
Elite Seven

Zero followed Gozuki to the mountains right outside of the town where they arrived at the place where 7 more people were waiting.

"Hey, you have returned, pops" One of them addressed Gozuki as he was the first one to notice his arrival. Instantly after his words, the others started paying attention to Gozuki but it wasn't for long before their gazes turned to Zero tagging behind Gozuki.

'7 people of similar age...impossible, I can't be so unlucky, right? More importantly...'

"Sir...are you perhaps planning to kill me here?" Zero didn't beat around the bush and asked Gozuki who turned around to look at him with a small smile.

"Why of course not!" Gozuki replied with a fake surprised expression.

"What's happening here?" The others didn't look like they understood as a short girl with a long ponytail asked.

"Have you already forgotten, small fry? Our existence must be known to the fewest people as possible." A guy with a sword at his side explained with an aloof expression.

'So you are forcing me to stay with you if you aren't planning to kill me yet. What an awkward situation.'

"Anyway, can you tell me the entire story and also introduce yourself once more to the others" Gozuki asked and Zero started reciting what exactly happened, he was even forced to tell his personal story before joining the Imperial Police, obviously, he only told half-truths.



"I see so thanks to your resourcefulness and luck you managed to survive the battle...not bad. You should be thankful to your "teacher". Usually those who manage to climb up from the slums are strong individuals." Gozuki said, nodding his head.

"Thank you for your praise, sir...I doubt I am allowed to return to the Capital now, right?" Zero asked in a polite tone.

"Unfortunately you will have to stay with us for a while, however, no need to worry. We are not currently on any mission. I will even cover your expenses for the food." Gozuki explained to which Zero could only nod his head in "gratitude"

'No mission? Does that mean you are the ones being hunted? Judging from the words of that mercenary, that might be the case.'

"Anyway, I still need to go back to the city. Keep waiting for me here for a bit longer, kids. Also, be nice to the newcomer!" Gozuki said before walking away from the group with a smile on his face, leaving Zero alone with the other 7 "kids".

"Well, since the father said so himself, let's introduce ourselves. I am Najasho, a leader of these shrimps, kill rank number 1" The aloof guy with short blond hair introduced himself.

"Guy, kill rank number 2. Don't even think about pursuing Cornelia, newcomer!" A more buff guy introduced himself, trying to intimidate Zero but before he could even responde a rock flew into Guy's head, making him crouch down while holding his head in pain.

'As if I know who even is this Cornelia, idiot.' Zero immediately recognized who is the clown within this group.

"Don't speak nonsense! I am Cornelia, kill rank number 3" A typical blonde hair and blue-eyed beauty with a big chest introduced herself, most likely also the one who threw the rock.

"Poney! Kill rank number 4" A girl with a long ponytail said in an enthusiastic tone.

'...I don't care' Zero felt like crying a bucket of tears as they were introducing themselves to him as if they were planning to become partners. On the contrary, them telling him their names and kill ranks, only made him less likely to leave this group alive.

"Green, kill rank number 5" the four-eyes guy introduced himself.

"Tsukushi, kill rank number 6" The only remarkable thing Zero noticed about this girl was her unusually big chest.

"Akame, kill rank number 7" A girl with long black hair who has been eating this whole time introduced herself before she continued eating as if nothing else in the world mattered.

'...Are they really the Elite Seven I have heard about from the leader? Still, looks can be deceiving.' Zero looked at the last girl with a dumbfounded expression before he turned more serious.

"With that out of way...you may do whatever you want as long as you remain close by" Najasho said, cautiously watching Zero.

"Mm" Zero nodded his head and went to lean against the tree some distance away from the group, creating a slightly awkward atmosphere.

'The only thing I can rely on right now is that drug. I don't know their battle prowess but I doubt I would be able to take all of them on. Especially that Najasho guy, he has the strongest presence, no wonder he is their leader. I would like to know why he stares at me though.' Zero thought, trying to ignore Najasho's stare.

On the other side, Guy approached Najasho with a more solemn expression than before.

"*Why do you think the pops took this guy here? He has never done it with the other spies before. By the way, you are staring at him pretty intensively, no need to get so worked-up by a simple soldier*" Guy whispered but his voice was loud enough for the rest of the group to hear.

"*Do you think the father would bring a "simple soldier" here? That's why I am cautious and try to find anything out of ordinary about him.*" Najasho replied shortly without taking his eyes off Zero.

"Hey, maybe Zero is supposed to become our comrade!" Poney said aloud which even Zero heard, making him turn towards the group with a surprised expression.

"Poney, we were named Elite Seven...seven, can you count?" Guy shrugged his shoulders and provoked her with a smirk on his face.

"This time I must agree with Guy no matter how much it hurts to admit it." Cornelia agreed though by using not very kind words making Guy look at first pleasantly surprised before dejected.

"Still, how cool it would be if he were to receive kill rank number 0. It would go together well with his name, haha." Poney joked but when no one laughed with her, her smile disappeared. "Seriously! Can't you at least pretend to laugh?!"

"Why won't we just ask the person in question, he can hear you anyway." Akame suggested while devouring a huge chunk of meat.

'How can she stuff all of that inside that petite body?' Zero found this girl to be the most strange in the group for now.

Hearing Akame's question, everyone's eyes turned to Zero, waiting for his answer.

"...Heh, do you want to know why I have been brought here?" Zero thought whether he should tell them but after a while he released a slightly self-mocking chuckle, asking them as if he knew the exact answer to their dilemma.

He was already in a bad position so now it would actually be more beneficial for him to at least reveal some of his skills or capabilities in general. If he were to show that he is more worth alive than dead, he might find a way how to leave this group later.

Everyone except Najasho tensed up and looked interested in his answer.

"Your "father" is suspicious of me. He doesn't trust my story at all so he probably went to check on what happened and you are here to make sure I won't run away, satisfied?" Zero explained with closed eyes and a faint smile on his face, though, he felt there was a bit more into it than it seemed.

Warning, a lot of dialogues incoming.

AnonymousWriter1creators' thoughts