
Aahva's trio

Aahva's life is full of adventure. She met a lot of people. Every time her luck fail to get perfect loved one. She always feel lack of love. She met nik and prans. Both are in love with her. Will she get into love or will she into a huge trouble? Will her life get some turning point?

EktaMehta · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

chapter -34

On the other side Prans completes her mother's funeral. His eyes are all red. He never wanted to give good bye to her mother this early. after completing all formalities he directly went to the office.

In office

Prans's father comes to his office.

Jevin" Prans don't get upset. she is ill for more than years. so please give her soul a peaceful life. If you like this then wherever she goes, she can't live peacefully. Prans" Dad, I miss mom so much." Jevin" i know your feelings towards her. Fine. just try to forget her and engage yourself in people. You live all day alone. it's not good for you. Now there is no one after you if i also die." Prans" Dad."

Prans eyes are blurry.

after some silence

Jevin "listen Prans, i want you to get married so i have peace. because i can't see you like this. we have everything now. we don't need anything for our happiness. you just focus on your life now. i can't see you single. At your age all people have kids. Why are you still postponed.? Tell me what happened to Nik's party? He is a playboy so I'm definitely sure there were lots of girls. " Nik "dad..." Jevin " what dad. listen if you don't get merry then forget about me. your mom's last wish is you know very well. she wants you to stay happy all the time. If you can't find your girl then move on my son. you have to live your life colourfully. don't put in these walls." After that Jevin left him alone.

After that Herry come in.

Herry" Sir Mr. Nik's project is start soon."

Prans" Who sign it?"

Herry" Miss Mihika."

Prans" ok. see on them what are they upto."

Herry " yes sir, i send a girl who is close to her."

Prans" Good. just try to delay their project till our work complete. then we will see how they can compate with us."

Herry " sure sir."

Herry go back to his cabin.

after a while

Prans to himself" oh my god i just forget about Aahva. I have to find about her whereabouts."

Prans call his assistant" Herry, come fast to my cabin."

Herry" Yes sir."

knock on the door.

Prans"come in."

Herry" yes sir."

Prans" listen i give you a task. I want it complete in 15 minutes."

Herry "ok."

Prans" i want Nik's last party footage."

Herry's hair stands. as he already knew the results.