
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasi
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110 Chs

"Interview" location

Standing on a small mound by the roadside, looking at the desolate and deserted dilapidated village not far away, Lin Feng pondered whether his intellect could still be salvaged—how could he be so easily fooled into coming to this place?

He was amazed that there was still such a place in the outskirts of the city where he had lived for more than twenty years, such a pristine yet dilapidated little village. Although it was indeed quite far from the city, in Lin Feng's impression, such villages should only exist in remote mountain valleys, where towering mountains blocked civilization and treacherous rapids and cliffs sealed off transportation. This was the only way human settlements could maintain such a primitive appearance. However, this place was not so remote, as there was even a road leading to the city nearby... Thus, he was quite surprised by the village in front of him.

But what surprised him even more was that the unfamiliar woman on the phone had actually used the pretext of an import and export trading company to make him come here for an interview... This was intolerable. You could insult someone's character, but you shouldn't insult their intelligence. Although Lin Feng had always been unable to distinguish between a trading company and a street market, he should at least have noticed that there might not even be a grocery store in the nearby small village!

Lin Feng stood by the roadside under the scorching sun, silently watching the direction in which the old bus had just disappeared. He would have to wait here for an hour to catch the next passing car, and the thought of this filled him with pessimism. At this moment, he even missed the vampire at home who was stubborn, broke, didn't pay rent, and caused trouble— he missed the cold air around Vivian, although it always carried a hint of blood, at least it was cool! There wasn't even a tree in sight for hundreds of meters around here, and the largest shady spot within sight was under a hundred meters away under an electric pole, where the shadow was just enough to cool his arms... This was unbearable!

As for the small village not far away that seemed to be only a ten-minute walk away... Lin Feng had no intention of going there at all. Even if the interview message was true, he had no intention of going there. Wasn't it obvious? Who would come to work in such a place when they were well-fed and clothed?

What's more, this whole thing seemed like a joke. He had been tricked by the mysterious woman on the phone.

Lin Feng was now only curious about one thing: why did he involuntarily get fooled into coming here when he answered the phone? Why did he feel nothing unusual when he heard the magical name "Wang Ba Tuo Zi"? Why did he suddenly feel like a fool only when he got off the bus and saw the village? These three questions had never crossed his mind before, but now they all came to him at once, making him break out in a cold sweat!

Indeed, Lin Feng remembered that when he received that strange call, he had thought about it for a long time, hesitated for a long time, and then decided to come and see what was going on, all in a "well-considered" manner. At that time, he thought his mentality was extremely normal, and those few minutes of hesitation and contemplation were enough to prove that he had decided to come here out of his own volition. But now that he thought about it... it was totally unreasonable for him to come here!

Even if it was just the combination of the words "Wang Ba Tuo Zi" and "import and export trading company," he should have had doubts!

Lin Feng subconsciously touched his head, wanting to confirm whether the several pounds on his neck still belonged to him.

A few seconds later, Lin Feng raised his leg and walked back in the direction he came from: it was not realistic to walk all the way back home under the scorching sun, but he felt that he should at least stay away from this damn place! Maybe staying away from the address given by the mysterious woman would increase his safety. He could wait for a bus to pass by on the way, anyway, that old bus didn't have a fixed stop, it would stop wherever you waved.

The call was abnormal, the number was abnormal, the mysterious woman was abnormal, she had lured Lin Feng over with a string of loopholes, so Lin Feng knew that his thinking had probably been abnormal in the past period of time, and now he had to leave here as soon as possible and return to the other two abnormal creatures at home, maybe Mu Yun and Vivian would have some solutions—at least the vampire seemed to understand magic, she had mentioned something about magic before.

But just as he took a few steps, his phone in his pocket suddenly rang urgently.

The familiar ringtone startled Lin Feng. The ringtone of his phone seemed to be at least ten times louder than usual, causing his eardrums to ache, as if a faint anger was coming through the ringtone. Lin Feng hurriedly took out his phone, and on the small screen, there was the abnormal phone number: 00000012345.

Lin Feng stared at the number for a long time, decisively took out the battery—fortunately, he didn't buy an iPhone, otherwise, facing such a supernatural situation, Apple users would probably just have to smash their phones in anger.

But soon he found that he could only smash the phone in anger: after removing the battery, the ringtone did not stop at all, just like in every supernatural horror movie, his phone continued to ring incessantly even without the battery, and the screen with the eerie number continued to ring in unison—if Lin Feng had only been a little suspicious before, now he was one hundred percent sure that he was entangled in abnormal phenomena again!

What's more, he couldn't find anything to protect himself with. He hadn't even had a chance to ask Mu Yun or Vivian about the world of "abnormals" before he rashly ran out! When the ringtone repeated for the third time, Lin Feng finally made up his mind, raised the Nokia in his hand high, and smashed it fiercely towards the ground!

"I don't believe you can still ring after you're smashed... Oh, damn, really?" Nokia truly lived up to its title as the number one god machine. Lin Feng watched helplessly as his old phone flew across the ground like a shadow, and then... it embedded itself in the concrete ground! And it was still ringing like a death knell!

Lin Feng confirmed that he didn't have that much strength, so the only explanation for what he saw in front of him was: the person on the other end of the phone was warning him not to resist in vain in this way, some things were not scientific, not reasonable, not common sense—even if you tied your phone to an intercontinental ballistic missile and launched it to the other side of the earth, it probably wouldn't work!

Lin Feng nervously bent down to pick up the undamaged phone, pressed it against his ear, and although he was nervous, he was still very confident (he was a very face-saving person, that is, a person who would be stubborn even at death's door): "Hello! What do you want!?"

"Cut the crap, come here for the interview!" The pleasant but intimidating voice of the woman on the phone sounded again, but

 for some reason, Lin Feng felt a little relieved when he heard the voice, perhaps because the other party spoke human language, making him feel that this was a communicable entity? Or perhaps it was because the mysterious woman was still mentioning the "interview" until now, which gave him some inexplicable comfort.

At this point, with all kinds of phenomena in front of him, if the other party had malicious intentions, it was time to tear off the face. Since the woman hadn't used her extraordinary ability to directly strike him down with a thunderbolt from a distance, Lin Feng believed that he was temporarily safe.

As for why it was a thunderbolt and not something else... that was because Lin Feng's imagination stopped there, and he couldn't think of anything more powerful, even the fight between Mu Yun and Vivian last night seemed like a Hollywood blockbuster to him.

"Interview..." Lin Feng tried to calm down and pretend that he wasn't afraid at all, and his voice was indeed quite calm, "Let's make it clear, since I'm already here, are you really going to continue with the nonsense about the import and export trading company? Can't we speak plainly?"

"Oh, we have rules, and you can't know the details until you meet the conditions and come here! Now listen, do you see the electric pole ahead? Walk to the bottom of the electric pole, put your hand on the old Chinese medicine advertisement on the electric pole, facing north... Don't know which way is north? Up is north, down is south, left is west, and right is east, look up!"

Lin Feng: "...He felt like the person on the other end of the phone was crazy."

But when he really looked up, he was stunned.

A giant inverted building was hovering over his head!

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