
ABNORMANS: The Hidden Humans

In the world of normal humans lie a hidden community of people with "abnormal abilities", known as Abnormans. Our boy, Aaron, along with his sister Rika, is now a member of this community. Can they strive in this community, or will they get devoured by its devils?

Paritosh_Panda · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Abnormans

City, New York. Year 2010. It was a sunny day. Clouds were fluffy, chirping of birds were charming. In the peaceful roads of New York, a royal black car dashed through the sunny streets. Inside the car were 4 people- Mr. Samuel Ross, Mr. Aaron Ross, Ms. Rika Ross and Mr. William.

The car was driving through the sun rays. Samuel was busy checking emails through his laptop, whereas the sibling Aaron and Rika were busy listening to the radio, along with William.

"And the winner is, The RED HORNNNN!!!!", buzzed the radio.

"Yahoooo!!!", cheered Rika. She knew that Red Horn was going to conquer the match. While she was celebrating the victory of her hero, Aaron, being the biggest fan of the Red Horn, was not that excited. He was happy but not excited. Samuel, being surprised of the fact that his son was staying as a quiet boy, raised his curiosity. He asked his son," What happened young boy? Not happy with your superhero?"

"No, I am indeed happy with Red Horn's Victory, I am not happy with my super daddy", replied to Aaron.

"Your what now?", shrieked Rika.

"He is talking about me Rika", answered Samuel, "But what have I done, boy?"

"Don't act innocent! Because of you, I got flogged by my teacher!", replied Aaron angrily.

Before Samuel rose his lips, Rika answered, " Dad, let me explain."

"Today in school we were learning about humans and humanity. Mrs. Marla (Homeroom teacher) was guiding us on the way to humanity, mankind and all those stuffs. However, there was only one kid who was making terrible mistakes. While everyone was saying the term 'Humans', he kept blabbering 'Abnormans'. Miss was so frustrated that she ended up flogging him up. Now guess who was that dumb donut?"

Samuel spoke, "Ah, now I get it." After seeing Aaron gloomy face, Samuel said, "It's fine Rika. I told Aaron we are Abnormans."

Rika was confused. Her dad works in a high-tech company, he would never do such stupidity. There must be a reason for him to say so. Samuel, on seeing the confused atmosphere, rose his lips, and said, "Let me tell you what is the matter".

Samuel began, "You see, there are two types of people living on this planet. Firstly, there are Humans, who are the simplest form of living beings. However, there are some humans, who are genetically modified. They have abnormal abilities, can use their 'powers' according to their will. Such humans are called 'Abnormans' We Abnormans have to hide our identity from the world. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Rika responded, "A bit. However, I still don't understand one thing. If we are special beings, why won't we show ourselves and our powers to the whole world?"

"She is right, dad! You guys would become a hero!!", shouted Aaron. Samuel listened to their words, he kept quiet, his face looked blank. He stayed silent, and spoke after a moment, "No, we cannot do that. You guys are too small to understand the reason behind it." The kids stayed quiet. They felt some pain behind their father's silence.

To break the awkward silence, Aaron raised his voice, " Dad, if you are an Abnorman, then you too must have some power, isn't it? So, what is your power?" In his reply, Samuel said," My power is pretty HANDY. However, I will show it to you later. Right now, anyone can see us."

The kids insisted. "Come on dad, we want to see it right now. I bet you must have an electric power just like Thor!!", said Aaron excitedly. Samuel said, "Nope. Forget about me, no Abnorman can generate elements like fire, electricity, water, etc. They can have physical or biological powers. Some examples of Abnorman Powers are having the characteristics of any animal, manipulating their body parts, changing their body shape, increasing the physical strength, etc." This news saddened the mood of the kids. Samuel and his driver William giggled, on seeing their little 'sadness'.

The night arrives. Aaron and Rika were on the verge of sleep. They both lay on their bed and beside them, Samuel and his wife, Clair, were giving them a good sleep. Aaron asked," Dad, when will we get our powers?", with an innocent face. Samuel replied with a smile," Currently, you guys are 10 years old. When you will attain the age of 16, you will receive your own power. Got it? Alright then, love you!" Then they both bid their children with a small kiss.

Clair, a very tall black-haired lady, said, "So you told the kids about Abnormans?". "Yup, had to say it", responded Samuel. He proudly rolled up his small moustache and said with a sweet voice," Listen darling, I have to check up some documents, so could you please provide me a cup of coffee?"

Clair nodded with a rosy smile, "Sure, let me finish cleaning the plates first." Clair went to the kitchen and Samuel to his room, not realizing some intruders were about to invade their house.

Far aside, three people were observing the houses. They were none other than the pesky robber trio, Will, Thomas and Vincent. Will was a blue eyed, lean shaped, dull faced man, whereas his partner in crime, Vincent, is muscular, and has lustrous green eyes. Their commander, Thomas, is a fat, grumpy looking old man, who looks like he is in his 40s. He was spying on the house of the rich Samuel. He zoomed at a window, checked that almost all the window lights were off. Thomas began, " The area is clear, let's start the invasion!" Vincent hesitated, and said," Wait, two of the rooms are still lit. Wait for them to sleep, then we will start it." "Who cares? I have heard rumors from others that these people are really weak, we have weapons anyways, so we can counter them pretty easily. Come on, now let's hurry up!", stated Thomas. Who would have thought that this 'rumor' would lead to their horrible fate?

It was around 11 p.m. The thieves tip-toed into the house and began their robbery. They had an eye over the house for over a week. The house had a lot of luxury, it had expensive gadgets, paintings, art, you name it. The whole luxury costs almost a million dollars. This whole plan was ready... to be failed.

According to the plan, Will would be at the hall, Vincent at the living room and Thomas at the master room, executing the 'plan'. Let's look at Will. Will glanced at the luxury items and took his chance and wiped all the rich stuff. He checked all the corners, except one drawer. He expected that the drawer will be filled with cash, watches, and more expensive items. He was tempted to conquer the wealth.

On the other hand, Samuel was working on his company's document. He is the Head of Galaxies, a mobile company. Since the holiday season is arriving, his workload has increased. He was checking and signing some papers, until his pen ink finished. He began to search for his pen in his table but couldn't find it. He remembered that there was a pen in the drawer at the hall. The same drawer where Will was keeping his eye on.

Will approached towards the drawer, attempting to snatch the cash. His hand was near the drawer, but out of nowhere, a hand emerged. Only, a hand. No body, nothing. It was just a hand, and it seemed to be connected with a wire, or something like that. Will was obviously scared. His thoughts were:


He was crapping pants. He didn't hesitate to run away, until he realized something. The 'hand' doesn't seem to be able to see something. The hand has no ability to see (which is obvious). Still, Will thought it was risky to do something to the hand. He just wanted no risk and was about to leave the hall, when the hand opened the drawer. It was filled with jewelry, cash, and expensive watches. This increased the greed of Will. His past filled with harshness and poverty, refilled his greed to maximum.

"That cash is mine!!!", exclaimed Will. He quickly took out a cleaver from his bag and slashed the hand. Samuel's senses were tingled. He somehow knew that an intruder is in the house.

Will snatched the cash. He saw only cash and cash, and not even noticed Samuel's presence in the hall. After looting, Will's eye finally caught on Samuel. Samuel was waiting, and Will was shocked to see him. In such cases, the victim is more scared than the robber. This time it was opposite. Will's pants were about to be wet. He had seen a lot of weird things today- someone puked on a stripper on the strip club, he had seen a coiled hand today, and weirdest of all, two dogs were mating on a bus. He will even see a weirder thing today.

Samuel said in a sarcastic tone, "Hey there champ! So, what have you taken away from my house?". Will, in a proud tone, "Yeah, every damn money of yours!". Samuel said with a smirk, "What about your pride?".

Will was annoyed with the reply. He immediately took out the cleaver and threatened him. Samuel didn't flinch. He felt a jolt of excitement in his body. It was nostalgic for him. This made Will crap his pants. He thought, what kind of man is not scared of a thief.

Samuel spoke," You see, I am not upset that you were looting my house. But what upsets me is that you have seen me use my power." Will exclaimed, " What power-", before he can finish his sentence, Samuel shocked Will.

His arm turned strange. It seemed something was growing out of it. Will just dropped his weapon, he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. Hands were rising out of his arm. He was astonished. He had never seen such a scenery before.

"Shocked, right?", said Samuel in a proud tone. Will was dumbfounded. He didn't care about his pride, loot, or anything, he only cared about his life that time. He instantly ran from that place, but his escape was blocked. It was obvious, as NINE hands were over his face!!


Name: Samuel Ross

Abnorman Power: Hand Generator

The user can create hands from all over his body and more the hands created, more power will be there in each hand.


Each grip of that hand was powerful. Will couldn't breathe at all. He couldn't understand what was going on.

Samuel said, "Look, I am going to be brutally honest. I am going to murder you. You humans were breaking human laws by stealing my house, but us Abnormans have a different law. If any human, no matter his position in the society, would see us using our power, we are ordered to kill the human no matter what. So, you have to die buddy. Sayonara!"

In a split second, Samuel finally, crushed his skull. He did not even give him time to think about his life. Will just dropped dead. For anyone, it was a moment of terror and horror, but for Samuel, it was a regular Friday night.

Moving on to Vincent, he already finished his part. He looted his part of the house, but he decided to check other parts of the house as well. He went to kitchen, not realizing Clair was washing the dishes over there. He took a glance of her, and quickly hid behind a spot. He calmed his senses down and tip-toed toward another room. He did notice something weird.

Near the sink, when Clair was busy shining the plates, she was humming a song. But the tune was coming off from the opposite direction. He found it strange, and just to check it, he looked at Clair's position, only to find a HEADLESS body. He was awestruck. The body was standing completely and was cleaning the dishes, but it was completely headless. He had never seen something like this in his life ever. "Well, well, look we have a robber over here" said Clair's head, only the bodyless head, which was on the opposite side of her body. On one side, it was a headless body, and on the other, a bodyless head. What a scenery!

Vincent squealed, "L-Look you woman, don't come near me, otherwise I will cut your throat!" Clair just paused, and stared at him with a disgusted look, saying, "Really dude?"

"I am sorry," apologized Vincent to a throatless head.

The body started moving from the sink towards the head, while Clair spoke," Look I am indeed angry that you were stealing from my house, but what upsets me even more is that you had seen my powers. Which means your permit to live has expired!" Vincent got scared even more. He quickly got on his feet, but the slippery floor prevented his escape. While he was struggling to escape, Clair picked up her head and glued it to her neck, like nothing ever happened. This terrified him even more. Vincent finally got up and ran to the door. Quickly, Clair rose her left arm and pointed it at Vincent's back. She straightened her palm and hold her left arm with her right arm, as if to reduce the 'recoil'. In an instant, her cold lips said,


Half of her left arm pierced Vincent's heart. He didn't know what happened to him, he just died without even looking at her cold face. "Ah geez man, my hand got dirty!", said Clair. The hand quickly came out of the dead body, and the hand, walked with its fingers, and get attached to its arm. She felt extremely nostalgic after doing this. After all, she has one of the, if not the most ridiculous Abnorman Power of all time!


Name: Clair Ross

Abnorman Power: Body Splitter

The user can split her body into parts and can manipulate and move those parts. She can split every part of body; however, the user cannot move the head.


Clair immediately called her husband to clean up the mess. She was NOT surprised to see a dead body in her husband's hand. It was not the first time they did something like this. They had a bond for many years, so they immediately knew what the matter was. "So, what to do right now?", asked Clair. "What we do every time. But before that, would you come out of the spot, man?", asked Samuel. Thomas was scared shit! How could Samuel figure he was hiding? He watched his comrades die, he knows how scary they are, yet he came out. And ran as fast as a deer.

Despite his heavy body, he is a pretty fast runner. He quickly reached the door and grabbed the door's knob. Whereas the couple were just Chilin'. Clair suddenly got excited and started warming up, and said, "Hey, it's a long time since I have used THAT move!" Samuel got war flashbacks. He quickly knew what she was talking about. She quickly arched her back backwards, ready to 'launch' something. Samuel, despite not wanting the attack, knew there was no point of arguing, so he didn't argue and let her continue. She just let her swing ferociously in a single strike. Out of her body, her head just came off and it just move as fast as a cannon ball, and immediately it targeted the Thomas' head. Thomas just had a chance to look at them, and he was the only one of his men, to think of something of his life- his mom. In the split second, Clair's head crushed Thomas' head, and his life was over. The trio was dead.

"Clair, I told you not to use that move! This move makes me dizzy!!", screamed Samuel. "Sorry hon, that's my favorite move you know, my Head Cannon!", said Clair excitedly. "So, what to do to with them?". "You know the answer," said Samuel, "I am calling Dester for it."

"Ah, Dester. Reminds me of the high school you know!", exclaimed Clair. "Hey, would our children also experience this too, when they will be in high school?", asked a concerned Clair. "Obviously darling. Every Abnorman is destined to witness such stuff. And this is what makes them strong!", replied Samuel. They both nodded and then went back to sleep, as if nothing happened in their life. I mean, this is the tenth time they have done something like this in their life! Anyways, God knows the safe future of the Abnormans, or maybe a dark one?

Heya! This is my first web novel ever! So any noobie mistakes must be kindly ignored lol. Anyways, me and my co-partner are working on the webnovel to provide you with more favorable content! Also I have a webtoon ReCivilization on Webtoon Canvas, check it out if you have time!! We had originally put it earlier, but after the Spirity Awards, we reposted it in the competition. So wish us luck! Till then... Sayonara!!

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