
A Wizard in Wednesday

Ezra Bishop's world is turned upside down when a mysterious artifact transports the teenage wizard from Hogwarts to the Wednesday TV show universe. Forced to hide his mystical talents, Ezra enrolls in the gothic Nevermore Academy, a school for supernatural outcasts. ... Inspired by works such as Magic At Nevermore on ao3 and A Wizard At Nevermore on ff. Fanfic police please don't come for me. ... I don't own anything related to Harry Potter or Wednesday. All properties in this fanfiction belong to their creators.

a_BMO · Televisi
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26 Chs

Harvest Festival V (EDITED)

[A/N: Thanks to Hussein_King_0807 for the idea I wish I had thought of it]


Wednesday returned to the woods, leaving Enid behind to check on Ezra. She wasn't sure why she was doing it, but she didn't like the idea of being protected. She was many things, but a damsel in distress wasn't one of them.

As she approached, she came across Ezra's body lying motionless on the ground. Rushing up to him, she saw that he was passed out and bleeding heavily from a gash on his side. She checked his pulse and found it was very faint. Trying to apply pressure to the wound, she pressed her hands over it, but the blood continued to flow between her fingers. She was beginning to feel distressed, though she wasn't sure why. She swiftly came to the conclusion that she just didn't want Ezra to die due to protecting her. She didn't want to be in debt to him without being able to repay it.

As she was thinking this, a scarlet bird with golden plumage suddenly came swooping down from the sky. The bird landed gracefully beside Ezra's limp body. Wednesday watched as it leaned over him, a pearly tear welling up in its inky black eye. The tear splashed down onto Ezra's wound, and before Wednesday's eyes, the gash began to close up. Flesh knitted back together and color returned to Ezra's pale face.

After a few moments, Ezra's eyes fluttered open. He looked around in confusion before his gaze settled on Wednesday.

"Addams?" he croaked, his voice hoarse. "What happened?"

Wednesday's face remained impassive, but relief flooded through her. "You were gravely injured protecting me from the creature. Your bird healed you." 

Ezra's eyes widened as he recalled the events. He looked over at the scarlet bird perched nearby.

"Ash, you saved me," he said affectionately. The bird trilled softly in response. Ezra slowly sat up with Wednesday's help.

"I guess I should thank you too, for coming to check on me," Ezra said, meeting Wednesday's eyes.

"It was purely selfish, I assure you," Wednesday replied tonelessly. "I have no interest in owing a debt."

The corner of Ezra's mouth quirked up in a half-smile. "Of course. Well, either way, I'm grateful."

Wednesday stood abruptly. "Can you walk? We should return."

Ezra gingerly got to his feet. He swayed slightly having to grab Wednesday's shoulder for support. She tensed at his touch but did not pull away.

"I think so let's go slowly," Ezra said. 

Wednesday wordlessly wrapped an arm around Ezra's waist, letting him lean some of his weight on her as they began the trek back. Ash trailed behind them, keeping watch.

They walked in silence through the shadowy woods. An owl hooted ominously in the distance. The pale light of the moon filtered down through the leaves above them.

Glancing at Ezra limping beside her, she felt an unfamiliar pang of protectiveness. But Wednesday quickly stamped it down. He was merely a curiosity to be studied, nothing more.

Yet when Ezra stumbled on the uneven ground, Wednesday found herself catching him swiftly, stopping his fall. Their eyes met and held for a long moment.

"Thanks," Ezra murmured.

Wednesday looked away. "Hurry up. I want to get back."

Ezra's lips quirked again but he said nothing more as they continued onward through the dark woods together.


Wednesday supported Ezra as they slowly made their way through the dark woods back towards the Harvest Festival. Though he had regained some strength, Ezra still leaned on her heavily, his arm slung over her slender shoulders.

Wednesday found the prolonged physical contact unsettling. She was unused to being so close to another person for an extended period of time. The feeling of his body pressed against hers made her tense up involuntarily. Yet she did not pull away or make any outward indication of her discomfort.

Glancing at Ezra out of the corner of her eye, she noted the sheen of sweat on his brow and the lines of fatigue still etched around his eyes and mouth. He was putting on a brave face, but Wednesday could tell he was still tired from his blood loss. She felt a flicker of annoyance at this show of stubborn machismo.

"If you need to rest, tell me," she said bluntly. "I'd rather not have to carry you if you collapse."

Ezra let out a breathy laugh. "Duly noted. I'll let you know."

They continued on in silence. The shadows seemed to grow less dark and sinister as they moved through the forest toward the festival.

Wednesday was tense her senses on high alert. She didn't scare easily, but she knew well the danger that now lurked in the forest at night. She found herself listening intently for any sign of trouble, ready to react at the first hint of a threat. But in the end, nothing came.

Together they continued through the woods. The trees gradually thinned and they could make out the lights of the festival in the distance.

As the edge of the forest came into view, Ezra stopped and straightened up, removing his arm from Wednesday's shoulders. He took out a thin wooden stick - the wand, Wednesday recalled - and gave it an intricate wave as he muttered strange words under his breath.

Before Wednesday's eyes, the blood and dirt vanished from Ezra's clothing, leaving it clean and tidy. The rips and tears in the fabric knit back together seamlessly.

He then pointed the wand at her doing the same thing, the blood that was on her hands seemingly disappearing into thin air.

Pocketing his wand, He turned to Wednesday with a small, lopsided smile. "There. Now we're at least presentable again. Now Enid won't fret."

Wednesday gave a slight nod. Enid was far too emotional, in her opinion.

Without speaking, she stepped closer to examine him critically for any signs of blood. Seeing nothing there she nodded and the two headed back to the festival.

Ezra looked at Wednesday and said "You go find Enid while I talk to Principal Weems and update her on what happened. I don't want her to know that I told you about my magic."

Wednesday nodded and disappeared into the crowd. He watched her go then went to search for Weems. Spotting her distinctive blonde hair in the crowd, he rushed over, calling out urgently, "Principal Weems! There's something I urgently need to discuss with you."


Weems turned, her normally cheerful expression was one of concern. "Yes, I heard from Ms. Addams and Ms. Sinclair that there was some kind of incident."

Eager to provide more details, Ezra quickly explained how they had been viciously attacked by a massive, vicious creature with razor-sharp claws and fangs. Weems listened intently, peppering him with pointed questions and jotting down notes about the location and description of the beast.

"This is deeply troubling," Weems said, at last, her face grim. "I've already informed the sheriff so we can organize a search party right away. In the meantime, I want you all to stay alert and don't go wandering off alone."

Ezra nodded, relief washing over him now that Weems knew about the danger. After reiterating a few more warnings to remain cautious, she strode off purposefully.

With the principal informed, Ezra hurried back through the lively festival crowds to find Enid and Wednesday. They were waiting together near the face-painting booth. 

"Are you alright?" Enid asked anxiously the moment she spotted Ezra, her eyes quickly scanning over him for any injuries.

"I'm fine, don't worry," Ezra assured her, touched by her concern.

 "What happened with that monster after we split up?" Enid asked still scanning his body intently.

Ezra took a deep breath, still shaken from his encounter. "After we got separated, I tried to fight off that thing," he explained. "But nothing seemed to faze it. It just kept coming, swiping those massive claws."

Ezra shuddered at the memory. "I managed to dodge and roll away from a few attacks, but then it cornered me. I thought I was done for. but at the last moment I was able to drive it away" He looked down, hesitating if he should tell them about the near-fatal attack or Ash his phoenix but decided it wasn't the time.

Ezra felt a swell of gratitude for his loyal phoenix. If not for Ash's timely arrival, the outcome could have been fatal.

"So I raced back as fast as I could. I'm just glad Principal Weems is taking this seriously now. Hopefully, they can stop that thing before it attacks anyone else."

Ezra looked at Enid seeing the concern etched on her face. "I couldn't stop it. But I know we'll find a way to take it down, together."

Wednesday nodded slowly, seeming to consider his words. "You did well just to drive it away," she said finally. "We need more information to determine how to defeat this creature. Its origins, weaknesses, habitat..." 

Her dark eyes gleamed with determination. Ezra could practically see the gears turning in her mind, analyzing the situation from every angle.

"I ran into Weems on the way over. She's already called the sheriff to organize a search party," Ezra explained, hoping to ease their worries. "Hopefully they can find and contain it before anyone else gets hurt."

The three of them fell silent as they processed the alarming events. Enid in particular seemed deeply troubled, a crease of fear marring her normally cheerful and optimistic face.

Finally, she burst out in frustration, "Okay, what the hell is going on here? How were you able to fight that thing off by yourself? And what was that you used earlier, It was like...magic! And how did you even survive a battle with that monster anyway?"

Ezra hesitated, knowing there was no avoiding the truth now. "It's...complicated. But you're right, you both deserve an explanation about all this."

Glancing around at the crowds milling about the festival, he gestured for them to follow him towards a more secluded spot. "Let's talk somewhere a bit more private."

The three of them discreetly slipped away to a shadowy grove of trees just beyond the festival's edge. After confirming that Enid wouldn't tell anyone about this. Taking a deep, steadying breath, Ezra finally revealed his secret origins.

Enid's eyes went wide with disbelief, her mouth falling open in pure shock. "You're a wizard? From another universe entirely? Are you actually kidding me right now?"

"I know it sounds completely unbelievable, but it's the absolute truth," Ezra said earnestly.

Enid just kept shaking her head in stunned amazement, struggling to process this revelation. Then her gaze slid over to Wednesday and she paused, noticing the other girl's distinct lack of surprise. 

"Wait, why aren't you more shocked to hear all this?" Enid demanded, staring at Wednesday. "This is crazy!"

Wednesday gave a slight, nonchalant shrug. "That's because I already knew. Ezra confessed the truth to me a few days ago."

"What?" Enid whipped back around to Ezra, hurt flashing across her face. "You told Wednesday your biggest secret but not me? This whole time?"

"It wasn't planned like that, she kind of figured it out on her own, And you're kind of known for writing the school's number-one gossip blog" Looking at Enid's face as soon as she heard the words that left his mouth, he knew he had made a mistake.

But Enid was already backing away from them, the sting of perceived betrayal in her eyes. "Wow, okay. So you'll trust Wednesday with you're secret but not me. I thought we were...I mean, that you and I had..."

She trailed off, too upset to continue.

"Enid, wait-!" Ezra started, but she cut him off.

"Just...don't. I need some space to process this. Don't follow me!" With that, Enid turned and hurried off alone into the lively festival crowds, ignoring Ezra's call for her to come back so he could explain.

Ezra watched her vanish, confusion and regret churning inside him. Should he have confessed the truth to Enid from the very start instead of hiding it? Honestly, he didn't think so, it was bad enough that he had let Wednesday know about his origins. It was a secret that could turn his life upside down in an instant, well more than it already had been at least. He could only hope he hadn't irreparably damaged their deepening relationship. For now, he had more pressing concerns there was a monster roaming around Jericho and it clearly had no qualms about killing him. He needed to be ready if there ever came a round two.

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