
A White Wolf's Place

Janna Watson is a werewolf, but not just any wolf. She is the daughter of Derrick Watson, the Beta of the Swift Claw Pack. But upon turning 16, she never shifted. Avoided because of her strange appearance, she celebrates graduation with her one close friend by attending the pack's future Alpha's party. But Bethany, his long time girlfriend, has other plans and starts a fight. Once she meets her mate, will she still want to follow her passions to study Art in Paris? Will her mate even be in the pack? She sure hopes not. Will update twice a week, days coming soon!

KatieFilth · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

My White Wolf Manifests

I felt the pain from where Bethany's claws dug in and tore my flesh, but for some reason, it just fueled a rage that had been growing within me lately, and my flesh began to burn. Suddenly a loud snap sounded out and I could do nothing to stop myself as I fell to the ground. I looked up to see her, frozen, poised as if she was going to swing once more, her face pale.

"Janna! What the hell get off me!" I heard Dani get away from the minions and run to fall on her knees by me as more burning and popping started to make it hard to focus on anything but the waves of pain. "You're shifting Janna, It's gonna be okay I'm here!"

It sure doesn't feel like it, but we were warned about it for years before we turned 16, nothing they did, even having two extra years of waiting could have prepared me for this. Every bone, breaking. Remolding. Setting. My Flesh and organs burned as they moved and stretched around to fit the bones.

Dani was still talking, Mandy panicked and yelled for help, so people began flooding out to the backyard to watch the show. It didn't really matter all I felt was burning pain for what felt like hours, but eventually, it did start to fade, and I became more aware of what was going on around me.

People were gasping, Brandon, the future Alpha stood by Bethany now and stared down at me with his mouth agape. Dani cheered and clapped her hands together when she saw I was finally able to focus on her.

Then the pain stopped, and I turned to look at everyone's stunned faces, before looking at my friend. It took me a couple of tries to get my balance in my new form, walking with four paws was different than two. Looking at my paws I noticed they were black, my father's wolf had black paws! But my eyes widened as they traveled up to find snow-white fur.

I once more look around me, and my eyes meet with Brandon's light brown ones. My heart begins to beat faster against my rib cage, and I gulped as his mouth fell open.

MINE. Brandon Pierce, the future Alpha of the Swift Claw pack, is my mate.

I finally shift and find my mate, and it's him?!

I shake my wolf head side to side to clear it as the future Alpha lets out a growl and yells out the word, typical of primally urged Alphas. That's not what I wanted, It was to leave the pack, and now I'm mated to the future Alpha, the current boyfriend of the bitch who made my life hell the most?

Goddess why? I need to talk to my dad!

I took a few uneasy steps, preparing to take off into the woods behind the packhouse when the crowd started gasping and looking around frantically.

"What did you just say? To her? Are you crazy!?" Bethany screeched at Brandon.

"Where did she go!?" Someone shouted.

"What the hell?" Another called.

"Janna?" Dani weakly squeaked out.

I was still where I was, and they couldn't see me. Brandon's face had scrunched up with confusion as he looked around and sniffed the air, trying to follow my scent. It was good, but I took the opportunity to run away, through the forest in the direction of my house, eventually finding my way to my backyard, I checked for Dad's old truck and knew he was home.

I stalked around to the living room window and stood on my hind legs, placing my front paws on the ledge, I booped the glass with my nose. I took a few small thuds before Derrick took notice of me, but his mouth dropped open as he took in my form from the window.

He dropped his coffee mug on the table as he ran to the back door, and I jumped to the porch to meet him. When he got outside he fully took me in and let out a cheer before suddenly becoming skeptical.

"Janna? Sweetie?" He questioned, and I nodded my head. "You're fur is so white and beautiful! It took two more years but look at how gorgeous your wolf is!"

I hopped around in my wolf form, giving him a show, emphasizing that my paws were black like his, which made him beam back at me proudly. It wasn't until I tried to enter the house as a wolf that Dad remembered I needed clothes, as I'd be naked when I shift back.

"Shoot, one minute, I'll go grab a blanket and something for you to wear!" My battle-hardened Beta father ran off to dote on his daughter and I looked up at the moon, letting out a howl.

Dad returned and placed some clothes on the ground beside me before throwing a blanket around my body, and petting my head.

"Come in soon." He almost skipped into the house.

I thought of my human self, and soon my bones began to pop, this time it was fast, and hurt a lot less it actually seemed like it would be easy to get used to shifting. I heard some young wolves struggle with the pain of shifting more, or longer than others. I pulled the sweatpants and sweater onto my body and took a deep breath.

With what happened tonight, and the other day, I had to face Dad and finally get some answers about mom, I needed to know who she was, or what she was. These weird things happening around me didn't seem natural, they were things I wanted, or tried to will to happen.

I gathered my courage and put a serious face on, walked up the porch and into the house, plopping down on the couch beside my father. He smiled at me but raised an eyebrow when taking in my serious expression.

"Dad, we need to talk." I fiddled with my nails but looked him dead in the eye.

"About what Janna?" He asked, guardedly.

"I need to know about mom now, I need the truth of who she was." I watched him closely, a lot was riding on his next words. His face scrunched up, and he thought for a bit before responding.

"What does it matter, you've shifted, late, but you are still a wolf!" He smiled and took my hand.

"Still a wolf... what do you mean by that?" I questioned him, raising a brow.