
Above The Sky

The first star that passed away extinguished two thousand years ago. Four hundred years later, the mysterious Calamity of Heavenly Fall destroyed the civilization of the previous era, returning thriving cultures to ignorance. Since then, stars gradually vanished, the Firmament grew dark and dim, and a new civilization rose from the starless wilderness, flourishing once more. Yet, what accompanied this were war, death, destruction, and hatred. The flames once aimed at the Firmament were used to slaughter the people of enemy nations, and the raining clouds once engineered to alter deserts were turned into floods that engulfed the land. Humans once again began to kill each other for wealth and power... but no one looked up at the sky. They lost the Guidance of the stars Above the Sky, forgetting the awe of gazing upon the Milky Way. They were all prisoners. One thousand six hundred years after the Calamity of Heavenly Fall, a young child awakened memories of his past life. He wanted to break the Cage, to throw off the shackles. He wanted to become a star. To return to Above the Sky. "I don't care about how the people of this world live, whether they're well-fed or not, whether they can dress warmly or live comfortably, whether they have dreams or hopes. I don't care about their loves and hates." "I just want to go Above the Sky." ——Ian.

Gloomy Sky Hidden God · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
321 Chs

Chapter 270: Dismal Nether Jellyfish (10/10)

The Mutants and Brain-Eating Parasites had already died, and Ian checked the nearby repair shed.

The repair shed was built from stone, with a metal framework placed at key points to stabilize it.

After a thousand years, the metal had gradually decayed under the erosion of water vapor, whereas the rocks still stood tall.

Most of the repair parts stored inside the shed were completely deteriorated. The delicate magnetosensors had long been deactivated, not to mention the piles of debris that were no longer recognizable—it was as if the natural spiritual energy field inside the relic itself had played a huge role in this, preventing these tools from maintaining their original form.

But there were still some things that remained.

"Fine gold?"

Because Foresight View had hinted at a purple aura, Ian was able to select seven dark gold metal grains with intact structures from a large pile of black waste material.