
A Wolf Sage's Journey *Dropped*

All he ever wanted was the power to decide his fate. Is that truly wrong? He was given the opportunity to gain power and he will damn sure make he gets it. *Dropped due to personal reasons. Sorry for suddenly dropping the story, I personally really enjoyed making it I just have to focus on other things in my life at the moment.*

Foxes_R_Cool · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Friends? + Timeskip

(A/N: Incoming section is necessary as mental trauma just doesn't vanish and I'm attempting to make the story somewhat realistic. If you don't like it then just skip it. Also, I forgot to add the descriptions of [Rapid Growth] and [Senjutsu] so I'm doing it here.)

[Rapid Growth: Due to having the physiology of an @#$!&%! %!@$%, your skills and strength develop at an absurd rate due to the body naturally evolving at a hastened speed. Get burned alive long enough? Natural resistance to fire! Get tossed into a black hole? Boom! Natural resistance to having every molecule of your body evaporated due to the deformation of spacetime!]

[Senjutsu (Sage Arts): Senjutsu is the art of manipulating natural energy to abide by the whims of a Sage. Sages are generally peaceful, minus a select few, whom either train or naturally talented in the art of Senjutsu. Senjutsu itself is the manipulation of natural energy to change, purify, or create life through nature. Uses could be for healing, defense, or scouting.]


Fenrir was locked in a room. Alone. In the dark.

Upon opening his eyes his mind blanked before he physically recoiled from the discovery. Fenrir slammed his eyes shut as he began to uncontrollably hyperventilate.

"No! Nonononononno. NoNONONONONO!" he began to mutter to himself, "Not again, not again not again not again." He repeated as he shut his eyes.

Slightly building his currently feeble courage, he looked down at his body. The original resplendent gold Gleipnir was coiled around his body. Serrated segments of the chain burrowing into his skin every time he attempted to move.

Tears started to build in his eyes as he felt no connection towards the chains he worked so hard to make his. "Freedom is an illusion. A false hope that one strives for, even more so if they didn't have it in the first place!" A red-skinned male shouted in maniacal glee as he walked into the room.

His red-toned skin glowed ominously as he stood in the dark room. He wore a black and white suit with it's sleeves ripped off, along with jeans that clearly don't match his shirt and red dress shoes. Green goggles framed his dreadful face. Red pointy ears and long black hair. Grayish black horns protruded from the top of his forehead.

it was Odin, the Ultimate God.

Fenrir's eyes burned an even brighter red as he ignored his mental breakdown in replacement for pure.. rage. "I'LL KILL YOU ODIN! JUST YOU WAIT! JORM- MMMM," Fenrir continued to speak as Gleipnir wrapped around his mouth, silencing him.

The God couldn't take it anymore and busted out laughing, "HAHAHAHA? You? Kill me? Please. You're just a harmless little puppy right now.. aren't cha'?" The devil in not-so-human skin said as he flicked Fenrir's forehead.

Fenrir continued to try to open his mouth but was cut off as Odin began to speak. "Tch tch tch, gotta learn when to keep your yapper shut don't cha lil' wolfy! Don't want you to bite me or anything." Odin finished with a giggle.

Fenrir steamed in silence in front of the gloating God.

"I'll be coming for you Fenrir, as soon as I figure out where your bastard grandfather sent you." He paused as he turned around, "Now.. where did I put that snake?" Odin muttered to himself as he left behind a furious Fenrir.


Fenrir's eyes shot open as he exited his dream. A snake-like person was busy looking at him while shaking him. "Jorm?" Fenrir asked hopefully.

"Who the hell's Jorm? It's me, Ray." The green-scaled snake faunus said as Fenrir's vision began to clear.

"Tch. Hey Ray," Fenrir said as he slowly grew downtrodden.

"Look, you don't gotta tell me about him/her. But.. it won't kill you to share that type of stuff with your friends. To like.. I don't know, loosen the pain in your chest or something? Charles wasn't very clear on that part when he was giving his 'how to make friends' advice." Ray said.

"...Friends? Are we.. friends?" Fenrir asked.

"Well yeah duh. I mean we pretty much already live together with the other four. You make some pretty good food as well. Plus you're pretty fun to hang out with.. whenever you're not training at least." Ray mumbled the last part.

Fenrir groggily stood up as he gave a weak smile. "I suppose I don't mind being friends with you." He said.

"Tch. Tsundere much?" Ray said jokingly.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? What's this.. Tsundere?" Fenrir asked.

"Oh.. forgot you act like you're lack of modern knowledge.. you barbarian." Ray said as he facepalmed.

"..." Fenrir gave him a blank stare.

"Ok ok! Let's just go get some of Charles' homemade breakfast!" Ray said as he walked out of the room, leaving Fenrir in his pajamas.

"Maybe.. this isn't so bad," Fenrir said to himself.

Looking down at his arms, he saw the original scars he received when Odin first tied Gleipnir around him. "I'm coming for you.. one of these days."


[Timeskip: 2 years, 2 years until the plot begins.]

(Age: 14 (513), Fenrir Skadison)

Wolves surrounded Fenrir as he stood in a secluded clearing. The pack of wolves moved closer to a dead deer than Fenrir hunted earlier in the day.

Seeing the wolves encroaching on the prey he rightfully hunted, he let out a low snarl. The wolves whimpered slightly as they acted like scolded children as they backed off from the deer carcass.

Fenrir huffed a little before skinning and packing the deer meat so that Charles could cook it later. Although he enjoyed baking his skills in cooking anything other than sweets, bread, or cake were NOT his thing. He would try but the last time he cooked something out of his field Fenrir accidently burned down the hunting cabin his mother, siblings, and himself were residing in at the time.

Fenrir sighed as he remembered those times before shaking his head. 'No need to get edgy now.. they're safe. Just.. not where I want them to be,' Fenrir thought bitterly.

As Fenrir finished packaging the deer meat the wolves already dispersed back into the woods. Pulling the sack over his shoulder, with his enhanced hearing he heard the cracks of leaves and soft footsteps.

Fenrir instantly dropped the sack of meat behind some bushes as he jumped into a tree, hiding in the branches. After waiting patiently for a few seconds, a small group of five normal humans wearing the same uniform appeared.

With a brilliantly white SDC symbol stitched into their uniform Fenrir began to focus into their conversation.

"Did you see the look on that faunus' face? Damn, I'll never get tired of this job." A tall slightly overweight man said as he looked at his coworkers.

After the man finished speaking a all of the others began to laugh as one stayed completely silent.

"Yeah, this job is great isn't it? Putting those animals in their place really gets my blood pumping!" A small skinny man said, cheering on the behavior of the first man.

Two others nodded, one was tall and skinny with the other being short with slight muscle. The silent one was average in both height and features, but looked remorseful towards whatever the group was talking about The only thing that differentiated him from the rest was his green hair.

The only one that has neither nodded or spoken the entire time had a pained expression. 'You're doing this for your family. You're doing this for your family. You're doing this for your family.' He chanted in his mind.

The man that started the current conversation was about to say something before he noticed the deer corpse. "What the hell happened here?" he said drawing the others attention.

Fenrir's mind was racing as his nose picked up a familiar scent he became acquainted to during the time he was trapped. Blood. Lots of blood. The scent wafted off the four talking in particular with the average-looking one only having a small amount in comparison.

Fenrir thought of all the scenarios the five could've recently come out of for them to be covered in such a thick amount of the smell.

His thoughts fixated on something the guard that brought him to the orphanage said. 'Another tribe eliminated? Damn.. the SDC has been really active recently.. in a really really bad way.' she had said to Charles.

Gleipnir soon materialized into his hands as he gripped the barbed chains. 'They.. did didn't they. I.. I' Fenrir thought to himself as he was soon filled with the powerful need to decimate them.

Without saying a word Fenrir stalked them before jumped down from the trees and beheading one with a swipe of Gleipnir. Fenrir, although currently enraged, was still thoroughly disappointed at how easily the man went down.

'I can't even use my combat art without thinking it would be a waste,' Fenrir thought as he saw how easily the man died.

After catching up from their shock the other four SDC employees fumbled for their weapons as they aimed them at Fenrir.

"DIE ANIMAL!" One of the shorter ones screamed as he fired a fire-y bullet from his pistol.

Fenrir smirked as he opened his mouth and bit down on the bullet, causing it to shatter as the fire dissipated into his fangs. Fenrir swallowed the metal shards as he heard a silent ding indicating he 'learned' another skill. After the skill was unlocked however, it felt as if his stomach was replaced with a black hole.

The man who fired the bullet watched in apparent horror as he shakily raised his gun before firing the rest of the bullets in the chamber. Repeating the same process, Fenrir destroyed the bullets before eating them.

"Tasty. Fire tasted like hot sauce," Fenrir muttered to himself before he ran towards the man who shot the bullets. The other three who watched the entire situation decided to act as they swung their respective weapons towards Fenrir.

Swiftly dodging a few strikes before a sword's edge stabbed towards his arm only for his aura to block it, Fenrir clawed towards the gun-man's face. Fenrir felt his claws tear into flesh as blood flew into the air.

Fenrir resisted the urge to vomit at one of his first humanoid kills before steeling himself. After the gun-man was disoriented from the slash, Fenrir kicked him in the knee causing it to violently snap.

"Y-You bastard!" One of the closest men yelled.

Once Fenrir heard the man he instinctively dodged a sword aiming for his neck. Quickly counter-attacking the offender, Gleipnir shot out from under his sleeve as it wrapped around the man.

Once Gleipnir made contact with his skin he was completely frozen in place. Dodging a gauntlet to the gut, Fenrir threw the chained man in front of one of his attacking allies causing the sword to pierce the chained man's stomach.

With the shock of killing his own teammate on his hands, the man froze up as Fenrir slammed his fist into his face, knocking him unconscious.

With that, only the green haired man remained. The green haired man fell on his back as he looked up at Fenrir with fear and a look of pleading. As Fenrir raised a slightly bloody Gleipnir the man spoke.

"Please don't kill me! I can't leave my wife and my kids! I was only doing it for them! Please! They need me!" The man practically begged as Fenrir stopped in his tracks.

"What the hell do you mea-" Fenrir was cut off as the man's head was separated from his shoulders.

Fenrir's eyes widened as he saw Adam standing over the green haired man's lifeless body with his sword coated in blood.

"A-Adam! What- wha- what the fuck?!" Fenrir yelled at the bull faunus.

"You can never trust humans. They'll only deceive you," Adam stated as if it were a fact. "He was most likely luring you into a state of weakness to kill you while he had the chance."

"What if he wasn't!?" Fenrir half yelled at the 'older' teenager.

Adam snorted before turning around, "He was, now.. let's go back and get you cleaned up. I don't feel like explaining to Charles why you have blood all over you,"

Adam began to walk away as Fenrir knelt beside the green haired man and pulled a picture out of his shirt pocket. It was of the man standing next to a woman with three green-haired children standing in front of them.

Adam and Fenrir's building friendship shattered into pieces once Fenrir saw the picture.



[Path of Gluttony Unlocked!]

[Path of Gluttony: Your stomach is endless and you can consume anything, with a price. You can never feel 'full' again, you will constantly crave sustenance. Can use devoured objects to refill stamina reserves and to slightly strengthen your body. Stamina and magnitude of the physical empowerment depend on the material, biomass, and rarity of the material.]

"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry." Fenrir ignored the skill prompt as he kneeled on the ground in front of the dead green-haired man.


(Timeskip: 1 year until plot begins.)

(Age: 15 (515), Fenrir Skadison)

The sky darkened as the scene twisted into night. Stars glowed as the moon rose as Fenrir could be seen watching from the rooftops. His hair reached his shoulders as he tied it back before jumping off the slanted roof tiles.

Landing on the ground with a silent roll, Fenrir looked around in the village he was visiting.

Wooden houses that looked homey. Chimneys billowed smoke as some houses emitted a warm heat. Fenrir could smell the scent of charcoal and ash as he snuck through the town. Ignoring his slightly burning nostrils, Fenrir continued his walk.

Fenrir saw a few small rodents skitter about the empty streets as he prepared to contact Ymir.

Tapping the button that appeared a few days ago in his status, the Emergency Call button, he heard a faint ringing before silence.

"Hello?" The sound of an aged man appeared in Fenrir's head.

"Hello.. gramps," Fenrir said to Ymir.

"Oh! If it isn't my adorable little grandson! What do you need? I can drop off some cookies an-," Ymir was about to finish before he was cut off by Fenrir.

"I want to leave this planet. I need to leave. I need to save my brother and sister Ymir!" Fenrir pleaded to the old man.

Fenrir could tell the old man was contemplating in silence, "No." That simple world caused a whole new level of emotional pain to shoot through Fenrir's body.

"What the hell do you mean NO!? I- I should be strong enough to sneak in and save the two of them! Hell! Jorm's in the motherfuckin' OCEAN! I doubt there are God's patrolling the Human's oceans. Hel would obviously be trickier as she is still in the God's Realm So I wou-" Fenrir was once again cut off.

"No. I refuse. You obviously wouldn't know this, but your escape ACTUALLY caused some civil unrest among the Gods. They upped the amount of forces guarding every point of importance, including where your brother and sister are located. I can't let you go there. I'm sorry Fenrir. I'll tell you when you are strong enough. The only reason I could save you was because one, you were the closest to my realm, and two, the God that usually guards your cell was taking a break." Ymir said as he closed the call.

Fenrir silently walked into the woods. With a stony face, Fenrir walked and walked. He continued walking until he found an abandoned warehouse.

"DAMN IT! FUCK YOU!!" He yelled as he barreled into the warehouse and began to rip and punch anything he saw. As he was getting tired he used his fangs to quickly devour some of the metal and old weapons in the way to restore his stamina using [Path of Gluttony].

As the warehouse collapsed in on itself Fenrir fell onto his back. "I'm still to weak. I can't even save them," Fenrir muttered sadly as he began to mourn in the forest as new plans to increase his training came to mind. He heard yet another ding and would have immediately ignored it if it wasn't for the sensation it brought.

Nature bended to his will, not by force.. but by kinship. Rotted trees turned healthy and even more beautiful than before. Patches of grass underneath his feet began to sprout into sapling and flowers. A swarm of red, blue, yellow, white, and black flowers Cushioned his fall as he fell to the ground in excited shock, temporarily forgetting about his previous emotional state.

"I finally got it back.. Senjutsu." Fenrir muttered to himself as he laid in his flowerbed. "I won't be weak for much longer."

Another ding that Fenrir wasn't expecting appeared

[Skills unlocked!]

[[Rapid Growth] and [Senjutsu (Sage Arts)]

When Fenrir saw the name of the first skill he had the urge to strangle a certain Jötunn who's name begins with a Y.


(A/N: Fenrir isn't weak weak, just weak in comparison to Gods who spent millennia perfecting their domains and shiz. Also any music recommendations?)