
A while away: two sides to a coin

A While Away: Two Sides to a Coin shows the story of three merging with the three, Yemi, Yomi, Kunle, Ayooni, Anike and Asake, six people who tell the story of the dead and find themselves in a fix when they stumbled upon a corpse from the 18th century that hasn't decayed, The King of Utaka and a portal to a mirror world from theirs. Stuck in an unknown yet familiar world. they must find the truth as to why the corpse had a bitter memory and unravel the mystery of the land that was plagued before they can go back to their world. But with love, envy, jealousy, greed, and murder circling them, will they give in to what they are subjected to or will they scale through their ordeal and fight for what is right? thank you.

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35 Chs

Chapter Nineteen

Ari and Aiden felt power surge through them while playing a game of draught in Ari's chamber. Ari was playing Flying King with his piece on the board when he got hit by revelations.

What was that about, Aiden wondered. I have no idea, but if Ayu and Wura are present in it, then it is explainable. Let's wait for them to come to us then.

Prince Ayu requested an audience they heard a maid call out, they are here. Ayu and Wura walked through the double doors. Ari's room is located at the back of the palace. Due to his likeness to nature and quiet, the room was built around a lush more like a cottage compared to other rooms.

He created a haven using different herbs and flowers, his library was full of books on mon spells and ancient Alchemy. Your room looks like a forest Brother Ayu said from the door. It's not bad, I have seen worse Ari said wriggling his eyebrow. Yes, Aiden's room is more eccentric than yours, I wonder how he lives there himself.

Stop it you two, Wura butted in. My Aiden is the one with the good eye. Thank you, sister, Aiden held her hand. Don't fondle my woman, Ayu furrowed. Oh! I wouldn't dare. What brings you here brother Ari asked. We came to talk to you about what you saw today and why, Ayu answered. So there is a reason, Ari asked, yes there is.

Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and slowly a year went by since the vision and their training with The Teacher. Wura's replica has not shown herself since then.

There will be celebrations today Ayu said to his group. They sat round a table at their teacher's den practising. Yes bonfire, Annie replied patting him. It is time the choose. Annie and Tonia will have a chance at love today hopefully. I don't think that is meant for me, Tonia grunted. I can't imagine myself having to obey someone who wants me to sit in a corner like a doll and play dress for fun.

Or have a mother whose eyes size up my waist for birthing. No sister, you have to know how to read poems for your husband and dress elegantly. Do not sit like that, or smile like that. Your hair is messy. Do this and not that, look this way, the teapot stays in the middle, not at the side, Annie added with a smile. The rules are never-ending.

I remember we attended Mr Casterly's wedding ceremony, his fourth wedding if you asked. My neck was stiff and my mouth numb from all the turnings. I felt like a doll. And Wura breezed through them like a feline. She does what is convenient for her and no one dares speak to her rudely.

Don't mock me, Tonia, Wura pouted. I fought with the charming Lady Helen and got scolded for behaving vulgarly. Really! Ayu asked. What happened, I have never seen her behave vulgarly. Dearest brother-in-law your woman here is a fierce lion when she's angry.

Lady Helen had it coming, we sat quietly at the end of the banquet watching people when she walked up to us. She called me out saying I was a whore, who finds every opportunity to seduce any man in my way. wasn't angry because I understood her pain, she had her eye on George the herd. George is my friend and a flirt but for some reason, he took a liking to quiet Penny which I approved. I think George turned her down when she proposed then she assumed I was the reason.

When she saw that her insults did nothing to me, she started picking on Tonia saying she was a sass and a whore like me. Tonia being Tonia told her the reason she couldn't have a man of her own was because she was too sensible that a broken basket couldn't even have its fill of her. She was happy at the remark but found out it was a jab, she could have let it go but she had to lay her hands on my sister Annie, she slapped Annie and I broke her hand in return.

What! Ari exclaimed, you mean you were the reason she had the bandage on for two weeks? Yes, I was. Aiden stared at Ayu's hand in pity, Tonia your insult was like a stab to the heart. I mean a basket is one thing a broken one cuts it all. Who does that, he feigned a horror-stricken face.

Ayu inspected his hand and turned to her, I will do well to remember that. Please do, Annie said to him.