

Days passed on the sea, and to their shock, they didn't bring enough food for their sea life. They thought that a few tones of food along with some useful stuff was enough, but they eat a lot each day.

Iris was capable of creating the illusion of fire, which they used to cook the fish they caught from the sea. On the 3rd day at sea, in the middle of the night, everyone's eyes popped open upon hearing someone singing,

Everyone was in shock, with Anna and Iris feeling nervous about all of this. with unease food steps, they went outside, only to see it was Sora humming,

"What?" Sora asked seeing the confused look they were throwing him, which soon turned into annoyance. they all thought that they were in danger, only to find that it was Sora/

"I should have known when the humming was so... bad," Tsuki said emotionlessly, Sora was caught off guard and hurt. Just as he was about to say something, the sound of a woman humming sounded from the pure black sea.

"..." Everyone froze as they looked around them, not knowing where the humming was coming from, it sounded like 3 females singing, even though it was hard to tell where the humming had some weird effect that was drawing them towards it.

"Well, it looks like we are going to die... do you still believe?" Sora asked while looking at Anna, who threw an angry look at Sora, before she tried to hit him, only for Sora to dodge.

"Who is the one that called them with his humming?" Anna said as Irene held her back, Sora simply laughed, before pointing at the sky. before everyone's eyes, Sora cast [Power Nova], and a huge sun was created, lighting up the dark sea.

everyone quickly looked towards where humming, and on a few rocks, there 3 mermaids like being stood, but unlike Aquarius, they were like monsters. scales covered their bodies, their fish tails were black, and if one looked at them from the back, they would seem like unmatched beauties, but once they see their faces, they would see the face of monsters.

"..." the humming came to stop once Sora cast the light up the whole sea, the 3 sirens looked at the ship, their eyes narrowed while looking at the one who was holding a finger to the sky.

"L-lets leave," Anna said softly, she didn't want her soul to be eaten or something of the kind, unlike Sora and Irene, her eyesight was not that well, so she couldn't see the 3 mermaids which were far away on rocks which came from the sea, but Sora shook his head slightly at her words.

"they don't eat souls," Sora said softly, stunning Anna. but Julia nodded at Sora's words, that sound did not affect the soul, only the mind. as someone cursed by the gods, Julia could sense the curse which was placed upon these 3 ladies.

"Why are you happy to see us?" Julia's human avatar formed as she flew forward, she could sense others' emotions. she was confused, why were these 3 overcome with relief, joy, and happiness?

"... we were cursed by the god Demeter, for failing to top the god of the underworld from taking her daughter. we are forced to live forever in endless suffering until one day, someone can listen to our singing, at which point the curse can be broken" one of the females said with a hopeful look while looking at Julia and her group, although far, their voice could reach them, which seems to be a part of their magic.

"Hades? you 3 were lucky to survive." Julia said in shock, Hades was one of the strongest gods, if he wanted something, not many could stop him. and if she was not wrong, did Demeter and Hades come to an agreement? didn't Demeter's daughter willingly stay in the underworld and only come out due to her mother?

"they are strong... what do you think?" Sora asked as he looked at Irene, Irene wanted one person from every race to join the party, so if Sora weaken the curse, they could join the party.

"... let's first help them before speaking of something like this," Irene said softly, everyone nodded in agreement, and so the ship moved forward. The Sirens watched the group coming forward towards them, with joy.

"There are many things that stop people from reaching us, the first is the heavy waves," The Siren said, and indeed the sea came to life and a huge wave came from the sea to swallow them. Irene stepped forward and quickly enchanted space, before everyone raised eyebrows, the wave passed through them as if they were not there,

"What? After I reached the peak of Enchantment, I want to reach new heights, soon I will be able to enchant time." Irene said with a smile, Sora smiled slightly, they were no longer those weaklings he had to carry from back then.

Irene went on to handle the waves while they neared the next thing which stopped others from reaching the 3 ladies. a whirlpool, which tried to suck them in. but with Irene's space enchantment, they phased through this while moving forward in a straight line.

after passing the many whirlpools, next was sea monsters who tried to stop them. but they too phased through them like they were nothing. and the last part was the rocks, they had to move around the rocks while being careful not to damage their ship, but they phased through the rocks,

"you made it..." the Sirens said in joy, but that joy disappeared when they saw that Sora and the others hit a barrier. their heart dropped to rock bottom, the curse could only be broken if they stood on the rock with them, they couldn't leave, because of this barrier,

Demeter never told them about this, she simply said once they reach this spot, they would be able to smoothly enter. but by the looks of things, no one was too past those trials, it was only to give them false hope, only to make their despair grow deeper when someone manages to reach this far, just to find out their suffering would never end.

'Only someone at level 120 and above could break this barrier. it seems like the gods never wanted them to leave.' Sora thought while touching the barrier before him, with a sigh, he flashed, appearing within the sky where he cast many charms to increase his next attack,

Sora then went on to cast [Supercharge], a spell that Applies a +10% per mana Storm Damage Charm on the target. meaning, for each Mana Sora, put into this charm, his next storm attack would do +10% more damage

2 mana would be +20%, 5 mana would be +50%, and so on and so on. the thing about this was that the more Mana, the longer it shall take to charge.

1 mana would take less than a second, 2 mana would be 1 second, 3 mana would be 2 seconds, 4 mana would be 4 seconds, and the time only doubles from there. so, 10 mana would be like 4 minutes.

Sora had the sun disappear as he wanted all of his attention to be on this, lightning exploded off Sora as he charged up the charm. the dark sea became bright once more, and everyone felt chills while looking at this. so much power gathered to one point.

When Sora reached level 84, a new spell was unlocked, [Sharpened Blade], this spell would increase the power of a charm by +10%. for example, Lightning Blade boosts the next storm's damage by 35%, but this spell could increase that to 45%. Sora of course added this spell to all the charms he had cast

[Supercharge] with this spell would have its effect double, meaning 3 MP would increase the next spell by 60%, and so on.

once 4 minutes and a few seconds passed, Sora had sent 10 Mana into this spell, meaning this next Lightning spell would do 200% more damage.

[Galvanic Field] Sora cast Galvanic Field, and an overwhelming lightning aura surrounded Sora, this aura applies a +25% outgoing Storm Damage, +5% Accuracy, and +10% incoming Myth Damage,

"well, this might have been overkill, but I don't know if there is something else," Sora said as he changed into his lightning Emperor Armor, then cast [Leviathan], with the casting of the spell, Irene and everyone else turned their attention to the sea, which was suddenly covered with fog, within that fog lightning flashed from time to time.

Slowly, the head of the Leviathan poked its head out of the water, its eyes coldly looking around for its target. the group all felt the Leviathan's overwhelming power, they knew they couldn't take a single blow from this monster.

"go," Sora said as sweat covered his forehead, this spell was too powerful, to summon, he first enchanted the spell with [Colossal] which made a spell that made the leviathan which at first had a 975 attack power, now has +275, increasing the Leviathan to have an attack power of 1,250, that alone was enough to destroy most humans around level 38, but then you have the charms, the crit, Sora stats, and so on.

This Leviathan could last out over 69,000 of damage, it would have been more, but Sora was not sure if he could handle any more. Sora had also added [Stormspear] which Applies a +20% Storm Armor Piercing Charm, and Elemental Spear, which Applies +20% Ice, Storm, and Fire Armor Piercing Charms

in total, this Leviathan can ignore 40%+ of a person's resistance and defense, the same thing went for the barrier, which is why Sora thought this might be overboard. even the Leviathan he fought that day would be killed within two hits from this Leviathan, if he wanted this Leviathan attack power could have been at 90,000+

Once Irene and the others were far away, the Leviathan attacked, and with a huge explosion that caused the woman to the world to shake, the barrier shook, as cracks ran across it,

Sora was at level 105, of course, this was going to be hard even for him to do something only those at level 120 should do, but so the Leviathan kept attacking, each blow causing the world to shake, and space to become twisted, making it hard for even Irene to enchant,

After 5 more blows, the barrier shattered and the Sirens used this chance to jump out of and into the sea, out of their prisons for the past thousands of years. they all came before Sora, he called back the Leviathan and was looking toward them.

Sora's eyebrow raised seeing the Siren's bodies start to burn, but this level of pain was nothing to the Siren, although they flicked from the pain, they didn't even make a sound.

"We hate to ask for more... but is it possible you could kill us?" the 3 asked in a soft voice, every second for them was pain, every breath, blink, and so on, was pain. they want to die, but they couldn't die, and now they found out that the string of hope they had for so long was nothing, they could only put their hopes within Sora, hoping he could kill them.

"the curse is too strong for me to break, but I can weaken it," Sora said with a shake of his head, now that he was close to them, he could see the curse. there was no way to break this curse,

"..." the 3 grew eyes brightened slightly, and they quickly bowed before Sora, they would do anything for this hell to stop. Sora sighed as he went on to start casting [Cleanse Ward], he went on to do this until it could no longer affect the two.

But by then, the two had lost their monster-like appearance and were now beautiful mermaids, the pain had dropped to a low level, hundreds of times better than before, and their body was not even burning from leaving that prison. they looked at themselves for a moment, before they began crying.

years ago, they tried their best, but what could they do before Hades? the only reason they were not killed was that out of all the gods, Hades was the only god who was the most reasonable, just because he was the god of the underworld didn't mean he sought for others to die. in fact, he wished that peace could come to this world, that way he could just relax and not have to work all the time.

Demeter on the other hand was enraged and cursed the two to live out all of eternity in unimaginable pain. she told them the way to break the curse, and for the first few years they couldn't even sing to draw people to save them, all they could do was look around in pain, trying to find all types of ways to kill themselves.

adding this and the fact they were stuck on that rock, with just the 4 of themselves, it was hell, something which could have broken anything, but they hold on hoping one day someone could save them... although this was not what they thought off, they were still extremely grateful

"Weird, why didn't Persephone come to save you?" Sora asked softly, the 3 were confused, their master was trapped in hell with Hades, how could she save them?

"Persephone became the goddess of the underworld, from the stories, Zeus went to save her but didn't because she ended up enjoying her stay with Hades. but she leaves the underworld every 6 months because of her mother." Sora asked in confusion, the ladies froze upon hearing this, their master, the woman who they were willing to fight Hades for, was off enjoying herself all these years, and never bothered to save them.

Where was she when they were praying to her, wishing for her freedom, where was she when they were praying to Hades, wishing for her to set their master free? even in this hell, they never once forgot about her, yet she threw them side to rule hell with Hades.

"... the Barrier most of blocked us. y-yes, that must be it." one of them said softly,

"no, those that died made it to the underworld, as the goddess, how could she now know? rumors of us should have reached her... she abandoned us." the leader of the group of 3 said as tears ran down her eyes, in the first place, they were not even fighters. they were singers. Persephone fell in love with their voice and had them follow her.

for so many years, she treated them well, and they were all like sisters. they were always together, yet how could she so easily ignore them for a guy?

"... there might be more to the stories. don't jump to conclusions just yet." Sora said as stepped on the water, walked up to them, and gave them a tissue to remove their tears, but although they took the tissue, they were confused at the weird item.

"you have been disconnected from the outside world for many years. that means there are many things for you to enjoy in today's era." Sora said with a smile as he pulled out sweets from his storage. the 3 eyes landed on the colored sweets in Sora's hands, sora went on to give them each and told them to eat them.

although confused, they did as he asked, if this was poison, they would be happy that they died. but when they ate the sweets, their eyes widened in amazement,

"I don't know if it's the fact I haven't eaten for years, or what, but this is the best thing I have ever eaten," they said in amazement, go so long without eating, and hunger would no longer bother you, they went through that torture long ago.

"It's called candy," Sora said with a smile, these 3 were all at levels 90 to 100, the strongest among them was at level 90, meanwhile the other two were at levels 90, and 95, they were both strong, and were welcome to join Sora in the battle against the gods.