
A World He Knew Not

Dion was young man with no clue of the disastrous future that he will walk in. He was missing memories and had a photo of a girl who looked similar to him but had no memories of. He was in a world he knew nothing about. He will fight, survive, and gain precious people along the way. He will get his memories back and solve the mystery of the thing that did this to him. Expect he will end up learning too much and it could be his undoing.

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5 Chs

A Vast History

Dion entered a vast library. Everywhere he looked, there were books. He looked at the library with fascination. There were probably hundreds or even thousands of books in the library. It was beautiful. 'It seemed that Killian put a lot of effort into this place as well.' Dion had a smile as he thought that.

The library walls were a cool midnight blue. The bookshelves were a black color and there were beautiful black old-fashioned lanterns. The bookshelves were almost as high as the roof and there was no missing books or random gaps in the bookshelves.

Dion started to note little things about Killian. Killian kept things he found precious in peak condition.

He continued to explore the vast space before him.

There were also statues. One statute was placed in the center of the library entrance. The second and third statues were on opposite sides of each other but were facing the center statue. There were two large windows at each side allowing the sun to shine on them.

The statues looked to be made of stone and all three were of the same woman. The woman in the center held up a scale that was evenly balanced. A neutral look on her stone face. The one on the right of the center statue had the right scale tipped up and she wore a small pleased smiled. The one on the left of the center statue had the left scale tipped up and her face wore a small frown, displeased.

"The catalog is in the center of the library. It should be of help. Now that I have brought you here, I must leave." Esper left quickly, not giving Dion any chance to get a word in. He did not know what the catalog looked like or how it even worked.

Dion avoided touching the statues and wondered closer to the tables, more into the middle of the library. Off to the side, there was a book with bookmarks sticking out it. He walked closer to it. The title of the book read, "Catalog." Dion smiled, pleased.

"Looks simple enough."

He turned the page to the first label, "Continents". The page hand 5 titles written: Central Continent, Northern Continent, Eastern Continent, Southern Continent, and Western Continent.

Dion frowned, 'is this all?' He was confused. There was no way to find the books on the continents. He did not even know what continent he was in.

He felt a headache coming. He knew absolutely nothing to search for. His eyes lazily roamed the rest of the area. He spotted a bulletin board.

He walked up to table with paper scattered around. He went to the other side of the board wondering what was on it.

Dion eyes widen in surprise. 'Who are these kids?'

The first photograph on the board was a young boy with black hair. He looked toward the next one, a young girl. The board was filled with young children. They looked to be ranging from 4 to 10 years of age.

Dion looked to the most recent one, a girl. There were notes under each one, so he read the girl's one out loud.

"Ella Brown. She went missing on November 8, 767. There was a trace of her blood, we suspect she struggled against her kidnappers. She was the first of the other 20 missing children to have left traces of blood."

Dion looked back up to the first child. He looked at his missing date: December 2, 762.

Dion eyes clouded over. 'These kids have gone missing for 5 years and this is the first time there has been blood?'

Dion quickly came to a conclusion; these children were to be kept alive upon capture. The kidnappers wanted them unharmed but if there was blood in this recent case, that would also mean that they were not afraid of using violence.

Dion could only grit his teeth. No matter what world, there will always be misfortune.

He quickly noticed nine were children with silver hair. Killian also had silver hair.

'Is this a personal matter to him or is there something about children with silver hair?'

He looked at all of the dates, there were patterns when each child went missing. He looked at Killian's notes to confirm if he also noticed the same pattern of each time a child went missing.

In what he assumed was Killian handwriting it read: "After the first child went missing, six months later another child went missing. No one made a connection to the first and second child until a third, fourth, and fifth child went missing three months after each other. There was an obvious connection, so when the sixth child went missing three months later. They caught one of the kidnappers."

Dion frowned as he read the last sentence. 'If they caught a kidnapper, why haven't they advanced in their search?' His white eyes roamed to another section, Events.

The Event section read: "They kidnapped a child with silver hair. Many guards were stealthy hiding to keep guard on any children with silver hair. There were three kidnappers at the scene and two guards. One guard was killed and two of the kidnappers escaped with the child. The guard only caught one. Before the apprehended was questioned, they committed suicide and gained no information."

Dion read the descriptions of the kidnappers, "The kidnappers wore black hoods and black masks. The masks covered the upper half of their face including their eyes. There was a theory the kidnappers were sensors." He mumbled and looked at the next patterns of the missing children.

'Sensors? It is because their eyes were covered?'

The seventh child went missing 4 months later. After that it was random when a child went missing until recently. The seventeenth child went missing, then two months later the eighteenth child went missing and two months later another child went missing and it had stayed constant to even the recent child that left blood behind.

Dion turned from the bulletin board and looked towards the table that was messy with papers. From the corner of his eye, he spotted a map. His eyes brighten as he reached his arm out and quickly picked up the map.

"A map!"

There were red dots scattered around the map. Most of the red dots were scattered at the edges of the map. There were only two in the center of the map.

'Capital of Valzion? Is that where I am now?' Dion thought, making his way towards the Catalog.

He flipped towards the Capital bookmark. He quickly found Capital of Valzion. He did not know how to find the book, but he had a guess. 'Magic is something Killian could use easily and probably access easily so maybe?'

"Guide me to the book of Capital of Valzion." He spoke into the empty room. For a second, he started to doubt himself until a thin silver string appeared before him. He followed it into an aisle. He walked towards the middle of the bookshelf and found the silver string attached to a black covered book. His fingers touched the book and the silver string disappeared.

"Woah. That's amazing."

He pulled the book out and turned towards the first few pages.

"The Capital of Valzion is the heart of the Nation of Valzion. The Captial is the largest and most populated city in the Nation. The Capital is the home of the Royals since the founding of the Nation. The Capital was the first city founded after the creation of Valzion. Before the Gods vanished, this was also the home of our Goddess, The God of Balance."

Dion stopped reading due to shock. 'There are actual Gods in this world?' He quickly ran back to the Catalog. He flipped through the pages and found a tab for Gods.

"The Thirteen Nations and their Gods" was the title that caught Dion's attention.

"Guide me to the book of The Thirteen Nations and their Gods." He all but shouted.

In a crazed manner his eyes roamed the pages. Only some words sticking out to him: The Ancient Times, Era One, The God's War, Goddess of Love and in abrupt moment Dion head snapped towards his right. His eyes met the eyes of Esper.

"What?" was the last word he said before being knocked out.

Dion fell to the floor. Esper frowned and quickly threw Dion over his shoulder. They left the library.

"Damn barrier." Esper hissed out.

There was a barrier surrounding the library, no one but Killian could enter unless given permission. Esper was the only other person who entered the library and that was only allowed for a short duration of time and now Dion had entry to the library.

Esper was, for some unknown reason, ordered from his leader to capture this boy. He did not know why this boy that Lord Killian found was important, but he did not question it. Esper silently exited through the laundry room.

'No one should be on duty at the moment.'

He made it outside and left Lord Killian's home.