
A.I Novel1

My name is Sephtis Acheros ( Eternal death and river of sorrow) and I was a VERY popular guy who had everything a man could dream of... if that list doesn't include, a blood family but forget that as I am the sole heir to the largest criminal organization in Japan, the Chang Gang. (someone knows what this name means... he..he..he (RP) and although there have been a few mishaps during my lifetime of 19 years, I have lived a pretty comfortable life, except I didn't know my mother, father, or any of my family really.

they had left me to the streets even at such a young age because after my mom had given birth to me at a small clinic since they could not afford the cost and that also meant they definitely couldn't afford to take care of a baby but that is about as far as it goes after all of that had happened everyone that had spoken even a single word about that event had all mentioned that I was just sitting there in a clinic assistants arms not even being bothered aboutWhat was going on there.

As my parents left me with nothing but the pitty from the clinic's helpers, sitting there as if nothing in the world could bother me whether my parents left me or not, but there was someone in the room who had gotten excited from seeing this scene and immediately stood up from his chair after getting his arm and the left side of his head stitched up, from this man's appearance alone you could tell that he was a gangster.. no, even just looking the numerous tattoos on his body, from the sheer amount of tattoos on a single-arm you could tell that this man was someone who couldn't give a Fug what other people think about him and after this man had gotten done with for what he came he hurriedly scurried toward the child in the nurse's arms, having had seen what this child temperament... if that's what it could be called was, he had decided that he should be the one to take care of such a beast, as he had overheard what had happened with the child's parents, he had figured that this was his chance to show his cards (connections).

So without even a single week of the event occurring this man had already adopted the child and within that time he had decided a name for the boy as well and his name would be, Sephtis Acheros Chang but as to protect the child from the wrath of the people who dread the name Chang and could use the boy as someone to threaten him with he had decided that this boys name shall be cut short into Sephtis Acheros which the man had thought this child would appreciate in the future for getting such badass name.