clothing, split rocks barehanded, disregard the attacks of most swords, axes, and similar weapons, and can even conceal themselves in the dirt by holding their breath and reducing life fluctuations. They can also survive for days without food or water without affecting their strength."

Speaking slowly, Hiliard placed his hand on Ian's chest: "This is the power of a Sublimator—what you will have in the future."

The boy did not pull away.

He keenly sensed a heat from the palm of the old Knight that he couldn't ignore.

Ian instinctively activated 'Clairvoyant Vision.'

In the blurred world that instantly unfolded before him, he saw a pale golden shadowy sphere form in the palm of Hiliard, who was surrounded by a golden misty halo.

It flowed, it spun, exuding heat like that of a flame, even like that of the sun.

Then, it surged into his own body.

Ian focused intently. The moment the golden sphere entered his body, he felt a burning heat in his chest, his heart; a heat flowing from their point of contact as if it was bursting from a furnace, then spreading throughout his body with each heartbeat.

He could feel his muscles, blood vessels, bones, and even internal organs become unmistakably clear; he knew precisely where the blood pumped by each beat of his heart was heading.

But this was only momentary.

"The internal organs have no problems, all functions are normal, and you and your cells are all very hungry. It seems we'll have to prepare more food for you in the future to nourish your body," Hiliard said as he withdrew his hand.

Hefting Ian's hand, Hiliard pondered for a moment, then prompted the boy to spread both hands—Ian naturally complied.

Then the old Knight carefully examined his student's hands and suggested Ian remove his jacket. He scrutinized the areas on the boy's body where there had once been bruises, pressing and manipulating tendons and bones at key areas, asking Ian whether he felt pain or itchiness, and if there was any unusual sensation, he must tell him.

Ian naturally reported honestly.

"Very good."

After this thorough check-up, Hiliard was very satisfied; he patted Ian's shoulder, signaling him to get dressed: "There are no hidden injuries or abnormalities. Your body is very healthy, and your uncle's torment has not caused you any irreparable harm."

"It's just that you don't have any special Bloodline or mutation, which is strange. Considering your uncle's condition, your bones should be more robust. After all, he was a failed Iron Bone mutation, and you have successfully Awakened Spirit Energy. At the very least, your bones should have a basic foundation."

Noticing the many holes in Ian's clothes during the examination, the old Knight shook his head slightly.

——To live in such a family without permanent internal injuries is truly not easy.

Just then, Ian suddenly spoke up: "Teacher, what does it mean to have no mutations or hidden injuries?"

"It means we can save a lot of effort in recuperation and time," Hiliard replied upon hearing Ian's puzzled question.

"Not everyone is able to embark upon The Path of Sublimation. After the Calamity of Heavenly Fall, human blood carries mutated elements, and most Life Essence is damaged."

"In severe cases, like your uncle, the mutation is external. Even regular Sublimation Organs cultivated by him may result in malignant mutations—while ordinary people might not show tumors or Alien Forms externally, their internal organs often have some mutations."

"With damaged Life Essence, even if they embark on The Path of Sublimation, it is difficult to progress far. Therefore, the majority of ordinary people, even if they receive an Inheritance, are unable to break through to the Second or Third Energy Level in their lifetime."

Placing a hand reassuringly on Ian's shoulder, Hiliard smiled and said, "Of course, you don't have to worry. The fact that you Awakened Spirit Energy proves that your Life Essence is complete enough. Cultivating to the Third Energy Level will be no problem."

"I've also checked just now; your internal organs are very healthy without any mutations, so there's no issue in cultivating my Inheritance."

"Is that so..."

Feeling his teacher's pat on the shoulder, neither light nor heavy, Ian's mind brimmed with thought.

Putting aside the newly coined term "Calamity of Heavenly Fall".

Born with deformities, according to Earth's terms, was unquestionably a genetic disease; in the Terra World, it meant Life Essence was damaged.

Genetics and Life Essence should be roughly comparable concepts, and for those with severe genetic damage, forcibly sublimating one's Life Essence would only result in an aberrant outcome.

"It's a bit like genetic adjustment," Ian thought. "Without repairing the genetics, even if those born with deformities undergo genetic adjustment, they cannot develop the correct genetic organs."

His awakening of spirit energy was essentially a fusion of memories from two lifetimes and was not the same as the majority of Spirit Energy Users in the Terra World... In other words, his ability to awaken spirit energy might not necessarily prove his Life Essence was intact.

Especially since he had an uncle with severely damaged Life Essence, which on Earth would be considered a high-risk genetic disease group.

Therefore, he looked up, tentatively asking Hiliard, "Can damage to Life Essence be healed or compensated for?"

"It can," Hiliard didn't find Ian's question surprising, as most apprentices would ask the same thing upon learning this, and he answered succinctly, "But that requires extremely expensive repair surgery or extremely rare supplementary magic potions. It is said that some special cultivation methods can also gradually repair the damaged Life Essence, but none of these are methods ordinary people can use, and the resources and time they consume are incalculable."

"Since you can awaken your spirit energy, it proves your aptitude is definitely above average; you can take either the path of a Spirit Energy User or a Sublimator."

"I understand."

Ian nodded straightforwardly, he raised his hand, watching his own fist, clenching it and then relaxing.

Staring at his young, pale, and frail wrist and fist, the boy looked up at Hiliard, "Teacher."

"When can I begin the ascendant practice?"

Hiliard scrutinized his student's expression.

He thought for a moment, and then slowly said, "Now."

"Being a Sublimator is not a profession, not a feature, and even less so a lofty status... Sublimator is a way of life."

"If you wish to begin the practice of a Sublimator, you can do so at any time."

The aged knight's gaze turned solemn at that moment; he looked into Ian's eyes and said gravely, "Ian, I know you desire power, and indeed you need power—but you're only eight years old, you should understand, at your current age, undertaking ascendant practice truly is an inefficient endeavor."

"Keep in mind, even the Empire's Royal Family must wait until after puberty to formally embark on The Path of Sublimation."

"Of course, starting early is not wrong, but it will inevitably be a much more difficult and arduous journey."

This talk was meaningless, as Hiliard was well aware of Ian's predicament—he was merely masquerading as this child's uncle, with his own mission, and he could leave at an unknown time in the future, and then, Ian would need to look after himself and his younger brother alone.

Not to mention, there was the scrutiny of the Redwood Natives.

This time losing three hunters and a shaman, the enemy would naturally not directly infiltrate Harrison Port to assassinate, but they would definitely keep a close watch on Ian, attempting retaliation.

Ian wanted power, and he needed power.

However, aside from this reason, in Hiliard's heart, there was actually a tinge of hope.

A young child is unfit for ascendant practice, besides the need to continuously adapt to a new physique and strength, the fickle and impatient temperament of a child is most crucial.

No one would think an eight- or nine-year-old child could persist in dull and tedious training and meditation every day, just to get used to the pain and control their own thoughts.

But if it were Ian.

If it were the child who merely in one night, killed three enemies, and still managed to sleep soundly after...

Hiliard believed he could.

And even... could achieve more.

—Your Majesty.

Watching Ian who seemed to be contemplating, the old knight could not help but murmur to himself, "Perhaps, as you said."

"We can always trust."