
A.I Novel4

The fence was maybe 2 feet off the ground and I am sure that all of the power on the planet could have stopped my fall... but I was fine. I climbed over (no thank you... I just want to be normal... normal is overrated! And honestly, how many times have you fallen off of a 2-foot fence? No one is ever impressed, well, until it happens to them) and my friend followed me over (did you ever think that you would see the day when this happens? Well, I guess this was it for me) and I kept looking around to make sure that there were no guards watching us... ( you have never experienced failure until you have climbed over an 8-foot-high fence that is on private property in the middle of nowhere) ...but of course, there were no guards to be found... Just tall grass and a pile of rocks. We began to run toward the woods as we were trying to figure out how we were going to get through the fence and through the woods... I suggested that we climb a tree (I know... my head was all in one world... All I could think about was that I wasn't on private property anymore and how it was okay that I just fell off the fence but would not be okay if I actually died! And honestly, it didn't bother me all that much). So we crawled a few feet off the ground and tried to hoist ourselves up to about 3 feet in the air (I'm sure all of my neighbors were watching) and we realized that this was impossible and climbed back down to the ground (which is what I would normally do... but the whole point of falling off the fence is so that I would be fine!). Then we determined that we could try to walk through the tall grass and just climb on all of the tall weeds that were everywhere, but there were more rocks and trees so we couldn't get far enough in to not be seen. And also, there were no actual strangers around for us to talk to about this... No one was there to hear our story or cry to... So we took a deep breath, looked at each other and tried to keep our composure (we were trying to stay positive, you know?) and started running again, looking for a tree or a bush to crawl under. After about 5 minutes, we climbed back down and came up with another plan. We turned and headed toward the fence again (which was now on the other side of the woods) and began to climb back up, this time I was at least 3 feet up in the air this time (because that would be safe right?) and all of the sudden we heard a clap of thunder and the sky opened up. We both put our hands up to shield our heads and I started to scream. We were surrounded by heavy rain, winds that seemed like they were going to blow us over, thunder and lightning that was loud enough that we knew it was close, and at that moment I had the worst feeling that my kids were going to be ripped from my arms and sent to that bad place. So we both screamed for a few minutes and then I started to scream at God, I just kept saying over and over, "If you are there and if you are real, please make this stop!" I wanted Him to make this stop.