
Yamamura's Powers and Abilities

(AN: Got Info from the Wiki)

Superhuman Strength: With his body naturally evolved and conditioned to the peak of human physical potential and continually adjusting to various forms of damage. He can overpower large full grown humans with ease, able to hurl them with a single hand, able to throw them up to 50 feet, he is able to easily defeat and overpower up to a dozen grown men in hand-to-hand combat, and Yamamura has the ability to knock out any man completely unconscious with one punch to the face. His monstrous physical strength also extends to his legs, as he is able to jump several feet into the air.

Superhuman Durability: Yamamura's body and tissue is far more durable than a normal human's. In fact, his body is durable to the point where he can survive the effects of a nuclear explosion

Superhuman Speed: He is able to run over 60 mph and move with reflexes unobtainable by normal human beings.

Superhuman Agility: He has remarkable equilibrium and coordination, greater than any human athlete. He capable of scaling vertical surfaces with remarkable efficiency. He is maneuverable and graceful, able to pursue and outrun a target in various types of terrains. His skills allow him to fluidly dodge and attack from different directions without losing balance.

Superhuman Senses: Yamamura's senses are heightened to levels similar to various animals. He can track down and identify people through their scent alone, as well as detect their presence within a large area through scent and sound.

Animal Empathy: He can sense the emotional state of animals on a basic level such as fear, anger, happiness or pain. He can communicate with them to make them aware of his actions and intent. This allows for dangerous animals to leave him alone rather than attacking him as would they normally would attack other people.

Regenerative Healing Factor: He can heal and regenerate all physical and mental harm to himself instantly. Any damaged area or lost anatomy will be completely restored with no lingering side effects in seconds, even forcing objects embedded out to heal properly. Yamamura can rapidly regenerate from virtually anything and everything.

Longevity: Yamamura's powerful regenerative healing factor keeps him from aging beyond his physical prime, potentially able to live forever. In addition to prolonging his life, his overall health, prowess, and condition remain at its peak.

Contaminant Immunity: He is virtually immune to all viruses, diseases, and most poisons or toxins. Only the most potent of chemicals will affect him and only for a brief period before returning to normal.

Superhuman Stamina: He exhibits inexhaustible drive, willpower and vitality, able to continue his exertions far longer than any normal human while showing no signs of weakening or exhaustion. He is highly accustomed to pain, able to withstand most levels of it while only slightly fazing him. He also has great endurance, having continue fighting effectively after suffering several critical wounds while his healing powers were suppressed and likewise survives cutting open his chest without being sedated.

Atmospheric Adaptation: He is able to survive and adapt to any environment or weather conditions without changing shape to adapt. Yamamura is able to survive at any temperature without discomfort. He can wear minimal clothing in sub-zero temperatures without any harm.

Psionic Resistance: He is highly resilient, if not immune, to all but the most powerful of telepathic manipulation.

Retractable Claws: He possesses a pair of three, 18-inch retractable claws in each forearm that emerge between each of his fingers' knuckles.


Combat Perception: Yamamura can instantly understand an opponent's method of thinking and fighting, allowing them to anticipate the moves of the opponent. Once they understand their enemies' strategy, they are able to find their flaws and weakness and take them down with little effort.

Indomitable Will: Yamamura can face great physical pain and psychological trauma and he would still will refuse to surrender no matter how much the odds are stacked against him possibly up to the point of cheating death and pushing himself past his own limitations.

(AN: Will add more as the story progresses)