
A.I Novel3

This entire time I have had my head in a world full of beautiful women... And women with fine-butts... So of course when they brought me out of the hotel and onto campus ( and mind you this was no normal campus... it was Hogwarts, but now instead of the tower it had a dragon) I was not the least bit surprised. I was at one of my happiest places I had ever been ( and surprisingly, not all of the females were the 'Newly Promiscuous" types...) because this was MY place...

I do not know how to describe this night in detail, because it all seems like a lifetime ago but my feelings on this particular night is that this night changed the lives of not only myself but those around me. I have mentioned before that my new ears were kind of sensitive ( which makes it harder to carry on a conversation and talk so the younger ones don't get frustrated with my (the ears) more active ear), so the night started off with me wearing a jacket and the girls quickly jokingly jokingly teased me about it, giving me funny looks, but I did not know that it would impact my life that much...

After we finished getting in the movie we went and had our Ice Cream sundaes and when I left there was still about 30 minutes left. I was with one of my friends and he just 'suddenly' asked me if I wanted to leave with him and his friends. Before I had a chance to say yes or no he just said, "What did you think? What do you think we are going to do?"

(People, you cannot fool around with teenagers!...Unless you are going to be their friend... And that is a big NO, NO... Just ask me) Before I knew it he and all his friends had taken off for the hills and I was left with another friend of mine. He asked if I was ready to go home, and as I looked over at the drive-in theater, I knew that I had no intentions of leaving. So we went and watched the movie and towards the end, we snuck out of the theater and we were headed for the woods.

It was the closest thing to an "adult-only" place in town, so we felt safe. There was nobody around at all, it was a beautiful night, and we thought we were headed to a 'Cool Spot', well we were wrong... We walked out into the woods and it took us a few minutes to realize that we were not in the cool place we were going. There was an 8-foot tall fence and it was starting to get dark... We didn't know what to do... We searched around a bit for a rope or something to break the fence, but it was completely dark. This was not a good situation at all... So I suggested we climb over... (this is where my (the ears) makes a mistake... I was kind of joking but that was not funny to them) (I can never say this enough, Never let a teenager be in charge of breaking the law!) (We were 17..) So I started to climb over (with my ear's functioning better than my legs) and my friend just jumped over first and I had to wait for him to grab the top of the fence to be able to jump over.

...That was the weirdest yet best one so far.

INDOMITABLE_WILLcreators' thoughts