
A Wizard In The Dungeon City [Danmachi]

Corvac wasn't sure how he got into this situation, but he's now in another world, a familiar one, but still another world. He's lost, alone, and utterly confused with what to do, save what an old man told him while he was adrift; find a familia, and dive into the dungeon. It's risky. It's dangerous. But, it's something to do. Ain't got much else to do in this new life of his, so best make something of it, even if that'd find him just another lost soul to the maw of the Pit. Orario is a melting pot of culture and races from all corners of Genkai. Corvac will find that this melting pot draws all kinds. Many will be friendly to another outsider in this city of outsiders. Others see just another soul drawn to a city of sin, ready for exploitation. He'll need to keep his wits about him, if he wants to survive in this city of the gods. The Dungeon provides to all; wealth, fame, challenge, strength, and fortune. Its a trap, one that draws a sinful kind. The Dungeon is a battle ground, one Corvac might be a bit too willing to dive into; yet, he has no choice. For Orario's claws have sunk its bite into his heart, and now he has a bond that needs to thrive, and he is all that stands in the way of his future's demise. Here is a tale of a young man that sought to make a sense of life. Gifts were given and potential was allotted. He'll find love, responsibility, and must strive to uphold his virtues while indulging in his sins within this world he feels is always adrift. \---/ Authors Foreword: This novel is an SI-OC with Slice-of-Life elements, gory and descriptive action scenes, and a developing Original Character cast. Cannon Characters will be interacted with, but only when it makes sense for the MC to do so. He won't be chilling around with the Loki familias' Executives as a Level One. He'll do that when he's around their level and can interact with them as equals. This means that I'll be incorporating Original Familias and characters for Corvac to interact with. Cannon familias that are lower level will also be interacted with (Take being the only one that comes to mind, but I don't like many of their characters and will insert my own arc of Far Eastern familias). There will be a general plot beat being established of 'life stuff - combat scene - 'fun' slice of life - growth - character interactions - introduction/foreshadowing of elements that may be future enemies or allies - interactions/combat - maybe an interlude - loop. (I write in third person omniscient so I bounce perspectives often and don't make it clear who is gathering the narrator's information. This leads to possible instances of an unreliable narrator who purposely gives incorrect assumption and observations. There is also a lot of dialogue of Corvac talking to himself in the first person. This is him being analytical and thoughtful.) Falna Note: Any and all discussion on Corvac's growth rate, how he obtains certain skills or magics will be ignored brutally. The Falna functions on warped logic of 'souls' 'stories' and 'desires'. Magic also needs to be 'studied', which makes no sense when a person can only have three total spells in the setting and that magic is usually granted by Grimoires or racial benefits (fuckin' knife ears getting all the cool toys). Anyway, Corvac's falna is bullshit and was largely created via a CYOA prompt and my own creativity. I effectively rolled up a Danmachi DND sheet and just added cool spells and skills I thought would be interesting.

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8 Chs

Chapter Five: Settling In

Corvac gave a considering hum as he moved about the loft of the house he was inspecting, he stroked his chin as he felt the very homey and slightly cramped vibe it gave him. He then moved to the study and grinned as he could already imagine the place being stocked full of arcane notes, alchemist glass work, and all kinds of other mystical nonsense. The house was a bit out of the way, more in the central city than near Babel. A shame as he'd have liked a shorter commute to work, but Orario as magical and advanced as it was for a medieval city was still just that. It didn't have the massive thirty minute or more drives to work that modern America had. A short ten minute walk was all that he'd need in the mornings, that and stopping to grab a treat or breakfast.

He quite liked the homey, almost cabin like design, but one that was further reinforced with quality stone work bringing it that classical renaissance feel. Fill it with enough bear rugs, furs, and some rustic furniture, then add in the necessary bookshelves, scrolls, a few skulls and miscellaneous decoration and he'd have a tried and true wizard's cabin.

He turned to see Morrigan also enjoying the floorplan and waved her over. He then started to whisper into her ear about what he was thinking, the growing smile and sparkling eyes all he needed to know that she was enjoying his future mystical man-cave idea.

He turned to face the Palum that was smiling like a well-fed cat and they started negotiations. Soon Corvac came out with a heavy initial deposit and a few payment plans for him to scrounge together the last few four-hundred hundred thousand. The end cost of the place was eight-hundred and fifty thousand valis, which was a good price at the end of the day.

Papers were signed, money was traded, and soon Corvac was left with around two-hundred thousand valis to furnish and obtain everything the two would need for the coming future.

With the deed effectively theirs, Corvac and Morrigan were industrious souls and split up with a list of tasks and a hundred thousand valis to spend each.

Corvac rented a pull wagon and started purchasing the necessary furniture for his new home. He purchased a quality couch, a coffee table, two queen sized bed frames and their appropriate fantasy medieval stuffings. He obtained only the bare essentials and enough to make it seem like it was at least somewhat lived within, and not just entirely barren. He arrived after Morrigan, the goddess having been sent out to purchase foodstuffs, magic stones for appliances, and the appliances themselves.

Said appliances were coolers for both the food and living space, a few fans, some magic lights, and enough magic stones to supply their stove and heaters.

Corvac dusted his hands off as he sat down on the couch he'd just installed, dressed light in just his tunic. He frowned as he felt the slick sweat of several days with a tried and true wash stick to his tunic and sighed. He stood up and cracked his back, glancing over at Morrigan as she inspected a cooking book she'd bought, and cross referenced the recipes to their current stock. She was also noting down items that she'd like to buy in the future for any food item that looked appetizing.

She'd admitted it was an impulse buy and apologized as she was spending his money for something not on the list, but Corvac wasn't really someone who applied too much value on material wealth. It was obviously important and useful to have, but he wasn't someone who'd become suddenly enraged at an expenditure that still had logical and practical uses. He certainly didn't know what the local dishes were, and he was very much at 'bachelor' level cooking skill currently, which meant he could make a mean pasta but not much else.

To him, it was just another book to be added to his future study.

"Hey, Morrigan. I'm going to try and find a hot spring and maybe somewhere that launders clothing." Corvac grabbed a few ten grand denominations of valis off the table.

Morrigan's head snapped over to him and she smiled, "Can I join!" She asked, with obvious enthusiasm in her voice.

Corvac blinked, "Erm, sure?"

'She mustn't have had much time for hygiene on the roads. It'll be a nice treat, I guess.' He thought with a wry smile.

She gave a rather immature, but extremely cute fist pump, and hurried to grab whatever she needed for the bath.

They soon headed out to the city, "We'll be needing civilian clothing. I've seen a few gods on the roads as well, do you really never change clothing?"

Morrigan blushed, "Erm, well some gods and goddesses have an image to uphold, and clothing is one way to do so. Others just like a particular style."

Corvac's eyes drooped down to the assets on display and gave a dry 'uh huh'.

She slapped him on the arm, getting a chuckle from the Chaos Wizard as they navigated to the hot springs. Soon they arrived and paid the clerk for an hour.

Corvac entered the male locker rooms and stowed his trousers and tunic, before washing off with a bucket of warm water. Once he felt clean enough, he entered the hot spring, only to freeze as blue and gray eyes locked. Only for a moment though as blue eyes darted to light pink areolas and delightfully erect nubs. Then they coasted down a tight and sculpted abdomen that narrowed into a smooth slit. He gulped as powerful and toned thighs went on for what felt like miles and then ended in lithe and strong calves before capitulating into painted nails. His eyes snapped back up to see gray eyes currently inspecting him, and holy shit she's licking her lips.

Corvac felt his blood rush south and before something could rise he decided to get into the water. His haste had him bite back a hiss as the steamy water scalded his unprepared flesh, and he slowly lowered himself into the hot water, quickly adapting to the heat. He sank, nose barely above the water. His vision firmly focused on the walls of the hotspring as his imagination and fantasies fed into one another, totally ignorant of the soft waves of water splashing up against him. At least until the reason for their wake softly collided into his arm.

He barely suppressed a jerk, instead his eyes meeting amused gray-black irises as Morrigan's bust brushed against his arm. She sat down next to him, her arm taking in his own and bringing him close.

His neurons had long since activated and were currently going through defcon five, resulting in an effective blue screen of death as he sat next to a goddess who was a firm 12/10 on the Corvac-O-Meter. She hit a lot of personal fetishes of his, and it's taken a significant amount of willpower to not regress down into a more primitive state.

'Monke.' He thought of an old turtle. The strange things the mind draws towards in times of panic.

His goddess snickered at his silence and frozen from, separating from him to his dismay. She then dunked herself back into the water and then gathered the wet locks together and started to bunch it together. She secured her hair together with her silver needle, hair now in a fancy bun. She then turned her attention back to the watching wide blue eyes, and a giggle left her throat. "So tense, Corvac. Lighten up, won't you?"

He mumbled something into the water, drawing another amused giggle from the goddess.

He rose and mumbled once again, "Put some damned clothes on you utter tease." He muttered.

She smiled and swam forward, "Hmm, what was it you said? 'I don't want to walk around with a hard on all day?'" She smirked, "Well, those robes are rather bulky." She grinned smugly.

Corvac frowned, his pride getting slighted. He rose slightly and took the goddess into his arms. She 'epped' at his boldness as he leaned forward and started to whisper into her ear. "I tend to remember a particular goddess getting quite flustered at the idea of this wonderful thing called children." He grinned as he felt her breath hitch. "Hmm, I have the earrings on right now. What do you say for some practical missionary sex, all for the sole purpose of reproduction."

She quickly separated from him, her face and ears burning red that was in now way caused by the heat of the spring.

Confidence restored and pride tended, Corvac leaned back against the cool stone of the spring, his own cocky grin on his face as the goddess clicked her tongue.

"That was dirty." Morrigan whined as she swam up to him and rested her arms on the stone, her chin being supported by her forearm.

"Eh, you reap what you sow." Corvac replied blithely, "I love your body, Morrigan. It gets a rise out of me, but I also see how others look at you." He frowned. "Call it possessive, but it just…grates. The dwarves devouring you with their eyes with honest desire, the humans licking their lips with perverse greed, the elves and their envious disgust, and the palum's hidden lust; don't get me started with the werewolves and beast-kin." He listed out. Corvac's blue stared into his goddess' and in his rant she'd focused on the colors of his soul. She was shocked at the sight of molten gold greed battling intensely with hateful red wroth; restrained by a twisted clarity of tattered temperance and fading gray apathy. For in the place of that apathy a marvelous and sinful pink and salacious red was taking place, that red infected by the envious green further supported by an insidious pride.

She felt his hand trace her stomach and he continued to speak, "Is it so wrong of me to claim what I desire?" He asked softly. It wasn't a question made of the desire he so felt, but truly a question on the morality of his desire, and the confusion he felt in the indigo in the enthralling beauty of his goddess.

The indigo was the root, the seed of his soul's chaos. His utter confusion on how to approach, how to succeed and claim what he wanted. Does he reach out, does he court and posture, does he advance and take? Utterly rife with confusion, he fell back into what felt natural, what felt normal; and stuck with simple honesty.

Morrigan drifted over to him, pressing herself slowly into his chest as she leaned forward. The two stared into each other's eyes, one who had the forbidden fruit in his hands but was unsure if grasping it now would cause it to fall out of his hand forever; or to wait and be patient, only to find he'd waited too long and for the apple to have rotted or been stolen away.

The other saw that horrid swirl of chaos, that unique lens into a mortal's soul that no other had. Her eyes saw him, as he was. And it felt both like she was witnessing utter chaos and disharmony, but also the core nature of humanity. He had no shell, no dominant bland color that all other mortals sported. No bright gold speaking of great deeds, no burning red that spoke of a mortal with passions bright and fiery.

He was a mortal with unique shades and collages, who felt and lived and was painted by the world and how he saw it. Each time she saw his soul, her breath left her as she saw every flaw and virtue; his easy generosity that was guarded by a jealous pride, his relaxed nature hiding the dark mask of humanity who were once barbaric creatures with depths far worse than those the mortals now called monsters.

It was Corvac who moved first, his nature pushing him forward, and in doing so, he tasted that fruit he'd thought forbidden.

Their lips connected softly at first, eyes closing as they immersed themselves into an experiment of the flesh. It was a trial run, both seeking something more than just the mere connection and intimacy of pleasure that came with the sinful flesh of mortals. Corvac's earrings sparked and tingled, and without knowing his hands started to trace and mold, his lips and tongue guided and a subconscious voice led him towards the next step. His hands molded the sculpted flesh of his goddess, his fingers and palms digging greedily into tense muscle and sensuous flesh. His lips opened and tongues met and danced, they separated for a moment in a quick gasp of shared breath, before continuing their dance as the goddess melded her body against his own.

Groins met and grinded against one another, Corvac moaning into Morrigan's mouth as he felt her southern lips softly grip at the center of his shaft, inviting and teasing. His moan had the goddess grinning back as she pushed him back into the spring's wall and started to dominate the interaction.

Corvac leaned back and easily let her take the lead, pride taking the back seat as he wanted to see what new natures he'd discover of his goddess.

Morrigan devoured his mouth hungrily, her teeth biting at his lips ending with a giggle before she went back and continued to spar with tonsils. Her hands traced his chest, developed and toned, although no warrior's build. Morrigan was in heaven known as the 'Triplet Goddess', consisting of the maiden, Macha, the mother, Anu, and the crone, Babd. When the goddesses descended, they formed The Morrigan, a being that eventually took on the singular name of Morrigan. With the nature of divines in the mortal world never being capable of reproduction, the aspect of Anu didn't seek physical connection, the maiden was well; a maiden, and the Crone was far past her desire for a bedmate.

Morrigan, for all her walk, for all her appearance, for all her talk, was a virgin.

One that had her switch flipped and motors running with the possibility of children.

Yet as her hand reached down to grab the object of her desire, another hand stopped her and the battle of tongue paused. Gray and blue met, one full of desire and lust, the other a soft temperance.

Corvac kissed her jaw, tracing down to her ear to where he bit and nipped, drawing contented mewls. He then pulled back, "Morrigan. Do we want to continue?" He asked, the phrasing of that sentence accurate.

Corvac was a young man, before transmigration, the age of twenty two. This body was well-developed and in the sixteen-seventeen range. He was at the prime of his life, and his mind was currently split between; 'Breed!' and 'Pull out man!' That and the fact that he'd only really known this woman in his arms for four days. He felt things were going fast, too fast in fact.

Looked upon from the outside, he'd effectively gotten adopted via the Falna, then they bought a house together, and their first 'date' Morrigan was looking like she was ready to seal the deal and get hitched.

Morrigan didn't stop her affections even when the question was asked, just kissing along his neck. "You asked…if I expected you to die for me." She whispered into his ear, a finger drawing along his jaw. "I told you what I had was unique. Special. It hurt more when they left because of that." She pulled his jaw and stared deeply into his eyes, "What we can have makes what I did have infant small in comparison. Is it so wrong for me to want that? To claim what I so desire?"

Corvac's breath hitched as his own words were tossed back into his face. "It'd hurt all the more if what you can have never comes true." He stroked the fires of doubt, logic telling him that they needed more time. More experience with one another before jumping into the deep end. This is the kind of stuff that had kids father or motherless, the kind of stuff that had abusive relationships sprawl into a dozen horror stories in every public school across America.

Morrigan laughed, "Your doubt amuses me. Yet, it only makes me want you more. Such a thoughtful mind you have, harsh words meant to protect…hmm it makes my loins tingle."

Corvac chuckled, "Masochist." He muttered as she drew a circle on his chest.

"Black Magics would have me believe you to be a Sadist." Morrigan countered.

"What a match we will make then." He said as his arms closed around her, his fingers lightly pinching her ass.

She yipped, glaring down at him as he grinned up with mischievous glee. He leaned forward and nipped at her neck, drawing a moan as he suckled on pale flesh, before drawing in her ear lobe with his lips and biting softly on the flesh. He let go and whispered into her ear. "My fingers are getting wrinkled. Let's continue this back… home."

She caught his inflection at the word and grinned, "Breaking in the beds, hmm?" She hummed, kissing his nose and rose from the water. She deftly exited the pool, Corvac's eyes following her form, no longer bashful and only savoring the sight. He sighed and got out as well, eager to start the night.