


Power..... this one word has defined us humans into greedy little bastards, we define it and most time we let it define us from history and rumors of wars, we became one of the apex predators on earth. Some "morally sound" humans have tried adopting the quote; "with great power comes with great responsibility" yeah…. A lot of them did not last very long, humans are selfish rats, betrayers, power–mongers; they will do anything in their power to be the best at anything and everything...…. well …. Not everyone though, some wants everything to themselves but the people that do that just makes everyone else lives more fucking miserable. It is what it is, because these mouth breathers either do it in secret or right in front of us. But what can you and I do? …....just your damn best and sometimes absolutely nothing.

In the outskirts of a rural town in Wyoming, resides a heart-aching child; he cries and cries but no one is listening absolutely no one, he is kneeling on scorching sand wallowing in regret and sorrow, the world doesn't fucking care for the weak, because the weak can't do shit to change the world and the ones that can are just smearing bullshit all over this pitiful planet. But maybe, just maybe this boy can change that, maybe there is an opportunity for him to earn the power to change.

The boy begins to question his reality, Is anything worth it? We die anyway, what is the point of living? I get that reality is unfair but.... Isn't it a bit too much to take both parents 6 feet under? Like what did I do to deserve this? is my luck so low that I have to grovel my face on the damn dirt just to see it on an eye level. It seems that the mothers of the seen have forsaken my family, why take away my people, I even have a name similar to you, what the hell did I do to you? You should have taken me not them!! Is it because of my intellect? Is it? Tell me you heathen!!! Tell me!! No one answered him, even

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the wind didn't blow in his direction, for he seems he is such a pitiful, forsaken child in an unfair world.


It is hot, really fuckin hot actually, but I kept my kneeling on the hard dirt floor for hours; the dirt slowly pierced my soft yet roughened skin, but it didn't bother me in the slightest though. I just stared in the far distance at a simple-looking cave.

"I guess they are gone huh… they didn't even say goodbye..."

There was an ache that couldn't be described... was it anger? Sadness? Hatred? no no no…. something more of "shocked" or maybe confused is more appropriate here. I get that people die everyday you know, losing people is just part of life, but when it happens to you, it just feels more... sad.

"It is just me and 4 year old Synera now, damn..."

I kept my hand in prayer hands and said a simple prayer to mourn my parents. I thought would be more sad of the fact that they are gone... but I guess because they were never really home that much, my heart was not to sad.... Aunt Martha is more of parent than them to be honest