
A Wizard In The Dungeon City [Danmachi]

Corvac wasn't sure how he got into this situation, but he's now in another world, a familiar one, but still another world. He's lost, alone, and utterly confused with what to do, save what an old man told him while he was adrift; find a familia, and dive into the dungeon. It's risky. It's dangerous. But, it's something to do. Ain't got much else to do in this new life of his, so best make something of it, even if that'd find him just another lost soul to the maw of the Pit. Orario is a melting pot of culture and races from all corners of Genkai. Corvac will find that this melting pot draws all kinds. Many will be friendly to another outsider in this city of outsiders. Others see just another soul drawn to a city of sin, ready for exploitation. He'll need to keep his wits about him, if he wants to survive in this city of the gods. The Dungeon provides to all; wealth, fame, challenge, strength, and fortune. Its a trap, one that draws a sinful kind. The Dungeon is a battle ground, one Corvac might be a bit too willing to dive into; yet, he has no choice. For Orario's claws have sunk its bite into his heart, and now he has a bond that needs to thrive, and he is all that stands in the way of his future's demise. Here is a tale of a young man that sought to make a sense of life. Gifts were given and potential was allotted. He'll find love, responsibility, and must strive to uphold his virtues while indulging in his sins within this world he feels is always adrift. \---/ Authors Foreword: This novel is an SI-OC with Slice-of-Life elements, gory and descriptive action scenes, and a developing Original Character cast. Cannon Characters will be interacted with, but only when it makes sense for the MC to do so. He won't be chilling around with the Loki familias' Executives as a Level One. He'll do that when he's around their level and can interact with them as equals. This means that I'll be incorporating Original Familias and characters for Corvac to interact with. Cannon familias that are lower level will also be interacted with (Take being the only one that comes to mind, but I don't like many of their characters and will insert my own arc of Far Eastern familias). There will be a general plot beat being established of 'life stuff - combat scene - 'fun' slice of life - growth - character interactions - introduction/foreshadowing of elements that may be future enemies or allies - interactions/combat - maybe an interlude - loop. (I write in third person omniscient so I bounce perspectives often and don't make it clear who is gathering the narrator's information. This leads to possible instances of an unreliable narrator who purposely gives incorrect assumption and observations. There is also a lot of dialogue of Corvac talking to himself in the first person. This is him being analytical and thoughtful.) Falna Note: Any and all discussion on Corvac's growth rate, how he obtains certain skills or magics will be ignored brutally. The Falna functions on warped logic of 'souls' 'stories' and 'desires'. Magic also needs to be 'studied', which makes no sense when a person can only have three total spells in the setting and that magic is usually granted by Grimoires or racial benefits (fuckin' knife ears getting all the cool toys). Anyway, Corvac's falna is bullshit and was largely created via a CYOA prompt and my own creativity. I effectively rolled up a Danmachi DND sheet and just added cool spells and skills I thought would be interesting.

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8 Chs

Chapter Six: Breaking In The Bed

Corvac took his time getting home, figuring she'd want to beat him there to prepare something. Maybe dinner? He was a bit peckish and could go for a feast.

He licked his lips, imagining the feast he'd be getting.

He arrived at their home, the lights were on so Morrigan was home. He tested the door and found it unlocked. He tutted, they didn't yet know their neighborhood, doing something like that was unnecessarily risky. He shut and locked it behind him, hearing movement from his entrance. He kicked off his boots, before making his way into the house.

He smelled no food, so it'd be right to the main course then. How…exciting.

Corvac came to the living room and then found the stairs. He scaled them and then saw the master bedroom's magical lights were on, bathing the room in dull bluish-white tint. He pushed the ajar door open, and found his goddess laying down on her side, waiting for him.

She was dressed in her usual outfit of the straps and loincloth, an almost nervous smile on her face as he entered the room. He stripped off his tunic and threw it to the corner of the door frame, before crawling onto the bed. She made room for him, altering her presentation as he hugged her against him, breathing in the scent of her hair and feeling her firm and soft body against his.

"This…is what I'll fight for." He muttered, more to himself than for her. "This feeling of respite in a world that I feel is always adrift." He rose to his knees and caged her in with his body. She laid on her back, a blush on her face as his head dipped down and nipped at her neck. His left leg slid in between her legs and he rested on his right hip, and soon they were tenderly kissing and battling with tongues. Corvac's left hand came up and swallowed her right breast, squeezing and molding the flesh as he did so. His index finger hooked the bit of cloth and pushed it to the side, revealing the true treasure of her bosom. His fingers moved with articulation and skill beyond that of a man experiencing his first time, his movements and friction as if he was reading the stars to predict what action needed to come next.

His lips decorated her neck and collar bone, before moving back up and kissing her all over. He savored her moans, enjoyed her groans, and grinned at her mournful whines when he paused in an action. The foreplay continued, Corvac slowly peeling away her clothes, one bit at a time. He soon had both breasts to play with, his mouth dipping down to capture a nub. His tongue and lips played with exceptionally sensitive breasts, dopamine dripping into his mind every time he flicked the nub and a jolt and shaky moan lanced through his goddess' body.

His ministrations didn't take long for her to suddenly go still and then shakily vibrate on the bed, her nether lips convulsing as he artfully manipulated enough erogenous zones to form a mastercrafted orgasm without ever touching the clit.

As she was dealing with the turmoil and stimulation of the high that came with his artful machinations, Corvac dipped down to her legs to start his feast.

Hunger possessed him as he bit the lip of her loincloth. He heard her gasp and glanced up to see fearful and hungry gray eyes watching him peel down the cloth. Her hips lifted up as he peeled them down and then off. Her legs kicked and a flick of her ankle tossed the assembly of cloth to a dark corner of the room. Corvac returned to his prize and took a breath of the musk as he started to kiss the soft flesh of her inner thigh.

She hissed and whined, trying to buck his face closer to her core, wishing for the convenient and quick release of an eager boy. No, he was eager, but he'd prove not to be a boy she could just sit on and demand gratification from. Instead he supped on the appetizer that was her agony, he kissed and licked at the labia, he teased and prodded at the hood, and greedily guarded his territory and feast from any lingering fingers or hands seeking to steal from him his prize.

Once the meal was prepared, her lips seizing and crying with the nectar he'd only briefly sampled in his masterful preparation; he feasted.

Lifting her up by her thighs, Corvac dove in, his tongue beyond skilled in its pre-cognitive understanding of his goddess' body, his tongue longer than it was in his older body; and all the more deft for it. His arm curled around her thigh, before his hand dipped down and allowed his thumb access to the prominent nub that was desperately begging for attention. He started to lazily roll it, pausing in tempo and intensity of his tongue and stimulation when he felt she was getting close; much to her whining and cries.

He built her up to a crescendo, and in his humming of that same crescendo only drawing her closer; he bent his neck up and sucked on the painfully teased nub. His teeth ghosted it, his lips played with it, and his tongue caressed it, and she erupted. Her jerking and gasps were only restrained by his arms wrapped around her thighs, and a prideful masculinity filled his chest as he gave the sensitive nub a few more licks, before dipping back down and started lapping up his reward.

He lapped the liquids up relaxed and slow, and once she'd recovered enough to pay him attention he started to play it up a bit, giving her a show of him lapping up her nectar like it was the food of the gods. He rose, sitting on his calves as he licked up the last of the fem-cum on his face, saving his dew stained fingers with flair and poise. His dramatics were well received as gray eyes were locked onto his form, lust practically radiating from her body.

Said eyes followed the motion of his arms and hands as they dipped down, fiddling with his belt, and the unbuckling of said belt alerted the woman things were getting serious. He found it cute how alarmed and aroused she was as he pulled his hardened length from his trousers. His hands found generous thigh-flesh as anchors as he pulled her closer to him, his length slipping on the slick smooth flesh of her groin and riding up her navel. The twitching base of his crown rested on her belly button, and he knew she quite liked the sight of his length being compared with her own anatomy judging by how her eyes were locked right on it.

He took himself into his hand and started to grind along groin, the work he'd put into his feast providing a great amount of natural lubricant as he pulled back and slipped down. This time his length pushed apart the swell of her ass and collected a significant amount of liquids as he ground it there. He briefly teased her by pressing the tip against her ass, and the alarmed and lustful look he got from it told him he'd certainly be looking for the suitable materials needed for that kind of experience.

His length lubricated to a satisfactory degree, his lover and potential wife ready for another world rocking orgasm, and his own lust roaring like the fires of a well-tempered forge; he started to ease himself into her. He groaned as his length slowly disappeared into her depths, the tensing and twitching velvet folds a heavenly experience as he eased and eased. He felt a small barrier and gave the goddess an alarmed look, his own experience of mythology knowing full well that pagan goddesses had a thing about virginity.

His goddess just smiled and raised her right hand. He took it and their fingers melded together, eliciting the image of a meme that Corvac had to resist laughing about. She pulled him closer to her, which had him draw out of her a bit as he bent over. Her other hand came up to trace his jaw before she drew him into a loving and sensual kiss.

"Take me." She whispered.

His hips applied pressure, and the barrier was broken with a hiss drawn from his goddess. He groaned as well as he started going deeper; better to get it over with, after all. He fully hilted himself into his goddess, something that caused a moan and hiss of pain as he pushed against her cervix. The depths of a woman, a goddess at that, felt wild. Her velvet walls coaxed him, her abs forged for war were now those of a desperate mother's touch and allowed her to command an abnormal amount of vaginal control that had him resisting the need to bust a nut right there.

She drew his jaw back to her and took his lips once more, before giving him naught but a nod to continue. And so he did.

A mantra formed in Corvac's mind, 'pressure, rhythm, and foreplay.' Pressure as it was less thrusting deep and hard and more using one's tool to carve out a path along her walls. He likened it to being a carpenter, slowly carving along an available angle dictated by one's current position. With missionary, he was carving along the central canal, and also where he felt her g-spot was, with him applying more pressure there than anywhere else. He eased up on pressure when he sheathed himself, pressing but not bashing down the gates of her cervix, letting it get used to him.

He obviously started out with a slow and methodical pace, his rhythm slow and inviting as they both discovered one another's body. Her walls adjusted to his shape, and he learned her curves by applying the concept of light foreplay during the act of sex. His hands were never truly idle, always playing or learning another part of her body which required an aspect of multi-tasking he'd never thought he'd had. His hands played along her body like an expert of the Oboe, his fingers desiring not to over stimulate, but to always remind her of their presence and skill in their machinations. To accomplish this, his fingers danced and played with sensitive and at times ticklish skin, only to then rise up to find an erogenous zone and to tweak or play with it and then move on. Like rogue ghosts they floated their ways with minds of their own, at times clasping and groping, others pinching and tweaking.

He never broke his rhythm, only ever adjusting as the woman he was connected to shivered and gasped as he ravaged her body. As her moans grew louder and louder, he increased his tempo, soon their hips creating the primal ritual of flesh slapping against flesh; and before long, one gave.

Corvac's face turned alarmed as the inner walls he was within flexed before tightening like a vice. They tickled his glands and before he knew it the orgasm that had been building up at his base triggered with the subtlety of a shot gun. He thrusted as deep as he could go, groaning out loud as he held onto the shaky and bucking hips of his lover. His cock pumped its load, rope after rope emptying out of his balls, before it ended. He breathed deeply, enjoying the warmth and twitches of his lover, before slowly removing himself.

Yet, before he could do that, a pair of legs wrapped around his back and pulled him closer. Gray eyes stared into his blue, wild with lust. "Keep fucking until you can't anymore." She snarled at him as she then crashed her lips into his own. The sex took a new turn, no longer the methodical skill of an expert courtesan guiding its pace, but rather the revenant desire of a woman that needed to be bred. Corvac kept his rules, but this time the tempo was a wild thing.

Corvac noted that even after emptying his load, he was still hard, and then remembered he was wearing a magical artifact so refraction was a non-factor. His foreplay turned up a notch as well, his groping becoming far rougher as his hands were swallowed in the soft tit flesh of her breasts.

Getting tired of the missionary, Corvac scooped her up and sat her in his lap, their coitus now more equal as he helped lift and guide her and she used her thighs to impale herself. As he felt himself start to come to a release, Corvac pressed her back down in the bed and raised both of her legs, folding them back as he then sheathed himself as deep as he could. He groaned, emptying himself again inside her depth, and felt something 'click'. He then felt some mystical sense of communication, asking him a…gender?

'Oh. Oh!' He bit his lip, "I want a daughter." He breathed out, "Give me plenty of daughters, okay love?" He asked the goddess before capturing her lips. She let out an impossibly content moan as he released her legs. Corvac breathed, centering himself as he slowly worked his way out of his lover, before rolling off of her and then spooning her.

"I want to feel you, love." Morrigan whispered with a desperate whine in her voice. Corvac heeded her as he took his still hard length and sheathed it back into her depths. She moaned at his presence as he groaned at the warmth, before he started to softly thrust into her. His arms wrapped around her, before his palm found her navel and core. Her own placed itself onto his.