
A Warrior Exiled by the Hero and His Lover

After losing his girlfriend to a brave hero, Toru is expelled from his S-Rank party. With a feeling of sadness and pain in his heart, he defeats a demon he meets outside the city, and his ability [to save experience] is broken! Toru becomes level 300 in the blink of an eye! With this power that far surpasses that of heroes, there is nothing that can stop him. Kaede, a slave he met on his journey, forms a group called the “Mangyu Brigade”, and easily completes dungeons, acquires the legendary sacred weapons, and thanks to his skills, his friends level up easily! He rescued a countess who was attacked by bandits on the road and befriended a legendary beast. Oru’s journey continues at a leisurely pace, as he repeatedly encounters various people along the way, while his former party of heroes is deprived of opportunities to play an active role and fall into decline. Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Seinen, Tragedy The storry does not belong to me . i am posting it here so that i can read it on this app . the story belong to the orrginal auther and translator .

tutul_hasan · Komik
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180 Chs

Chapter 5 -6

Chapter 5 - The Warrior Who Washed Slaves

I have checked my stats again.

Let's hope nothing weird is happening again.

LVL: 300

Name: Toru Eiban

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Job: Warrior


Damage Reduction: LVL 50

Body Enhancement: LVL 50

Experience Savings: fixed

Magic Savings: Under repair

Skills experience: Restoring

Job Savings: LVL 49

Skill Savings: LVL 48

UP skill effect: LVL 50

Magic Balance: LvL 50

Wait, what is this?

The skill levels have gone up by leaps and bounds.

They usually stop when they reach Level 10

I am not sure if this means that the limit has been broken or not.

Does this mean that the level limit has actually been broken?

I'm breaking out in a cold sweat.

There are still two weaker saving skills.

I wonder what will happen when they are evolved.

Will I reach a point where I no longer have control over my powers?

"You look pale, are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah, no problem. I was just thinking."

For now, I'll just focus on Kaede.

That reminds me, I still need to buy some scissors.

"Is there anything else you want?"

"Uhm, no, nothing."

"Are you sure? You can tell me."

"I'd like some soap."

"I'll buy you as many as you want."

I'm sure she'll be happy to know that the inn has a hot water bath.

While we're at it, I'll take care of bathing Kaede.

On the way back, I bought the scissors and soap.

Our room is equipped with a bathroom.

We took the best room for both of us, so it seems to have everything you need to be comfortable.

Then there was the matter of Kaede who didn't want to take her clothes off.

"Um, are you sure you want to go in together?"

"Sure, you don't have to worry, I'm not the type to be attracted to a child's body."

"Ugh… Child?"

"Why do you look like you're about to cry?"

She bit her lower lip and held back her tears.

I don't know what to say. I have no idea how to handle women.

I wonder if I said something strange.

As I tilted my head down, I quickly took off my clothes


This time she covered her eyes with both hands and her face turned red.

However, she kept looking at me between her fingers.

Hmm, is she at a delicate age?

She reluctantly turned around and began to take off her clothes then entered the bathroom, carefully covering her body with a towel.

I said, "Sit down here. I'll wash your head first."

"I can't let you do that, Master."

"Just sit down. This is an order."


She sat with her back to me.

Her back was white and shiny.

Hmm, I said that I would not be a lustful person with Kaede since she is a child, but even so, I could not help but be surprised.

After all, Kaede is still a woman.

I started washing her hair with soap, her dull hair began to regain its shine once all the dirt was removed.

Once I was done with her hair, I started washing her back.

Suddenly, my eyes went to her waist.

You can see something like a ball of white hair growing there.

Is this the tail? It looks like a rabbit, but it feels different.

"What race do you belong to, Kaede?"

"I am… A fox."

Foxes. I have never seen one, but I know they exist.

I think I've heard that fox tribes usually have golden hair.



It seems that I was unknowingly washing the area around her breasts.

I quickly gave her a towel.

"It's okay, I don't mind. If that's what you want, Master."

"Does that mean I can wash your whole body?"

"Yes, my body belongs to my Master."

Her eyes were wet.

She knew that this would happen, that a slave would give herself in many ways to her master.

She must have been prepared to face this possibility from the moment she was bought.

"I see… I'll think about it when you're older."


She placed her hands on her face as she wept.

She must be relieved that I will not do anything to her.

There are two kinds of wolves in this world: those who cannot be reasoned with and those who can.

I live my life thinking that I am the latter one.

I washed up and got out of the shower.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"


Kaede sat in her chair and became nervous.

She was going to get a haircut.

Her hair, once washed, was very soft and shiny.

She said she would cut her bangs herself, so I would take care of the back.

Her hair was so long that it went all the way down to her waist. I cut it so that it would be a little higher.

She said she wanted it that way, so I think I complied with her request.

Personally, I think it's okay to cut it a little longer, but she prefers long hair, so I'm not going to argue with her.

Well, Kaede is pretty, so I think she looks good with either long or short hair.

Kaede grabbed the scissors and cut her bangs at the bottom of her eyebrows.

A pair of big golden eyes appeared

"I had no idea you were such a beautiful girl."

"I think I'll lose control."

As she tried to cut her hair at the sides, her hands kept shaking, while his face was very red.

I don't think it's good to praise her at this point.

Once she finished cutting her hair, my eyes could not believe what I was seeing. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

She is like a white jewel, delicate and fragile.

She's a beauty that will definitely make everyone look at her.

"Hmm? It looks like there are still some uncut parts left."

"Those are my ears."

There were two lumps on the top of her head.

When I touched them, they moved.

Then my doubts increased.

Why does she have ears like a beast, but also human ears?

It was about time I got some answers.

"I do not know the exact reason, but according to one theory, the god who created the Beastkin tribe loved the ears of animals very much. On the other hand, he is said to have thought that human ears were too valuable to be taken away as well".

"So, those are God's fetishes?"

"It seems so."

I don't know what to think…

I mean, the rabbit tribe and the cat tribe are cute.

But God's pretty snobby, isn't he?

After cutting her hair, Kaede, exhausted, went to bed.

She's still not fully recovered.

I'm sorry I pushed you so hard today.

"Master, I had a lot of fun today."

"That's good. We will have more fun tomorrow."

"Yes, Master. I will be with you every step of the way."

I gave her some medicine, and helped her get to sleep.

She fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyelids.

I think we've come a long way just today.

At this rate, we will be good companions for adventure.

I sit in my chair and pull out my sword.

"I'm going to have to sharpen you again, I've been putting a lot of pressure on you."

An unpleasant sound appeared.

But the source of the sound was not me, it was the sword.

Piki Piki Piki Gaooon

A crack appeared in the middle of the blade of the sword, and it broke, falling to the ground.

Suddenly my eyes widened.

"No… My beloved sword…"

I knew I had taken it too far.

With this sword, I have killed many enemies, including dragons.

I think these are the consequences of going too far.

I carefully put it on the table and bent my head.

I loved that thing. I can't believe it broke.

I'm going to have to find a new sword soon.

"Could it be that it couldn't stand my current strength?"

It is possible. It's hard to believe that a steel sword can withstand the power of a 300 level warrior.

In fact, it's a miracle that it didn't break right after the dragon was defeated.

I need to get a more decent weapon.

A better weapon that can withstand my current strength.




Chapter 6 - Sacred sword drawn by a warrior

The next day, I returned to the inn and took a deep breath.

"What happened?"

"The old man in the store got angry with me and charged me extra for the repairs."

"What did you…?"

"I broke the sword."

I went to the armory for a new sword, and I took what I thought was the strongest sword in the tent and hit it as hard as I could.

To be honest. I was still underestimating my strength.

Suddenly the wind whipped up the tent and all the weapons were scattered.

The big sword I was holding broke in half and was nailed to the wall.

The angry old man demanded that I pay for the repairs to the tent as well as the sword, and I had no choice but to do so.

Now that I think about it, I was a terrible swordsman.

I was so bad that the bodyguards had to protect me at all times.

And now, with this great power, I will not be able to function as I wish to with ordinary weapons.

After sitting on the bed, Kaede considered something for a while and then spoke.

"I have the perfect weapon for you, master."

"Really? Where is it?

"In the Temple of the Sacred Weapon."

"And that is located in…?"

Kaede nodded silently as she placed her hand on her chin.

I don't know what she's thinking, but the sacred weapon is a special empowered device used by heroes and the hero's companions.

It's unheard of for a simple adventurer like me to have one.

I'm not sure what to do with it, but I'm sure it's worth a shot.

After all, I don't think it's a bad idea.

"I am sure that Master will succeed."

"I doubt it."

We left the inn and decided to head for the temple.

It's been half a day since we left the border town of Livio.

We arrived at the temple where it is said that the sacred weapon is kept.

"It is huge."

"It is a temple that is said to have been built by the gods."

A huge structure of pure white color towered before us.

The divine atmosphere it emanates makes me want to worship it.

The doors of the temple are very well closed, and there is no human figure anywhere.

There are two tests to obtain the sacred weapon, the first is to open the closed door, the second is to take the weapon out of the pedestal.

"You must first open the door."

"But how can you have such knowledge? Even I do not know that much about it."

"Well, I knew someone who knew about these things."

"I see…"


I would like to offer all my gratitude to the person who gave such knowledge to my slave. Without it, I do not know what I would have done.

It is thanks to them that I can challenge this place.

I went over and knocked on the door to open it.


A mysterious sound resounded, and a wave of light spread throughout the place.


The door begins to open silently.

"Yes! It's open!"

"Congratulations! After all, you are my Master!"

Inside, it is dimly lit and there is only one passage that leads to the back.

Fwoosh, fwoosh, fwoosh.

The torches that were placed in the corridor began to light up one after another in a row, reaching the depths of the temple.

It's as if someone called out to us saying "come on"

We entered the place, walking along the long and extensive passage.

At the end of the corridor, there was a large room containing a pedestal with a sword stuck in it.

"So this is the sacred weapon. But it is a one-handed sword.

"It is said that sacred weapons change in size and shape to suit their owners. I am sure that the Teacher will turn it into a great sword."

"Oh, I suppose that's all right."

The beautifully decorated sword seemed to shine brightly.

The light shines through the stained glass windows at the top of the room, and the whole room seems to be filled with a pure air.

Okay, it's time for you to get out of there.

I grab the handle with all my might.


The sword was surrounded by a dazzling glow.

Scared, I fell off the pedestal and hit myself hard on the back of the head.

It was a bit…



Something was being held in my right hand.

It was rather obvious what it was.

I pulled it out! I pulled out the sacred sword!

The sword in my hand is wrapped in golden light and changes its size and shape.

It was a great sword, more than a meter long.

A few seconds later, the sheath appears out of thin air and covers the blade.

This is very good. It's important to have a good idea of what you're doing.

Thank you for that, I was worried about whether I should take it out in the open.

In any case, I now have a weapon that I can handle properly.

"Congratulations, Master!"

"No, thank you, Kaede. If you hadn't told me about this place, I'd be lost."

"No, no! I'm sure the master would have come here on his own! He is the chosen one who is meant for the sacred weapon!"

"That's too much praise."

"Now I can go on an adventure with you, Master!

"I'm glad you're willing, but how's your condition?"

"I have already recovered to the point of being almost totally healthy. I think it's about seventy percent. I even think I can fight now."

"Hmm, by the way, do you have any combat experience, Kaede?"

"I'm not as good as an adventurer, but I have the skills to protect myself."

I think I'll be able to debut as an adventurer sooner than I expected.

When I get to the next town, I think I'll sign up for a guild and start a party.

Hm… I think I'm forgetting something.

Surely it's not important, now that I have my sacred weapon.

We got into a carriage, and traveled through the mountains and forests.

The next town is Luntatta, which is further down the road.

Luntatta is a town known for its many adventurers.

There are also taverns and brothels.

The adventurers are bloodthirsty and spend a lot of money. So naturally, wherever the adventurers gather, the liquor and women are also present.

As soon as we entered the city, Kaede was frightened.

She was surprised to see a drunk man lying in the street.

"This place reeks of alcohol."

"That's right, this place is full of alcohol. But there is no shortage of good drinks and entertainment.

"That's what you have me for, Master! You don't need to go to those places!"

"What do you mean by that?"


For some reason, her face turned red and she was looking down.

Of course I knew what she was saying.

It's fun to tease Kaede.

But I'm not in the mood for that, so I won't go to those places.

I still can't get over what happened with Lisa.

In a way, it's great to be single again, since I don't have to worry about going to those places.

Okay, but first I'm going to the guild to register.

I made my way through the guild, which was full of tough guys, all their party, and I went to the reception where a beautiful woman was working.

"How can I help you?"

"I want a registration application for this girl."

"That will be 10,000."

The registration fee is as high as ever.

Guilds always despise their adventurers from the beginning, don't they?

The receptionist gave us a document to enter your personal information.

"Kaede, can you read?"

"Yes, no problem."

She took the pen and started writing quickly.

She is a very beautiful girl when you look at her from behind.

I thought she was polite up to this point, but she's surprised me alot in every way. She looks so different from when I first met her, with those worn-out, dirty clothes.

"Well, this will do, please wait."

After receiving the document, the receptionist got up from her seat and returned a few minutes later with the card.

It is a common adventurer's card.

It is made of metal and has your information written on the front.

It can also be used as an identification card, and is always needed in cities with restricted access.

By the way, the ranks of the adventurers are D, C, B, A, and S in ascending order.

It is said that the SS rank exists, but I think it is just a rumor and it is not real?

My personal rank is B.

I used to be treated similarly to an S because my party was an S rank, but since I was kicked out, I am treated as a B rank.

As I lost myself in thought, Kaede continued to have some sort of conversation with a staff member.

When I bent down and saw her again, she had a twinkle in her eye for some reason.

"I hear there's a dungeon in this town!"

"Oh, that's right, this is a city that is surrounded by them."

"We could go together! I'll be a big help!"

"I am looking forward to it."

I then caress Kaede's head.

She looked happy with her rose-tinted cheeks.

Since tomorrow is her debut as an adventurer, she will no longer be just a slave.

I also have to give it my best.

And at that moment, I didn't even imagine what would happen next.